Daryl Cooper

985 reviews
Hilarious Lots of homework Caring Clear grading criteria Respected Amazing lectures Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Accessible outside class Test heavy Tough grader Inspirational Lecture heavy EXTRA CREDIT Gives good feedback Would take again Graded by few things Online Savvy Tests are tough Group projects Tests? Not many
Past quarters


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34A . 6 Months Ago

Professor Daryl kept things fun and engaging in this class. While the lectures could be a bit confusing at times, the class itself was pretty easy. Unstuckstudy AI and the practice tests helped a lot with preparation.

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34A . 6 Months Ago

Despite some lectures being a bit confusing, this class ended up being a breeze. The professor's hilarious antics and jokes made the lectures fun, and the course overall was very manageable. Definitely check out the recorded lectures and don't skip class - it's worth it for the entertainment factor alone!

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34A . 7 Months Ago


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34A . 11 Months Ago

GOODBYE DARYL! Enjoy retirement in France! Best (now retired) teacher I've ever had at UCSB. Made me want to show up to every class. His jokes never got old. The class felt more like a lighthearted comedy show than a lecture- amazing.

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34A . 1 Year, 22 Days Ago

Honestly not that good of a professor, but he makes everything super easy. The tests were all online and the lectures were not mandatory. He was very funny in class cracking jokes and I would love to see him teach again, but unfortunately he is an old retired man in Cuba now. Wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

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34A . 1 Year, 28 Days Ago

Lectures were difficult to understand and confusing, but overall an easy class.

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34A . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

gonna be so real, I love him but not the best teacher. lectures got a little confusing because he makes lots of jokes but class itself so easy so it didn't really matter.

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MATH34A . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Daryl is the best professor I've had so far. He makes class so fun and his TA's were very helpful with homework and midterm review :) Wishing him the best retirement ever!

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34A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Rip to a real one, played the greatest songs before class started, I was introduced to the song 'Like a Surgeon." During one particularly sick week of class, you could hear a symphony of 800 people sporadically coughing and sneezing and sniffling all throughout the lecture. D.A.R.Y.L. would occasionally mimic someone when they coughed, classic.

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34A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I enjoyed this class! Very funny, definitely loved to go to his office hours. Will tell you if you're asking a dumb question but is helpful. You can skip lectures and be okay because he uploads recordings but he uses iClicker. He goes over the practice tests and some practice problems that aren't on the slides in person around test time.

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CALC34A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I'm so happy i took this class before he retired but he's genuinely a great professor i'm glad i had him

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34A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Had the pleasure of having Daryl for his last class ever before retirement. He is hilarious and always brightened my day!

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