
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

I loved his class. He is very engaging and does everything he can to help you understand math rather than teach it by rote memorization. I was disappointed in the students (mostly Freshmen) who felt he was "trying to hard." It's tough to find a professor that can make you feel at home about the subject in a packed 800 person capacity lecture hall.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

There's little correlation between lectures, homework assigned, and tests. It's a good and entertaining class, but be prepared to seek outside help. What he does go over in lectures sticks with you. He's a good teacher but a lot of the material on the tests is not explained in lecture.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He's a pretty funny guy and he tries so hard to get everyone to pass the class. He makes it really clear what we need to know and what we don't. I think he does pretty well considering it's an 800 person lecture.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Cooper is a good teacher who does a good job of explaining things. The class is pretty really easy if you took calculus in high school. He assigns homework every time class meets which is useful for review. You should do the homework and put in a bit of study for exams and you should be fine in the class. I liked it.

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MATHA . 14 Years Ago

Good jokes :)

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Favorite teacher. Very considerate of students even with 800 of them, does what is in the best interest of the student. Wants you to pass.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

This math teacher was by far my favorite! Math 34A became my favorite class! Can't wait for 34B. :) The jokes told in class help me re-focus and awaken. Not a boring class whatsoever!!! The homework is simple and the tests are straight forward. I loved this class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Really good teacher that helped improve problem solving strategies and understanding of logs and limits.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Hes a very nice professor who wants his student to do well. Its a fairly easy class if you take the time to get help outside class and study. I hated the book though. Curves the final alot.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He is very funny, and tells a joke every lecture. It is easy to like him, and he wants us to get good grades. Go Daryl!!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Great professor that knows how to lighten up the mood. Always saying jokes. It helps to read the book and get outside help like CLAS if math isnt your strong part. He is a fast at teaching but is really great teacher that makes you want to attend class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

super nice & funny. :)

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MATH34 . 14 Years Ago

Daryl is a really entertaining guy, good sense of humor and friendly... The class is easy considering that it is mostly algebra and basic calculus. If you've taken calc in high school, you'll definitely get an A and even if you haven't taken calc, the class will still be easy. The only bad thing is mandatory attendance

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

I really did enjoy this class it wasn't hard although i didn't do well, but many people ask the concept of the class and he gives a great description of what it will be used for. He keeps the class funny with his amusing jokes. very good professor i enjoyed the class very much! :)

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

If you have taken calculus before, this class is fairly easy. A couple of tricks on the midterms but there is a huge curve and practice tests in the textbook (which he wrote)Take CLAS to do really well in this class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Normally I hate math, but this ended up being my favorite class. Not a hard class if you do the homework and pay attention, which is easy because Cooper is so engaging. Half of my notes are hilarious quotes from him. New favorite teacher.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Very good teacher! He explains himself well and tells funny jokes. Even though I hate math he made it fun and more interesting and I think I did well in it.

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MATHA . 14 Years Ago

Great Professor who actually teaches and helps students understand the material and the concept of math, not just solving the problem. Take the class, study, and read the textbook and you will be fine. CLAS might be an option if math is your weakpoint

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

One problem with the class is its a giant lecture but attendance is mandatory because he uses i clickers for grades. The materials actual pretty easy, but you have somewhat of a lot of homework that you have to do for a grade. Also, most stuff in class is rather unclear, but if you go into a walk in CLAS before each midterm, you can have pretty muc

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

This class can be easy if you keep up with the homework and understand the concepts. The only reason I went to lecture is because of the i<clickers. There are multiple midterms and a final at the end. His lectures do not help much, but he can be entertaining. CLAS is the best thing you can do to help yourself get a good grade.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Awesome teacher, excellent test preparation, class isn't difficult. Take the class with this professor you won't be disaappointed and you'll probably get a good grade.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Great Professor, the class is easy with a little bit of effort. Lectures are useful because he gives example problems like the ones on the midterms. Homework 3x a week, 3 midterms and a final.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He is very fair with his grading and gives a generous curve. Funny guy, makes lectures not so dull by adding jokes and always has music playing at the beginning of class. The class itself has LOTS of homework, and word problems so I wouldn't recommend taking this if you aren't ready to deal with that. CLAS group and attendance is a must.

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MATHA . 14 Years Ago

Cooper was definitely an interesting professor...he kept class interesting by telling jokes each class...hes quite the funny guy! His grading system is extremely is very recommended to do the hw and the practice tests are very helpful.

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