Roger Freedman

195 reviews
Lots of homework Tough grader Test heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Get ready to read Tests are tough Graded by few things Participation matters Lecture heavy Accessible outside class EXTRA CREDIT Group projects Amazing lectures So many papers Respected Clear grading criteria Inspirational Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes Caring
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PHYS1 . 10 Months Ago

Worst professor I've ever had at UCSB. Could not teach for his life and impossible final.

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PHY1 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Although the class material was straightforward, this professor is extremely rude and bad at teaching. When my classmates would ask questions he would usually come up with a disrespectful/snarky response rather than actually try to help them understand the material.

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AST1 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Dr. Freedman is an incredibly unpleasant person. I almost quit graduate school, weeks in, because of an email he sent berating me for an honest mistake. I would, and have since, avoided him at all costs.

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PHY1 . 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Puts down students who ask questions. Makes you buy his own textbook, which you actually have to do because the tests are open book and that's the only book he allows. Worst professor I've ever had at ucsb.

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PHYS1 . 2 Years Ago

He makes this course so much harder than it needs to be. For what should be an introductory physics class, you are better off with someone else. I recommend reading from the textbook in lieu of his lectures. Tests are pretty difficult, make sure you really understand the topics conceptually.

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PHY1 . 2 Years Ago

Do not take class with him. If you are a physics major, avoid him. He is rude, and looks down on his students.

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PHY1 . 2 Years Ago

Avoid Freedman at all costs. Midterm and the Final alone are close to impossible to the point where you question whether anything above a 70% is feasible, and these combine for 75% of your grade. There are 4 homeworks per week, each taking a long time. Freedman acts as if this is your only class and constantly condescends and berates students.

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PHYS1 . 3 Years Ago

DO NOT take physics with him. He simply cannot teach! His lectures and textbook are utterly useless. He has the tendency to act and respond rudely towards students for no apparent reason besides to humiliate and demean them who have otherwise legitimate questions regarding the course--which is perhaps why no ever went to his office hours.

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PHYS1 . 3 Years Ago

i wish everyone currently enrolled in professor freedman's class a very pleasant good luck on your midterm

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PHY1 . 3 Years Ago

Assigns ridiculous amounts of homework (assignments 4 times per week), which is worth nothing to the overall grade. Midterm and final were very tough and worth the bulk (75%) of the grade. Assigns a ton of extra credit though, and doing all of it can boost your grade by several percentage points. Avoid at all costs.

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PHY1 . 3 Years Ago

The other reviews are all correct that there is a lot of homework and Dr Freedman can come off as rude. The midterm and final make up a combined 75% of the grade, and are both very difficult. With that being said the material itself isn't too hard if you stay on top of it, and a good grade is easily achievable with hard work.

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PHYS1 . 3 Years Ago

His course is very very interesting, but you have to watch lecture videos before classes. Insane amount of HW (60 dues total). Relatively easy midterm but the final was worth 50 or 75 percent of grade and was ridiculously hard. He wrote the textbook we have to read. This course is extremely demanding and be prepared for hw. But he offers so much EC

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