
Rate My Professors (985)

MAT34A . 7 Years Ago

Prof Cooper truly cares about his students and wants everyone to do well. He gives practice exams that are EXACTLY like the midterms and the final. If you want to do well, go to CLAS drop in!!! Work hard and you'll get the grade you want!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Professor Cooper was obviously passionate about the class and cared if his students passed or not. If you made an effort, showed up to class, did all the homework, etc., and got a C then he would bump your grade to a B. The homework was at times difficult because it wasn't what we went over in class, but as long as you made an effort you passed.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

If you're not good at math, this class can be difficult, but professor cooper is super nice with grading if you try! Go to CLAS tutoring, attempt all the homework, and try to go to almost every lecture and section and he'll boost your grade to a B :) also really funny and enetertaining in lecture! Cool guy.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

I had Cooper for Math 34A. I took calc for two years in HS and thought this would be an easy A, quickly figured out that the course is a little different than normal math classes after getting a C on the 1st midterm. Cooper is a sweet, funny ( sometimes), cool, and passionate professor that enjoys teaching the subject. Well respected and liked.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Challenging homework that is oftentimes different from material covered in class; it's bearable if you do it with a friend or group. Practice tests are best for preparing for tests/midterms. I enjoyed the lectures, and he puts them online. I recommend looking them over the day before, it helps a lot! Put in a lot of effort and you'll be fine.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Cooper's lectures were entertaining, his accent and jokes kept me awake and involved. The HW was frequent and could be difficult but was much easier if you work with a group. As long as you showed a great effort by going to most lectures and doing the HW he bumped you to B as long as you had a 75 or higher, overall would highly recommend.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Took 34A with him after failing it the first time with another professor. PLEASE TAKE 34A WITH HIM IF YOU CAN. You'll pass as long as you attend lecture, discussion, and do homework. I hate math and cooper made me hate it less. He cracks jokes to make math more tolerable.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Great professor. As long as you go to class, do the homework, and go to section, you should be able to pass with at least a B. Homework is a huge pain in the ass, and sometimes frustrating, but you can get through it. Funny guy.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

I consider math to be my worst subject, but Cooper made this class completely manageable. For a 9am class, he kept it very engaging. Homework 3 times a week was a pain in the ass. 3 midterms + a final, the practice exams helped a lot. Midterms weren't too bad but I thought the final was kind of hard. His effort boost on your grade comes in clutch!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper tells funny jokes and keeps you entertained in class. His lectures are very clear and detailed and would recommend going over them frequently because he tells you exactly how he wants you to write certain steps to get the quality bonus points on the exams. Do the practice exams! The actual midterms and final are pretty challenging overall.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper is a intelligent man who knows how to teach. His homework and lectures are the keys to you acing his tests. It does take a bit of work, and his word problems take time to understand, but if you put in the effort you can get a good grade. I would take him as a professor again. 9/10!

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Not that great of a professor his math 34 class was an easy A. However, his lecturing ability was mediocre. Had to go to CLAS to actually understand the material, yet had to go to lecture for Iclicker points, waste of time. Easy A. His viewpoint on community college was outdated as well. I'm a transfer and aced his class easy.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

I took this class for the second time and had a MUCH better experience with D.A.R.Y.L. than the previous. His expectations and grading criteria are very clear. He has practice exams online that show EXACTLY how the test will be. He also has a very generous policy when it comes to determining overall grades. I definitely recommend taking this class

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MAT34A . 7 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L. is a GENIUS, but a very humble one. He will try his best to make tests fair but his homework can be an occasional disaster. The way he writes on the board is EXACTLY the way you should write on the exams and you will get 2 free bonus points (DO IT). To pass this class understanding how to do a problem is priceless. Memorization fail.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

He is really funny, cracks a joke in the middle of the lecture. The jokes are always cringe worthy. There is homework every day there is a lecture, and it is a lot of word problems that dont really connect with what you learned in class. There are 3 midterms and a final. The practice midterms help but overall the tests are harder.

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MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L is so awesome! Math 34A is mostly word problems, with a bit of log and derivatives. He makes math so fun and you can tell he is so good at it. He really explains it to you so you understand it. He wrote the math 34a book but you ironically dont ever use it. Hw is hard and useless, but practice midterms are VERY similar (format, content)

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper is an awesome professor! His practice exams are a life saver. The homework is really hard compared to the test so don't let it scare you. He really cares about his students and wants us to pass. Lectures are necessary because he counts participation/effort.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

I liked his class but I did find it quite challenging. As a professor he's interesting and he makes a lot of lame jokes but they're funny. However if you're not amazing at math you probably need to try to find some outside help like CLAS.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Daryl is a great lecturer and will leave you mildly entertained. Do the practice tests, as they help a lot with the actual tests. Homework helps a lot as well.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper was a very enthusiastic lecturer for the whole quarter; he'd crack jokes, dance around stage, and thoroughly keep you engaged for the entire 50 minutes of class every Monday/Wednesday/Friday of the quarter. He's taught this class so many times now that he has it down to a true science: an effective one at that.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Cooper is one of the greatest professors. I took 34A fall 2015 with a different professor and it was horrible. Only take the class with him, he really wants you to pass and is available to help you! There's hw but they're extremely manageable and he makes practice midterms and finals from past years available!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

I really liked this class. There is homework 3 times a week but its usually 10 problems online so its not bad. The practice midterms and finals are exactly like the real thing so if you do those, you'll be totally fine. He uses iclicker so if you go to class and do practice midterms/finals you'll be golden. I would recommend!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

He's a great lecturer and always telling jokes which lighten up the mood for it being a math class and all. Make sure you try going to all the lectures and got to section too because they will work out problems either on homework or practice exams. Do the homework and it's truly not that difficult. He is a one of a kind teacher! Totally recommend!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

He's a funny and a really good lecturer, but his class is pretty tough. Go to all the classes and sections for participation, do all homeworks, and try your hardest and he will bump your grade up if need be. Requires lots of studying. He's probably the best math teacher at UCSB.

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