
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

Got very bored.Have to go to class because one pop quiz a week, you end up showing up dropping off homework and then heading out if you dont think there is a quiz and out of spite he waits till half way through class to give it. Section is useless and homework did nothing for me. study on your own

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

At first I was a little irritated because he threw out one of the exams! But he does know how to teach calulus, I basically suck at math and I understood everything. The exams are similar to the practice exams, which helps a lot, because you know what he wants you to know. I'd recommend taking him

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MATH . 19 Years Ago

he's just terrible, total nightmare!! avoid him at all cost.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

I'm not a math person and I enjoyed this class. However, the final counts for the majority of your grade and can pretty much screw up your grade. Go to lectures for pop quizes and sign up for CLAS it helps soo much! Alot of work but he makes it interesting

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

The grade you receive on the final basically determines your grade in the class, which is extremely annoying because you spend so much time doing so much required homework that doesn't even help your grade. It's an annoying class. Section is useless, but required because there's a quiz every time.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

defenitely one of the best math profs to take. most of the people are in the class, because they have to take math. don't worry, I did ok, although I'm not a math genuis. The exams were fair and similar to the practise ones. The final was tricky. And not a big curve on the class either

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

Cooper is all right, definitely go to all classes and sections, and if you're not a math person, sign up for CLAS. you will get a lot out of this class if you can pay attn and apply yourself! HEY, he speaks ENGLISH! YESSSSSSS! finally....

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

He's a great teacher, but there is a ton of homework. If you dont mind working and coming to class, then this is the right class for you.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

he goes slow with everything even if its painfully easy which can be boring but it helps in the long run.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

It would have been a very hard class, but if you take C-L-A-S and do the practice midterms in the book you will do just fine. Explains everything clearly, TA's aren't that good, but the CLAS TA's help a lot. Homework every class but not too bad at all.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

I never took calculus in high school and i learned a lot in coopers class. theres a decent amoutn of hw, but it isnt a crazy amount. his tests are really fair and it helps that there are like 3 practice ones with the answers in the book. I loved his class excellent teacher!

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

Absurd amount of homework - due every single class. Homework is only 5% of the grade, but if you don't do it, you'll fail. Tests are easy if you practice, but having three midterms is a pain. Very strange man. I would recommend a different professor.

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

He gives a ton of homework and his jokes are horrible and he gives pop quizzes like crazy so you have to show up to class but the only thing that he is consistent with is the structure of the midterms to the practice exams.

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34A . 19 Years Ago

this guy is an awesome teacher tests are very straight forward.. lots of homework .. but easy pop quizes every class, quizes in every section but i think the work is worth it bc it only benefits you on the mid terms he give 3 midterms and a final which can only benefit you! i really like this class

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

He is very arrogant and egotistical. The class itself isn't very hard if you practice, but he is not helpful at all, he thinks he is God's gift to math, but he doesn't know what he's talking about half the time, he makes mistakes on problems, and is dismissive if you question him. Take another prof

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MATH34A . 19 Years Ago

He is boring. His homeworks are a waste of time and the book that he wrote is horrific. If you get the chance do not take the class with him

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MATH221 . 20 Years Ago

Not bad lectures but often wordy and superficient. Bad organization:bad TA,website,no office hour,no independent work.Capricious and egocentric personality. Taking in account low grade - waste of time.

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MATH . 20 Years Ago

Great Math instructor!! easy to follow and fair exams!! funny too!

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MATH137B . 20 Years Ago

So far he gives mega homework assignments. His lectures are fun and interestiing which makes me eager to learn. as far as tests we have yet to take one, so when we do i will sure be back here to re-evaluate him. :)

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MATH137A . 20 Years Ago

Not a bad teacher. Tests aren't that bad either. Sometimes can unecessarily over explain things but not a bad choice for a professor.

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MATH117 . 20 Years Ago

Very funny - he's very helpful in class and during office hours. Grades pretty fairly and his tests are VERY SIMILAR to his practice exams

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137A . 20 Years Ago

Awesome teacher, will dumb down his explainations if necessary.

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MATH3C . 21 Years Ago

Awesome and funny teacher. Lots of homework, but easy tests.

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MATH34A . 21 Years Ago

pretty cool brit guy! very funny, entertaining class makes you want to learn about it.

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