
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Lots of jokes. All HW help in book

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

cool professor!! Really!!!

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Great professor, funny accent, and easy class.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I've never been great at math, but Prof. Cooper was a really great and knowledgeable professor, and I felt like I learned a lot. Not too hard of a class, as long as you try.

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34B . 9 Years Ago

It's fairly easy if you do all midterm practices and final practices.

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Cooper is great, I had him for 34A and 34B. I believe he is leaving UCSB after this quarter, but if you ever have the chance to take math with him in the future, do it! Practice midterms are VERY helpful and it's important to show up to lecture for iClicker points.

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Do the practice midterms! The book isn't very good, it's rather jumpy and confusing and lacks examples! He is a funny entertains teacher!

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Good guy. I really enjoyed him for both math 34A and 34B

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Go to class and section and do the homework; participation helps in the grand scheme of things. Midterms and finals are nothing like the lectures but the practice exams are pretty similar; he teaches the concepts well but you will have to figure out on your own how to apply them to his confusing and difficult word problems.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Participation gets you a B so go to lecture, do iclicker, go to section, and do your homework. The cocepts aren't too difficult, lectures have nothing to do with the homework but the back of the book has the answers or similar questions to help. 3 midterms.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper's definitely one of the professors that everyone should have at least once at UCSB. 34A is insanely easy, so try to get it done with Daryl. He makes a lot of mediocre jokes, but he makes the lectures somewhat interesting and they're a good way to start the morning. Plus, being able to do Cooper impersonations are a definite plus.

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

If you took AP Calculus AB or BC in high school, the class is basically a review. As long as you know the basic concepts of calculus including differentiation and integration, you'll be fine. Loves word problems also

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper may be weird to some people, just be open minded. The class is somewhat hard, depending on your math skills. Go to the lectures, sections and CLAS and you'll be good because he might boost up your grade. He has 3 midterms and a final all worth different percentages towards your grade.

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Math 34A and 34B is really easy! Not only the topic itself, but the professor makes it easy. Mr. Cooper is funny, makes jokes every lesson, but he is very clear when explaining new concepts and theories. But, do not miss class! iClicker points are worth 5%

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I LOVE Cooper. The math isn't that hard if you do the work and pay attention and he makes going to lecture enjoyable, so you're golden

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I recommend going to his lectures, even though he posts all the notes on gauchospace. I also recommend signing up for CLAS, it is a very useful program. You will have 3 midterms and a final. He gives you 3 practice exams for all of them before hand, so if you actually do them and study you should be good.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Funny guy, teaches stuff in a fairly straightforward way, overall a pretty good class. If you go to all the lectures and do all the homework and practice tests (which isn't that hard considering that there's no reading) you can reliably get an A.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Everything you need to do is spelled out & you have ample opportunity to succeed. Going to class and section MATTERS! if you're really stuck go to office hours & be prepared to explain your initial thinking & where you getgot stuck. Do yourself a favor & do your work clearly & meaningfully so he can help you and you can help you.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

It is very important to go to class and do the homework because he really factors that into grades. His lectures are more conceptual than actual examples of what the test would be, so going to CLAS is very recommended.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Professor Cooper is really hard to lay a finger on. He's a great and hilarious lecturer, but a terrible math professor. I recommend you always go to lecture and section, but the class definitely needs to be supplemented by CLAS. Study hard, the tests are nothing like the material taught.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Although this is one of the easiest math classes on campus, I didn't pass fall quarter by a couple of points. At times, topics focuses in the lecture and homework weren't on the test. He enjoys word problems which I struggle with, so my test grade sucked. Gives you bonus points for showing your work, and tries to make the class funny.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Class is really easy, I had an A all quarter. Unfortunately, for the final chem took up all my study time so i didn't do too great and my grade dropped. I usually hate math classes but he is so funny that it ended up being my favorite class to go to. If you're a bio major and are choosing between the 34 series or 3 series, I definitley suggest 34

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34A . 9 Years Ago

i took calc ab in high school & didn't too well on it, however this class is SUPER EASY compared to it. u have to go to all the lectures even though they're early in the morning or give ur iclicker to a friend. my section's TA didn't speak english and was not helpful at all. going to clas helped with the tricky questions from the practice exams.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I took the class knowing that it would be easy, but as time passed by, I found out that it was not as easy as I expected. I still ended up with an A+ because of the final, but the final pretty much determines your overall grade for the course. The homework problems are sometimes very tricky and you will need outside sources to help you out.

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