
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

run.. run as fast as u can! textbook suxs.. only good thing abt the class is his jokes.. if word problems are not ur thing neither is this class.. i honestly dnt recommend takin this if n0t 4 a major!

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

His textbook is horrible! Absolutely unhelpful! Who wants to read paragraphs and paragraphs about math? Avoid him.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He is step-by-step with his explanations. However, I agree that the textbook is not very helpful. He gives everyone a chance to do well in the course, and grades on a curve. Not a difficult class at all, but word problems can be very tricky, and final is worth 50% of grade.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He's really good at explaining math concepts, and is also very straightforward with what you're expected to know on his exams. Coming from someone whose last math class was pre-calculus, I think Daryl's class pretty much makes sure you understand what you studied before, and also gives you a solid understanding of basic calculus concepts.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

hes a GREAT teacher. since the beginning he tells you what is required of you . just ask for help when you need it do your hw and ull do fine and the joes are just a bonus lol

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AAAAAAAAA . 15 Years Ago

keeps lectures interesting, and every now and then has a pop quiz, which aren't complicated if your keeping up with the material he goes over in lecture. Tells lame jokes but you find your self listening anyways. Take the practice midterms in the book and you'll do just fine. The Book is not so useful.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

Good professor overall, book sucks though.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He loves teaching the sexy sigma stuff.

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MATH4A . 15 Years Ago

explains things well. no need to read book at all. easy class if you do the work. good teacher. keeps lecture interesting

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

Cool guy, tells bad jokes but the class isn't that bad. If you attend the lecture you should understand the basics. The midterms and finals are easy- he puts in old midterms and finals in the book to help you study (and they're all very similar). His book doesn't help though.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

For someone who didn't take calculus in high school, this class was okay because it was mostly review of pre-calculus and made actual calculus easy. However, the book sucked, the hw sometimes didn't match the lectures, & word problems were complex and poorly written. Go to lecture because he tends to give out a pop quiz when attendance is low.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

he tries to keep class entertained, even if material is not interesting. GO TO LECTURE! if you skip a lot (like i tended to do toward the end of class) can become confusing. lecture clarifies most questions in book and homework.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He is an amazing professor. Keeps the class entertaining with horrible jokes that are hilarious!!! He wrote the book, literally. Overall he's an awesome instructor!

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He's overall a good professor considering he teaches math. He really likes to throw old concepts at you in new unfamiliar ways which is kind of cool. However, he waits to do this until the midterm which is very uncool. Make sure you really learn the beginning concepts before you move onto each new section because they build off of each other.

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MATH34 . 15 Years Ago

Very Good professor! I love the way he teaches,

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

This class sucks! The book isn't clear nor helpful. The homework has absolutely nothing to do with the lectures and can take up to hours to complete. The actual midterms are a lot trickier than the practice midterms in the back of the book. I don't recommend taking this class if you are not good at word problems.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

Pretty cool teacher, likes to tell a lot of jokes. I actually find them pretty funny. Strong British accent.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

very funny guy that makes the lectures fun, but if you don't have a firm grasp on word problems or mathematics, then you're going to need a lot of help. if you ask him questions, he'll blaze through them too quickly.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

Daryl Cooper is entertaining and presents the material in a way that is easy to comprehend. He is always available for help.

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

Needs some new funny jokes, like the practice midterms in the back,

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

He really doesn't help at all. the book is useless, full of examples and no explanation... and he wrote it. Avoid him, and this class. Math 3A is 10 times better. homework questions are ridiculous. He Sucks!!!

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MATHMATH . 15 Years Ago

he sucks

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MATH34A . 15 Years Ago


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MATCS103 . 15 Years Ago

Very amusing. Interesting lecture too, of course.

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