
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34 . 14 Years Ago

I took both of A & B bc I needed it for my major. I honestly feel as though he was not a good professor, he did improve towards the end of 34B significantly, however I feel as though I was not prepared well for the math required for my major. If you don't need math for your major, take it, if you do, suck it up and take the 3 series.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

This guy is great! I loved his jokes. Lectures and section were a bit helpful, but if you want to do well in this class I recommend that you do the hw and study with a group of friends. CLAS is also very helpful.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

I LOVE COOPER! He was the most entertaining and funny math professor I've ever seen. His midterms are modeled exactly like the practice ones in the book (since he wrote it). There is a lot of iClicker questions so you have to go to lecture, but he tells a joke everyday so it's never boring. Straight forward and I got an A. He knows his stuff!

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MATH34 . 14 Years Ago

Funny professor. Pretty easy class

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

I liked his one joke per class routine. Math 34 B is tiresome though, homework is difficult, and midterms include challenging problems, lots of car problems. His teaching ability is worse in 34b than 34a , not very good at clarifying or teaching new concepts. Take CLAS for it. A CLAS guy helps teach the class sometimes! posts notes online now!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

A fun math class. Math 34a is pretty easy math, mostly pre-calc type stuff with simple calculus concepts at the very end. A lot of word problems and homework due before each class. Midterms are not easy, each will have a car problem on them. The Final was a breeze though and it was worth 50%

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Teaches above average as a professor but not exceptional as some concepts are still difficult to understand - this is understandable as the student is responsible for his/her own learning. Fun class, Cooper tells one joke a day and atmosphere during lecture is lax yet is compelling for students to learn. Overall, enjoyed class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Great class overall, lectures were clear and Daryl always lightened the mood by telling jokes in the middle of class. HW was often very different from lecture which was frustrating at times. Practice tests (with given answers for the midterms) were very similar to actual tests. However, watch out for word problems, they can be tricky. Reccomend.

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

He's an okay professor and he tells at least one joke per lecture. You should definately join CLAS or go to the math lab especially because his textbook is pretty much useless. He curves our final grade and always does some sort of deal to help our grade. Overall easy to pass hard to get an A.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

he is awful take the 3 series instead, it is way better

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

Great Professor! He genuinely cares about his students and wants them to do well. Exams are curved. He explains everything clearly and even gives practice exams that are very similar to the actual exams.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Horrible horrible professor, jokes were terrible, he didnt teach me anything and I tried really hard in his class. He said if you work really hard that you will do well in his class but I worked really really hard and i barely got a B, and that was only because he curved it. I would highly recommend taking another professor.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

professor does not teach the material well, thorough, or clearly in any sense. the only thing that helped me was CLAS. aced all the midterms and don't know how I did on the final but I think I did pretty decent. got a B+ in the class.

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

book is useless. useless going to lecture since they are now made available online. even if you understand how to do all the problems on the practice midterms and finals, the actual questions on the tests have slightly different components which throw off your knowledge of how to solve the problem.

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

34B is much more difficult than 34A. he switched from overhead to online lectures.. i thought this made it a lot more difficult to follow. attend CLAS, it helps. go over the practice midterms/final in the back of the book.. thats all you need to study for the tests. hw is challenging but it doesnt not really relate much to the midterm or final

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

Terrible professor. Does not explain the concepts well. Often leaves me confuse. Tries to simplify the class with his humor and personality but to no avail. He crushed my math confidence in general. Section is useless.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Prof. Cooper is really funny and a pretty good teacher. One thing that I did that I would recommend doing is finding friends who have taken this class and study off of their midterms. Seems like an obvious suggestion but a lot of people don't and it REALLY helps. That, and ALWAYS go to class.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Daryl probably one of the coolest math professors I have ever had.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

At least one joke every lecture.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

prof. cooper's class is overall pretty easy and straight forward if you just attend class and do the hw. practice midterms/finals really do help. I basically study from them and go over anything I don't get through the online lectures. best calculus teacher I've ever had! trust me, I had some who really can't teach. and besides, fun cheesy jokes!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Cooper is a great guy! The lectures are done well so you don't really need the book.Just go to class and you'll have nothing to worry about! :] I loved his cheesy jokes!

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

Bad at explaining problems, but you'll sure enjoy his lectures. Study for the mid-term and final, tests are easy.

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MATH34A . 14 Years Ago

One of the funniest professors I've had. Somehow achieves the impossible by making math fun. Class is harder than you think, especially towards the end. However, I was failing up until the final and got an A in the class with an A on the final.

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MATH34B . 14 Years Ago

Terrible professor. Hard to follow along in class with what he's doing. Book is useless only helps if you have the same problem on the hw from the book. Really need to go to c.l.a.s to understand material and also practice problems to get a decent grade. section is useless.

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