
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

Terrible terrible teacher. Extremely difficult to understand at times, I remember feeling as though I wasted hours of my life because his lectures sometimes had absolutely nothing to do with what was on the homework. And his attempts to dumb things down and simplify things actually have the reverse effect. It could be a good class if he tried.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Such a basic class, he makes it a little bit harder. He tells jokes that are sometimes amusing, but all in all prof. Cooper just not great at teaching the actual topics, or so he acts.

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

Cooper is hilarious and really good at explaining things. His classes aren't boring but his tests are a bit hard.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Cooper is very fun and energetic during his lectures, BUT is not clear during his examples and I often feel lost. If it weren't for Lee DeAnda at CLAS, I would DIE in this class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He makes lecture enjoyable by telling jokes everyday, and you really enjoy his British accent. Sometimes there is a problem or two on the homework that is difficult, but the constant flow of homework keeps you learning and studying that you wouldn't normally do on your own.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Go to class, section, and CLAS. If you work with others on homework and in class, you'll do great. Also, study hard for the final. I did horribly on just about every midterm but I got an A+ in the class just because I did so well on the final. Daryl is hilarious and helpful if you ask for help.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

He makes the class super interesting which makes it easier to go to class and pay attention!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Do the HW, sign up for clas, go to discussion and you should do alright. I basically was at clas everyday, and at my ta's office hours all the time. I ended up with a B, only because of the curve, I thought this calc was hard, and the only reason for the huge curve was because everyone was doing bad. The first two midterms the average was an F.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Attend class, pay attention, and you'll do fine in this class. The only thing annoying is that you have homework which some of the problems are ones that he never covers but overall its a pretty fun & easy class. btw, he loves JOKES.

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MATH31A . 14 Years Ago

Professor Cooper is a really great guy. He loves jokes. The tests were very simple and only concern the material he discusses during lecture. The homework is more complicated.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

lectures have nothing to do with the homework which are extremely hard or test, first midterm very easy second and third not so easy, final is a killer, attendance is mandatory he takes attendance with iclicker. He tries to make lectures by throwing in a couple of jokes.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

funny, interesting teacher. if you think he's confusing, read the book, but the book isn't too necessary. lectures are fairly entertaining and clear. his jokes are awful, but he know it, so its okay :)

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

The Class was pretty easy if you do all the homework and to the practice midterm/final in the back of the book. Everything is pretty straight forward. Cooper is a really good prof and he really wants his students to learn. He likes making the class entertaining by telling jokes. I learned a lot in this class and make sure you go to all lectures!!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

this professor is the best you could find to teach calculus

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Easy material. Easy class. The lectures were pretty useless and annoying. Daryl does care about his students and wants them to succeed though, so I can't say anything negative toward him. The practice midterms and final were exactly how the real exams were, which helped out a lot. I studied 10 minutes for each midterm, and an hour for the final.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

daryl definitely made the lecture interesting. he is very energetic and really cares about whether or not u know the material. he uses iclickers so lecture is mandatory but i didnt mind going. the book isnt very helpful but doing the homework and taking notes at lecture were the most beneficial. i really enjoyed the class. good professor.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

The textbook was confusing, and so were the lectures, but if you do all the homework and practice midterms in the back of the book and go to CLAS you should be fine. Daryl is a really nice teacher, tells jokes every class. I didn't do so well on the midterms but I aced the final so I ended up with an A in the class.

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CALC34A . 14 Years Ago

Before I entered Prof. Cooper's calculus class, math and I hated each other. After Prof Cooper's class, I actually like math! I'd say he's an awesome Prof! :)

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Good professor, tries to tell jokes that aren't that funny. failed the first midterm but did good on other two and final. Go to CLAS it really helped. He really tried to make calculus an enjoyable class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Really good, funny professor. He did a great job of teaching the material but the homework was the most helpful. His explanations were sometimes unclear but if I got an A- then I guess I learned something from him.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

really good professor. Always making jokes, its so nice :] I felt that he explained everything really well. The book helps a lot. Just pay attention and study, because the tests are harder than the homework you practice. Overall though, great class. Great professor

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago


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CALC34A . 14 Years Ago

Pretty good professor. The book is pretty much useless so you must attend lectures and session periods. I liked the class overall. Even though it was a boring calculus class this professor found a way to make it bearable and sometimes hilarious.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Prof. Cooper is a very good teacher with a good sense of humor. I think the level of difficulty and course workload was very reasonable.

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