
Rate My Professors (197)

PHYS2 . 8 Years Ago

Class is very hard. Lectures are marginally helpful. Expect to do a lot of self-study. Coming from a background of no physics, both Physics 1 and 2 were extremely difficult. Homework system is very stupid as you lose credit for each attempt you get wrong. You will definitely have to work for your grade. GL

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PHYS2 . 8 Years Ago

Beware of rodger! he is not very good when it comes to answering your questions but hey thats what the TA's do right?! Also his lecture videos are primarily what you learn from and his actual lectures are completely random

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PHYS4 . 9 Years Ago

I got A+ in his PHYS 2. I didn't go to his lectures often. But I got 100/100/190 points in three exams. Freedman is a poor professor. But I'm a physics genius.

4 helpful 52 unhelpful
PHYS2 . 9 Years Ago

Freedman's lectures are useless. He doesn't actually teach his students anything, they have to learn everything themselves through the HW and book. The tests are tough and he changed the tests so that they have no problems, only multiple choice, which I think doesn't allow students to show their knowledge. A very slow grader, even with scantrons...

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

You are expected to: (1) answer iClicker questions during class for participation, (2) watch about 2 30-ish minute long video lectures per week, (3) do 2 long (1-3 hours) and 2 short (30 mins - 1 hour) homework assignments per week, and (4) read all of the material in the textbook. He's interesting, but expects you to teach yourself.

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

He makes physics overwhelming. Hw is due MWF and he insists that you write down your work in a notebook that's checked by your ta in section weekly. iclicker is 4% but beware he calls on random people in lecture to answer them. he expects you to read his book & watch online lectures on each section. if you have a choice bw him and gwinn take gwinn

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

His exams are guessing games. Most problems can be solved in more than one way. Choose the wrong way and you lose all points even if your answer is right and your method was more efficient. You also have to simplify your answer so that it matches his answer key. He won't simplify for you and will just mark your answer wrong even if it is right.

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

Above all he is a MEAN little man. In his office hours he YELLED at me and kicked me out, saying that he couldn't teach me physics, that I had to learn myself... all because I didn't know how to set up a problem. Seems like a funny guy but be warned, he has a TEMPER!!!

19 helpful 3 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

Freedman seems nice in lecture. His lectures are fine themselves. His exams are RIDICULOUS, with a grading rubric that makes no sense (I had every exam regraded by a different TA).

5 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

Incredibly difficult class, even after having taken physics in high school. The online assignments through MasteringPhysics are incredibly long, and the tests are nearly impossible. The material isn't taught; you're expected to read through the book and watch video lectures. A grade is given for attendance through iClicker questions in lectures.

3 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYS6A . 9 Years Ago

He has online lectures and they are extremely clear. He assigns alot of homework, some of which can be quite difficult. He has iclicker questions which mainly focus on concepts. His tests are extremely difficult, but he has a pre-set curve and he rounds your grade up if you are less than 1 point away from the next grade. He seems to be helpful.

1 helpful 6 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

He has really detailed plan for every week, but I never paid attention; he has videos for many class materials, but I never watched; his textbook looks nice, but I only printed the chapter summaries for the final. Super hard to get an A+ if you don't fulfill all of his requirements.

4 helpful 4 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

This is class is hard, not because of the material, but because Freedman barely even teaches the class. He expects you to just learn everything yourself from the book to be able to do the HW and tests (his class and online lectures cover barely anything). I wouldn't take a class with him again- Oh wait, he's the only option for physics 2. Peachy...

8 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

You barely (if not never) learn anything in lectures. Gives you a ton of homework which isn't even covered on the exams. You will most likely fail the first midterm, but you can always try to do well on the final and have it completely replace your exam grade. Or better yet, just avoid taking this class.

4 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

His lectures and sections are cool but his exam is horrible. His grading system is crazy, subtracting points for procedures. Avoid this professor if you can. But if you really like physics, take it and test you interest in Physics.

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PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

Freedman is a smart man, but a terrible professor. He doesn't explain concepts in class, which is useless besides iclicker points. He will randomly call on people in class to answer the question, awkwardly putting them on the spot. Highly would not recommend.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Even though he is a nice person, physics is difficult and he made the class even more difficult. We had to learn a lot of the information on our own.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Physics as a class itself is already hard, but study hard and you'll be fine. Midterm and final grade can be either split 30%/50% or 0%/80% which I found very helpful. Lecture is useless, only go for iclicker. Pick up CLAS, read the main pts in book, and go over Sapling HW.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

I hated this class. Class is pointless and he barely teaches you anything because he expects you to read and teach yourself based off the book and online lectures. He was not very helpful in office hours and I think it's annoying how he randomly calls on people during lecture to embarrass them. I wish I waited to take physics with a better teacher.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Worst class ever. I took high school physics before taking this class so I was okay, but he doesn't teach anything. Really the only reason to go to lecture is because he has iclicker questions that are mandatory. Homework is difficult and useless. Learned more at CLAS.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Freedman can be somewhat intimidating and expects a lot of his students even in intro level physics. His grading system (preset curve, final worth 50%)and tricky tests make for a challenging class but he is truly a very effective professor. He knows his stuff and is clearly passionate about teaching physics. Put in the work and you will succeed

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PHYSICS6A . 10 Years Ago

Do not take him. He doesn't teach, and just posts videos online. The final was hard, and there is a lot of homework. He can come by as demeaning and rude.

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

Wish I had taken high school physics! It's a lot of work to stay on top of lectures, readings and sapling homework! It's a fast paced class that will keep you busy (and stressed). If you have a good understanding of the subject or dedicate good time to study you will get through just fine. Be warned, Freedman can come off as harsh and demeaning...

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PHYS6A . 10 Years Ago

He made really hard tests. His final was hard. There is a lot of homework, but it is doable and it helps convey the concepts. Lecture is good because he keeps you engaged with iclicker questions and he directly answers questions that students post for homework.

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