
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A . 15 Years Ago

This teacher is great. He makes class fun and always cracks jokes. Do not be fooled for you might have some difficulty in this class but it is enjoyable

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MATH34A . 16 Years Ago

Great guy, cracks endless jokes. Makes the lectures interesting, i had it in the morning and never minded waking up. very thorough and open for questions.

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MATHABCD . 16 Years Ago

A great guy and british.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Good teacher..all the tests are exactly like the ones in the back of the book. I ended up getting a b+ when i got over 100% on all 3 midterms because so many people get a's and its bell make sure you dont get a bad homework grade.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

made me hate math more.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Daryl is amazing. He makes math interesting and understandable. Will keep you entertained throughout the lecture. One of my favorite teachers! TAKE THIS CLASS!!

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

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MATH34B . 17 Years Ago

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Do not take this class. This man gives out the easiest midterms you could imagine, then pops you with a final that will destroy you. His final is worth more than 50% of your grade. It brought me down from a 102 to a 85. He is a cheat, do no take his classes

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Awesome teacher! Homework is somewhat difficult, but the midterms are quite easy if you study the practice quizzes in the back of the book. Final was a bit difficult, but even if you're not mathematically inclined, this class will be a breeze. Definitely recommend!

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

If you are mathematically inclined at all, then the class will be a joke. Be sure to attend at least the first 5 minutes of each lecture (he sometimes gives a pop quiz, typically on mondays/fridays or when attendance is low.) and go to discussion. Homework is easy and takes a max of 45 mins, so keep on top of it for easy points.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Good guy. Class is pretty easy if you keep up. Jokes kinda corney though.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Cooper is a great math professor. If you hate math, you're still going to hate the material; but he makes it as palatable as possibly can be. It's presented in a straightforward manner with funny, albeit cheesy, jokes interspersed in lecture. Homeworks is presented through an online system; three midterms and a final.

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MATHMATH . 17 Years Ago

The class is pretty easy if you have had any calculus or high school algebra previously, and if not, it is pretty easy to still get the jist of everything. The class was early so most people fell asleep after the quizzes but the teaching was well done for everybody who needed anything understood. Overall, a great class!

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Great Professor. Only need the book for the practice midterms and practice final but its only $25 either way. His jokes are corny and a waste of time, but he teaches very well. make sure to show up to lecture and get the pop quiz points. Goto CLAS if you need help! Daryl is also very helpful in office hours. Easieast Calculus class EVER

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

We never used the book unless you got the answers for the homework from the back. Lectures were enough, so I would recommend not purchasing the book and just attending class and discussion.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

only went to tests did no hw still got a B. easy as hell

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MATH34 . 17 Years Ago

The concepts were easy to understand, but he gives a ridiculous amount of homework. Most of the time the homework has nothing to do with the 3 midterms or final. Tests SEEM easy, but it is easy to lose points. There are a LOT of word problems in this class, so be prepared. It is not really an easy A...

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

He gives a lot of hw but practice is the key to understanding math, so I don't mind. The key to success is not to study for the class but to study for the tests out of the back of the book.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

really easy recommend this class to anybody somewhat good in math for an easy A. I like his attempts at jokes..some are ok...overall legit class.

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MATHSECT . 17 Years Ago

His jokes, while only sometimes funny, were a good distraction from the idea of difficulty.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

he's a cool teacher but the amount of homework he gives is ridiculous, there's like homework due every MWF. he tells jokes but he has british humor and sometimes it's not funny, but he tries and he's very nice.

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MATH34A . 17 Years Ago

Very easy class!! If you took AP Calculus in high school then you will breeze right on through. Make sure you attend class because he will give "random" pop quizzes. I say random because it's usually twice a week, very predictable. He tells the corniest jokes ever but they are still funny. You will enjoy this class.

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