
Rate My Professors (985)

34AB . 6 Years Ago

Honestly I love Darryl. He is so funny, but more importantly he is an incredible teacher. ! It is a class with a lot of word problems, but the reality of it is, it is extremely satisfying to complete his problems!You definitely want the textbook for the answers in the back :) He even made me want to be a math major! Crazy!!

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MATH34AB . 7 Years Ago

An amazing professor. He really cares about his students (made class optional on two particularly stormy days, offers opportunities for everyone to pass), and is really funny too (great one-liners). Great teacher - pay attention in class to learn how to do the problems. His midterms look exactly like the practice ones.

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34AB . 7 Years Ago

Cooper is not one of my favorites. He does not teach very well, and he will make you do practice exams on the same things over and over then put something random on the exams to screw you. Tried to meet with him for office hours and he was incredibly inflexible and literally said "no." I got vibes he doesn't really give a rats if you succeed or not

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Cooper is one of the best professors I've had at UCSB. He is quirky and funny and an amazing professor. He really cares about his students and makes sure to explain the material. The homework can be difficult. Tests are manageable as long as you study and attend lecture. It was a challenging class but I would definitely recommend him!

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MATH34A34B . 7 Years Ago

Cooper's hilarious and he says jokes in the middle of lectures to keep the class alive. Homework is the usual, lecture is mandatory for participation credit, and I used the textbook like three times... Important thing is to do the practice midterms/finals online b/c they're almost similar, that's where your grade is determined. GOOD LUCK

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MATH34B . 7 Years Ago

Painfully easy class if you took any calculus in high school. If you do all the homeworks, do a few practice problems here and there, attend a good amount of lectures, it should be an easy A+

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34B . 7 Years Ago

Honestly one of the best Calc teachers out there in my opinion & I've taken calculus classes (re-taken) too many times. His lectures are super helpful so you can look back at the power points and figure out what you didn't get in class just by reading them 90% of the time. He is a character, always told jokes. If u make the effort he'll reward you

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MATH34AB . 7 Years Ago

Such a fair class. It's not really an easy A because you will have to put in some effort to understand calculus, but he never makes the midterms or finals any harder than the practice exams he posts on gauchospace. He goes slowly during lectures and really wants you to understand what he is teaching. Cracks a lot of jokes, too!

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34B . 7 Years Ago

As long as u do the hw and come to class, you are guaranteed a B. His hw is way harder than what he taught in lecture, but it makes u feel so prepared for the tests. Do the practice tests and know how to do each of the problem cuz they are very identical to the actual test!! The book was a little useless, i only used the answer key for hw problems.

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34B . 7 Years Ago

Darryl is a pretty easy professor. If you go to lecture and do homework, you will pass. If you get an A on the final, you get an A in the class. If you do all homework and go to class, he will boost your C to a B. Practice tests are similar to actual midterms. sign up for Clas.

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MATH34B . 7 Years Ago

Amazing beginner's course to calculus. Daryl really tries to help us think critically with all his word problems. The course is laid out so that you can learn the core fundamentals of calculus in a less intimidating and complicated context. Basically, this class is mostly about developing a basic intuition and appreciation for calculus.

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MATH34A34B . 7 Years Ago

Textbook is very useful as he wrote it himself. Makes an effort to make the lecture interesting. Very easy class once you understand how the professor thinks.

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MATH34B . 7 Years Ago

Quirky guy who likes to tell jokes. His lectures/teaching style tells you more on WHY a certain equation works rather than HOW to do it. The practice midterms are exactly what the real midterm will look like, so if you can do those you are set. The text book is nice to have around when you cant get a hw answer, but dont really need it.

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34B . 7 Years Ago

This class is extremely easy. It moves very slowly and he posts practice quizzes online that are pretty much identical to the quizzes he gives out. He is an interesting lecturer and keeps people engaged

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper was super dorky and you can tell he really enjoys his job. I took both 34A and 34B with him and both were relatively easy-34A was definitely much easier. There's homework 3 times a week which is a little annoying and the homework is much harder than the tests! Overall would suggest taking it with Cooper

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MATH34AB . 7 Years Ago

One of the easiest math classes I've taken (both MATH 34A and MATH 34B). I didn't really show up to lectures because I was able to self-teach, but going to class definitely makes a difference. As long as you make sure that you know how to do everything on the practice midterms/final, you'll do great on the real ones. The homework can be annoying.

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MATH34B . 7 Years Ago

Great professor, explains things clearly and in an interesting way. He wrote the textbook for the class and that's pretty clear as well so if there's a topic you didn't understand you could always refer back to that. Only complaint is that there's a lot of homework but it's all there to help

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MATH34B . 7 Years Ago

This is like a typical math class where you have constant homework, three midterms, I-clicker, and a final. You definitely need to work for a good grade, but Cooper's a really fun teacher to have. He's pretty rude as a person in general, but he also tries really hard in the lectures to make them engaging and help us understand the content.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Daryl Cooper is an awesome teacher. Math 34A is super easy and he made it really fun. I definitely recommend taking this class.

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34AB . 7 Years Ago

He is a great professor, lectures were good and the tests weren't too bad either. The homework was more difficult than what we typically learned in class so make sure you're on top of it.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Daryl is a decent professor. He tries to be quirky and entertaining, but it leads to a lot of beating around the bush and can get grating. 34a is a very easy math class, but he throws in really difficult algebra word problems so stay on top of stuff you don't get, even if you are proficient in math because a lot of the questions are mind benders.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Definitely take this class! Coming into my first quarter of college, I was worried about not being able to handle college calc since I didn't take calc in high school. BUT Cooper is a great professor and reviews a lot of algebra beforehand. And if you struggle a bit, it isn't hard to find people to study with! CLAS helps, but it isn't for everyone.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

I retook this class. This second time around was so much easier than the first. Cooper makes the material easier and more meaningful! Also, take CLAS too! I recommend Lee DeAnda! He's great! 34A with Cooper was way more manageable in regards to homework and exams. Attend lectures, sections, do homework, go to CLAS and you'll probably do great!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

If I had taken this class with any other professor i definately would have gotten a lower grade. Cooper values participation & cares about his students doing well. Also his lectures are entertaining even for someone with little interest in math.

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