
Rate My Professors (985)

MATH34A34B . 3 Years Ago

Daryl Cooper is great! He makes grading criteria super clear, and has regular office hour meetings on Zoom. I would recommend watching lectures and reading the textbook (and redoing the hw problems for practice) in order to succeed in the class. Exams have practice tests which are good ways to test your understanding and prepare. Would recommend!

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34AB . 3 Years Ago

Daryl is pretty goated honestly and actually cares about his students. Had him for online 34A ,B- I came in having took calculus in high school so the class was a breeze. I think Daryl tried his best with the whole online format but of course it is hard to match that of an in person learning experience. Overall though Daryl's pretty awesome.

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34B . 3 Years Ago

Daryl Cooper is an amazing professor. I took this class online, so I am unsure of what it is like in person, but I had an amazing experience. He cares about his students and wants everyone to succeed. The class was based mainly on tests and homework, but he is super clear about structure and expectations. I highly highly recommend Daryl!!

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MATH34B . 3 Years Ago

This professor is a 10/10. He makes it super hard for you to get a bad grade in the class. Office hours are available, hw extensions are given and during covid he has been super understanding about our situations. One of few professor who you know they really care about your success.

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34A . 3 Years Ago

absolutely loved daryl. he was funny and a really good teacher in general. homework was a bit of a drag but it should be expected from a math class. there were never any surprises with him- everything was straightforward. one of the first professors i had and he was a gem, so i def recommend him

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34B . 3 Years Ago

Great professor. Definitely recommend taking Math 34 A or 34 B with him. He keeps class interesting and does a really good job at teaching.

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MATH34B . 3 Years Ago

I am taking Daryl for a second quarter now and my opinion of him has only grown more positive, he is by far the best professor I have had so far and is the most understanding of the difficulty of being online. Always is willing to extend Hw, wants you to pass and is super genuine in wanting you to learn! He makes calculus easy, passing is garunteed

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

The lectures are pre-recorded but the sections are mandatory but only around 25 minutes long. The work was standard for a math class. No more than 3 homework assignments were due a week and he was very flexible when it came to extending it. The tests were somewhat easy and the midterm reviews do help. If you do the work, you'll get a good grade.

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34AB . 3 Years Ago

Daryl is a pretty nice guy. Extended basically every homework assignment by at least a full day, and midterms and finals were easy, very similar to practice tests. There is a fair amount of lectures and homework but not overwhelming at all. Easy A and would recommend.

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MATH34B . 3 Years Ago

I've had professor Daryl for 2 quarters now and he is AWESOME. The class is completely online and I really appreciate how accommodating he is. He extends deadlines and is understanding/funny. For now, the class has 5 mini exams every 2 weeks (fillable pdfs), and homework 3x a week. Do the homework and watch the lectures and you should be ok!

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MATH34A34B . 3 Years Ago

Daryl is the nicest professor I've ever had hands down. I got covid recently and he has been SO accommodating and didn't make me turn in any assignments until I was fully recovered. Even after that he didn't make me submit my overdue assignments. Also with all his midterms he curved pretty generously and just genuinely cared about his students.

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34AB . 3 Years Ago

He is so understanding and gives you everything you need to pass his midterms and finals! As someone who doesn't like calculus, he made it so enjoyable! Daryl really is the GOAT

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MAT34A . 3 Years Ago

I took 34A as an online class. To be transparent, your grade entirely depends on the time (and effort) you put in. If you do everything that is asked (watch lectures in a timely manner, complete hmw) while actually trying to understand the material, I guarantee you'll learn quite a lot and pass the class. I hate math. But daryl made it easier.

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MAT34A . 3 Years Ago

king!! usually about 3 homework assignments a week which can add up to a lot if you procrastinate but he is very generous about the deadlines and will extend them quite often! There are midterms every two weeks but they're mostly easy and heavily reflect problems done in lectures and homework that you should be familiar with if you keep up!

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

Great lecturer, makes math entertaining. Lots of word problems which applies the math to real life--very practical. I found homework challenging especially considering the online format, but test are fair.

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

loved Daryl's personality but I didn't understand the concepts that he explained in recorded lectures, wasn't very thorough and explained things through analogies which were confusing. He is very understanding, midterms are kinda similar to practice, lots of homework. The class is a pretty easy A and I'm not a math person

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

Cooper is extremely clear in his lectures. There is a lot of homework but it's not overly time-consuming. The homework problems are often harder than test questions, but you have unlimited tries for homework. He frequently extends deadlines and is very generous with his grading. He definitely cares about the success of his students.

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

daryl is a really great teacher who actually cares for his students. if you watch the lectures and take notes, this class is an easy A. he's really understanding with covid-19 and I genuinely enjoyed this class and understood the material even though I didn't have a strong calc background and don't usually like math. I highly recommend CLAS too!

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

Math makes me want to kms and Cooper made it so much more bearable, I fr thought I was gonna fail the class but I did so good in the class, his lectures are really easy to follow and he tries to make them funny. Homework 3x a week with 3 midterms and a final

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

Daryl is such a caring professor and even extended deadlines for us. He postponed homework and exams for us when it was election week because everyone was stressed. Truly the best professor. Lots of busy work and homework and exams are tough, but it's manageable and he is very nice with grading. Final was 50% of grade tho so expect some stress.

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

Daryl was a great professor! I really enjoyed MATH34A with him and he was always very considerate about his students. With everything being online this quarter, he was able to teach the material smoothly and I had no problem with the online format. I would recommend Daryl as a professor to anyone who is thinking about taking Math34A/34B!

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

I took Professor Cooper's class online/async this quarter, and I have to say I actually really enjoyed it. It is a fair amount of work (what math class isn't?) but he provides a lot of support and obviously really cares about his students. Would definitely recommend Professor Cooper if you have to take Math 34A!

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34A . 3 Years Ago

D.A.R.Y.L has been the best professor for 34A thus quarter. He has been so accomodating with the test times, and his homework and lectures are there to help you succeed. Wish his final wasnt worth 50% for the pressure, but his teaching prepared me pretty well. Taking 34B with him next quarter and hopefully can have the same experience!

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MATH34A . 3 Years Ago

This was by far my easiest class at UCSB so far. The majority of the quarter was basic algebra&wordproblems. Hardly even touched on calculus until the end. Daryl is very nice and seems to care. Personally found his lectures BORING&LONG. Didn't use textbook & hardly watch lectures so not necessary to pass. Homework was a lot but manageable.

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