
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Was afraid to take the class since in high school I struggled a lot. I ended up doing well! I always used the book especially for homework and made sure to attend every lecturesection. Great class! Learned a lot.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper isn't the best lecturer. He will begin solving a problem incorrectly, then laugh when students change their iClickers to the wrong answer. Gets to the point where you don't know if he's screwing with you or not. Use outside resources to do well in this class, and do the practice midterms! All the attendance and homework points add up.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Thought I wasn't going to pass this class because the midterms and finals were so hard. Participation and attendance is big, GO TO SECTION, ATTEND LECTURE and you will more than likely pass the class.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Personable professor, class is mostly easy. Midterms are not a surprise, he gives practice material. 3 home works per most weeks with a few hard and untaught concepts but these don't appear on any tests so are basically useless. Do your homework, go to lecture just for the Iclicker, and do practice tests. CLAS and section provide extra help.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

go to class and do the practices midterm online

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper is a really good Professor, and the class is an easy A, if you go to lectures. However, the Midterms & Final exams are harder than the review tests that he gives you. The homework isn't specifically just one the topic discussed in class; it's cumulative. However, it's easy to do & I really recommend taking this class :)

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Nice guy, puts a good effort into his class. lectures were hard to follow at times, CLAS drop in answered any questions. I got a C in the class but was bumped to a B because I went to every lecture and section which is a really good deal. Study by doing provided practice midterms and final, go to CLAS before tests. Don't do hw night before

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

The class was not very difficult and it's quite easy to recieve a good grade. I recommend taking CLAS in addition to this course because they go more in depth on the course material and help you understand at a higher level. The professor is very funny as he's always cracking jokes in the middle of lecture and he has a british accent which is cool!

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34A . 9 Years Ago

He gives practice midterms which are close to the actual tests. You get a notecard for each test. Lectures always entertaining. Attend class and section and do your homework and it is easy points. If you don't want to do that what are you paying for? Bad at math and got an A for putting in effort but never stressing too much!

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I didn't take calc in high school & I'm not a good math student so I found this class difficult at first. I would highly recommend taking CLAS with a GOOD tutor. I had Lee DeAnda and he was amazing!!! I found going to CLAS more helpful than lecture because he spent an entire hour going over 1 type of problem that would be on the midtermfinal.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

If you struggle with math, I highly reccommend CLAS or some sort of tutoring to help understand this class. His personality is always high energy when teaching but a lot of his examples are confusing. 3 Midterms and 3 hw assignments a week. He gives you practice exams before each test, but his final was much harder than all the practice tests.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Picked up a wicked british accent

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Daryl is not only funny with his obsession of Jason Bourne and constantly incorporating him into the class, but makes the class easy to pass. He gives practice midterms and finals that are exactly like the test. Posts lectures online. Only downside is he tracks lecture attendance, so get a friend to bring your Iclicker to class and you're golden.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

This class is fairly easy, most of the materials are review from high school. Also, if you show great effort he bumps your C to a B. However, if you hate word problems this class is probably not for you.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

The class is easy as long as you attend class regularly. Iclicker points are important. DO the practice midterms and finals.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Do the homework!

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Professor Cooper's class is not too difficult if you attend lectures and sections. Iclicker points are an important part of it. One of the pros is he gives practice exams for the midterms and finals so you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Thanks Cooper for a great quarter!

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Sign up for CLAS and you'll breeze through. Make sure to do the practice midterms and you'll be bound to do well. iClicker questions every lecture keep you awake and listening. He throws some jokes around and plays some videos to keep the class lively

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34A . 9 Years Ago

do your homework, definitely use CLAS if you need it and do ALL the practice midterms and you will do very well in this class.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Test are really hard, you have to study a lot.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Daryl is a fair grader, I would say. I mean, it's the TA's who grade your papers anyways but whatever. The questions can get tricky but it's all to help with critical thinking -- don't think you'll breeze by in this class.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Very engaging in lecture. He makes it hard not to pay attention, yet his way of explaining some math concepts can get a bit superfluous. As long as you show up and put in effort, the grades will come.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Not that hard, go to lecture, section, and do your homework and you are guaranteed a B. His jokes are funny probably 25% of the time. The tests are identical to the practice tests he posts online.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Professor Cooper would give us the wrong way of working a problem out, which confused me. It would be much easier if he explained the right steps to solving a problem rather than first confusing the students by giving us the wrong answer and the wrong way to solve it. When he explained the right steps to solving a problem it was EXTREMELY helpful!

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