
Rate My Professors (197)

PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

EXTREMELY HARD TESTS! DO NOT FALL BEHIND IN THE CLASS AND MAKE SURE TO STUDY EVERY DAY. I think the professor is good, the material is difficult and he provides you with a lot of resources to succeed so use them.

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PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

He's a very good professor! Lectures are online. It helps if you read before attending class. Go to class for iClicker points and to work out problems that WILL help you on tests. He gives a lot of super difficult homework that's worth A LOT in your grade. His tests are incredibly tricky. Definitely not an easy A. Very challenging class.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Online lectures are boring and tend to have unnecessary filler; not helpful for HW or test material. Don't use your cell phone during class, he will pick you to answer a question. He can be very condescending, which is annoying. Tests are very hard and not curved. I would not recommend Freedman.

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PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

He doesn't lecture in class, but records lectures to be viewed online before coming to class. There's not a lot of support in this class, but there's tons of homework. I wish a different professor taught this class.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

You'll have pre-class reading/online lectures, then go to class to work problems. Either read/watch the lecture (they cover the same material), do the hw, and you'll be good. All the "extra work" is stuff you should be doing outside of class anyways, so it helps you keep up w/ what's going on, and the online lectures are usually only 15 minutes.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Unfortunately, this professor makes physics impossible to learn and enjoy because of his teaching strategies. Lectures are online, early morning classes are extremely boring and pointless (yet mandatory), homework is extremely difficult, and tests are just a complete mystery. Good luck to you all

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

The most condescending professor I've ever had. Talks down to you during office hours if you are completely lost. This is a hard class and he acts like it is a breeze. I would avoid him if possible. Honestly makes students feel like complete idiots. I took his class with out ever taking a single physics class and it was super hard!

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PHYS2 . 11 Years Ago

Arrogant yet a good teacher. Lecture would be pointless if not for mandatory iclicker. He will replace the final with the two midterms if you do well on the final. Homework is the most helpful.

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PHYS6A . 11 Years Ago

At first this class seems overwhelming with work and Freedman a dictator but he truly is amazing at being a professor and the class was much more manageable with him teaching. All subsequent physics professors I've had, are nothing as good as him and just make physics more confusing or dont teach at all. Take Freedman!

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PHYS2 . 11 Years Ago

He is a wonderful professor. He knows everything about physics and gets the class involved in his lectures. The exams are EXTREMELY difficult and tricky though. But hard work will ensure that you will do well in his class.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Great teacher. Knows everything about physics. Do your homework, which is quite a bit but you'll learn a lot. Tests are hard. Might take time to grasp format. Hard MC. Complicated free response. Failed both midterms. Got an A in the class because of the final. Don't be lazy, learn your stuff and you'll do well.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Many reviews say he is self-important, and I strongly disagree. He is probably the most organized teacher I have ever had, although at first he probably doesn't appear that way. Despite his personal organization, I didn't have the interest or TIME to commit to his every other day homeworks. I was sick for two weeks and he was not supportive, either

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

He is very self-important, but he is a very good professor. It is a lot of work but it really helps. The lectures are mostly just working examples which pertain to the homework as well.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Most of the stuff you covered in class was probably covered in HS physics. Doesn't actually lecture in lecture, instead does a lot of examples. A metric ton of homework but it won't really help on the test. Homework problems use numbers, tests are all variable problems.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Pretty standard guy in terms of teaching. His tests are pretty tricky as others say.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Not sure why he has such low reviews, if you do all the homework and readings you'll be fine. His multiple choice on exams are purposely tricky but if you review the iclicker questions he has in class you're set for understanding them. Class has a massive pre determined curve.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

After taking AP Mechanics in high school, this class was basically review. If you've never taken a physics class before (why are you majoring in engineering), definitely go to section so you can learn the methods to solve the problems.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Questions on midterms and final are purposefully tricky and poorly worded. Lecture and section attendance is required because there are assignments and clicker q's. Tests are not curved. Avoid if possible

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

I really advise anyone who has never has a physics course ever! to read the book, or at leastskim it before you start the class. This class is ridiculously hard if you've never had physics. He assigns way too much homework. Section is useless. and the online lectures are difficult to sit through. Only reason to go to lecture is for iclicker points.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

The only reason you should go to his lectures is because he gives iclicker questions everytime. He is terrible at teaching, goes over irrelevant concepts during lecture, arrogant, and to top it off, his exams are full of curveballs that you can't really prepare for. Avoid taking this class at all costs.

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PHYSPHY1 . 12 Years Ago

His philosophy of teaching is giving you tons of online assignments (3 per week) and mandatory sections doing irrelevant physics worksheets. The assignments don't help you on the exam because exams are in solving letter variables while assignments are done with solving numbers. Also, forces you to ask questions online, so he can show off in class.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Comes off as very condescending and arrogant. Often spent a quarter to a half hour talking about irrelevant concepts.

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PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Freedman should not be a professor, because he doesn't actually teach anything. Instead, he assigns pre-recorded online lectures, which are 1 hour apiece (2-3/week). On top of this, you will receive 3-4 2hour assign./week. Add this to mandatory 2 hr section and clicker questions in class and your week is shot. Condescending and useless. What a guy.

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PHYS2 . 12 Years Ago

Definitely has the air of arrogance about him, but I can honestly say that out of three physics professors I've had so far, he's been the best. It definitely requires much more time than normal, but the examples he does in his online lectures are very thorough. Homework can be a bit much, but it really does cover what's on his exams.

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