Hey! I'm Jiaming, UCSB Computer Science 2027.
When I started UCSB, I was frustrated by the poor functionalities and UI design of our GOLD site. I decided to create a site that not only features every class on GOLD, but also the professor reviews, grading trends, and enrollment trends. So after putting together some code, UCSB Platinum (UCSBPlat) was born: it's GOLD, but better.
UCSBPlat was launched on this Reddit Post in January 2024. As of November 2024, UCSBPlat has served 400,000 page views according to our Google Analytics.
I'm super grateful for the invaluable suggestions and contributions my friends made throughout this journey. UCSBPlat would not have been possible without the brilliance and craftsmanship of Mathias Ooi, Ben Mo, Tyler Glawitsch, Ramon Wang, and Nate Annau.
If you would like to contribute code, provide suggestions, or just talk anything about UCSBPlat, I'd be more than happy to! You can find me on my social media linked at the top of the page.
You know, I like tech. If you wanna learn more about me, just see my Linkedin lol.