
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

This was by far the best math class I have ever taken, and mostly because of the way Mr. Cooper taught it. He made it fun, and I actually wanted to attend class everyday. I am looking forward to taking math34B Next quarter.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

likes to tell jokes

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Daryl is awesome! I enjoyed his class. He always made it entertaining. The class wasn't too difficult. He gives good notes during the lectures. He wrote the textbook so you can see exactly what he expects. The first half of the class is review and it completely helps the transition into calculus. I like calculus because he made it easy to understan

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Makes a lot of jokes...some i didnt understand but still laughed because he keeps trying. Class is pretty chill, not to much homework. Final was not too bad! Plus if you pass the final with an A you get an A in the class no matter what you got in past midterms or quizzes

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago


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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

good teacher! super funny!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Daryl's jokes are too long, but a nice relief from calc. Overall a fine teacher and an easy class

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

His British accent is sexy.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L is one of the best prof. you can have at ucsb, I really enjoyed his class this quater Pass, or No pass! I enjoyed it :) and all his jokes You cant help, but to laugh at! ConcVae Up Pass The Cup :)

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He is really funny, and British. nuff said

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AA . 14 Years Ago

tries to keep the class funny with jokes. explains the hardest homework problems. relatively easy class. can come late to class, with the iclicker questions at the end of class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

very funny, nice, and helpful. really goofy guy, makes terrible jokes that you can't help but laugh at. wants you to do well!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He is the man, very funny, and wants everyone to suceed and get As. Jokes of the day are always lame but give us a good laugh. Plus he has a british accent that makes you think he has to be really smart.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

funny professor,however i wish that the textbook was more clear.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He's quite an interesting dude.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

This professor is amazing. He's incredibly funny and his jokes of the day are top notch. It's true that you'll get lost in a crowd of 800 kids, but it's your responsibility to do well. Do the homework and actually understand it. Another bonus is if you get an A on the final--regardless of your other grades--you get an A in the class!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

You're on your own. That's not to say nobody's there to help you. Look into CLAS and 1on1 tutoring (1st floor South Hall and 3rd floor SRB) The lecture is ok, book worthless, but the extra help builds understanding. The class is so large you'll never see the same people twice, so every day fish for a new study buddy (15-20 means 2-3 wont flake)

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MATHMATH . 14 Years Ago

Good teacher. I had never even taken pre calc before this class and I got pretty decent grades on the midterms. The reviews for each midterm/final are in the back of the book, so that makes it easier. I recommend this class to anyone.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Here?s the deal, this class has a ton of word problems! We had a lot of HW, and attendance is stressed. My class average for the first 2 midterms was an F, and 3rd ones average was a D/C. Midterms where tricky, put problems on there we had never solved for/ didn?t go over enough, and time was an issue. Go get tutoring and attend CLAS as much as yo

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CALC34A . 14 Years Ago

SUper sweet, cute accent, tries to lighten class with jokes. Read the book, do practice exams, and go to CLAS

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

very entertaining :) not a difficult class unless you are very much "not a math person"

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

After a couple weeks the class' flaws become apparent: the textbook, lecture, and homework are all virtually unrelated, and the textbook is incredibly unhelpful. While his jokes are decent at first but become obnoxious when you're trying to concentrate on a problem yourself. Usually when someone asks for help he plays a dumb YouTube video instead.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Very good teacher! Always nice and easy to talk to

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

i had taken calculus before this class, and to me, the actual material learned in class is really easy and quite doable; i felt i should have signed up for a harder class. but the homework is rediculously hard and pointless. only reason i could pass this class was my previous knowledge of calculus. i dont know what the other students did.

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