
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 7 Years Ago

Daryl is a really hilarious guy who you can tell cares about his students and wants them to succeed. His high energy is contagious and great for a 9 AM class. The class itself requires you to take the time to understood the material and do some practice problems outside of class to nail the concepts, but if you put in the effort you'll do well.

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34A . 7 Years Ago

Daryl is thesol man. His lectures kind of suck, but other than that its an easy A. All you have to do is his read his textbook and you are golden!

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34A . 7 Years Ago

If you've always been pretty decent at math you'll be fine. If you haven't, you'll find this class a little more challenging . Highly suggest using the textbook for hw and doing the practice tests. He doesn't really teach, so it's pretty much all on you to learn. Go to math lab if you need help!

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MATH34A . 8 Years Ago

Without Cooper, I wouldn't have passed Calculus. He made Calculus really enjoyable and easy to do. Tests and Homework are pretty straight forward and I like the way he teaches a boring subject (Math/Calculus) and makes it fun. I highly recommend taking his class. Just show up, do the work and assignments and there you go you just got yourself an A

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MATH34A . 8 Years Ago

I loved Prof. Cooper! Honestly at the time I did not like going to lectures because it was an 8am but looking back he was my favorite math teacher at UCSB. He made me love calculus! His class isn't super difficult he tries his best to help those that want and need help to pass.

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34AB . 9 Years Ago

His accent is entertaining. A typical math class with word problems.

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34B . 9 Years Ago

This class was really easy review for me because I took AP Calc AB in high school. It's basically integrals and not much else. He has a British accent but is not hard to understand, and likes to tell rarely funny, occasionally provocative jokes. Homework due 3 times a week online that correlates with lecture, posts lecture slides online. Funny dude

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MATH34AB . 9 Years Ago

Took 34A my first quarter at UCSB and got a C- which forced me to take it a second time in which I earned an A. The class seems easy until you take the midterms. Daryl likes to challenge his students so never expect the same format of questions twice. As long as you sign up for CLAS (get Lee Deanda) the material will make much more sense.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L. is hilarious, brilliant, and genuinely cares about the success of his students. The material is challenging, but he posts plenty of online supplements to help you get through the tests. Three midterms and a final. Be prepared to do lots of homework, attend all lectures and sections, and you are basically handed at least a B in the class.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper is awesome! 3 midterms and a final. If you complete most of the iClicker questions, most of the homework, and attend most of the sections, and you get a C, C+, or B- in the course then he will bump you up to a B. Tells cheesy jokes that I personally find pretty funny.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Use the book, most of the homework is similar to that in the book. I would recommend going to his office hours, since my CLAS tutor wasn't that helpful. He's fair and boosts up your grade if you've shown effort in the class (attending CLAS, iClicker participation, doing the homework). I got a great laugh from going to lecture.

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MATH34A34B . 9 Years Ago

Cooper was kind of like a typical high school teacher. If you don't ask questions, you're not going to pass. I would also advise to always attend lecture and section because they're free points! I was suppose to get a C+ in each class, but I got a B because of the effort grade boost he does. He was funny and always tried to make the class laugh.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

His class was my favorite! He keeps such a positive attitude, and as an 8 am class is totally awesome! Sense of humor was on point, and his slides were clear. The TA's were also very clear and helpful.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

He was constantly running around and energetic, which was refreshing for an 8am class. One of my only classes that I didnt yawn constantly during.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

I failed this class my freshman year because I didn't take the final but took it over again my senior year. He's a wonderful man. He curves everything. He truly cares. Please don't beat yourself up if you fail. If you failed, you didn't try hard enough. His tests are difficult so don't just memorize. This class requires thinking.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Cooper is an average professor in my opinion. Not really a good teacher but not a bad teacher. The class overall depend son you. If you've always been good at math, this class should be easy. If you had struggled ( which is a lot of people) you will struggle a bit. Do the practice tests (similar to the real ones). The curve gives you at least a B.

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Very sincere professor who wants his students to pass. Take it upon yourself to put in the time and effort for this class. His tests are pretty hard and sometimes tricky. Lectures are very descriptive, almost cluttered. Has a great sense of humor. He tries his best to help out students who go to office hours and understands the difficulty of class

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Should definitely sign up for CLAS if you don't like word problems. Book was not helpful at all, but if you do the practice exams before the test, you should be fine. Make sure you understand the problem instead of memorizing "how to do it". It only takes a couple of words to change what the problem is asking for. TA was not helpful at all..

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

Math 34A & B were fairly easy. Make sure to do ALL homework problems, go to section and lecture. He gives an effort boost and that will help in the long run. Practice midterms and finals give you an idea of what's on the test but it doesn't help very much. He also allows 1 3x5 index card for formulas and such. Daryl is an awesome professor!

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Amazing professor Really cares about the students

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MATH34A . 9 Years Ago

Overall, this math class was alright. There is an emphasis on word problems rather than your regular plug-and-chug. It is helpful to sign up for CLAS, ask your section TA to go over questions, and do the past midterm exams--the practice exams usually consist of the same type of questions. I didn't really have to read the book for 34A.

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MATH34B . 9 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L. is a legend. The class material is not that tough but the tests are a little tricky. Always do the practice midterms and you should be fine. This guy tells the worst jokes ever.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

This class is possible to pass but don't take it unless you need to. A lot of people will say Cooper is funny but his horrible jokes and loud music make you want to cry if you have an 8am. Office hours are useless. Be prepared to learn absolutely NOTHING in class. You will ONLY pass this class if you sign up for CLAS tutoring & go to the math lab.

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34A . 9 Years Ago

Lectures were pretty straight forward and he was good at explaining everything. The tests were pretty hard and I didn't feel like the lectures prepared us well for them. Come to class and section, do all the homework's, and do the practice midterms and you'll at least get a B.

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