
Rate My Professors (197)

PHYS1 . 12 Years Ago

Took him in 2010. Yeah he can come off as being a little arrogant and iclickers suck but I learned a lot from this guy, which matters most. His exams are fair and very comprehensive. Do your hw, go to class, and do practice problems for exams and you will be fine.

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

Horrible teacher. Pre-records all his lectures online and makes you pay for it so he doesn't need to teach you in class. In class lectures barely useful. Tests are ridiculously hard.

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PHY1 . 13 Years Ago

Arrogant but brilliant and hilarious! Just be humble and admit you know nothing next to him and he will open up the mysteries of the universe to you...

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PHYS6A . 13 Years Ago

Worst professor I have had at UCSB so far. I downright suffered in his class. Freedman assigns a ridiculous amount of homework that takes a lot of time to complete. He also expects you to watch a lecture before going to lecture. Lastly, don't bother asking a question because he will most likely sass and belittle you without much help.

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

Incredibly difficult professor, but his grading (at the end of the class) is exceptionally fair. If you don't have a lot of experience with Physics material, this class will destroy you. But, the hard work pays off. With Freedman, you will learn an absurd amount of Physics. Don't get too focused on the grade. Do all of the homework and go to OH!

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

I have not taken a Physics sequence before taking 1 and 2 at UCSB (no APs or anything). I have definitely learned a lot in Freedman's course. But, he is absolutely too demanding. The final was excruciating, and for most students 3 hours was not nearly enough time. I may not get to take ECE courses next year because of this.

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

Half-decent professor. Doesn't lecture, instead, uses time in class to go over problems. Lectures are watched online and homework is done through MasteringPhysics. Tests were moderately difficult. I didn't find them too hard since I have some physics background. Take a different professor if given the chance.

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

very hard final, 2nd midterm fairly easy, 1st midterm very tricky. The free response on the final was almost completely from the first midterm and the multiple choice was tricky. Gave us practice problems from all chapters but focused only first few.

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PHYS2 . 13 Years Ago

Terrible teacher. Threatens to add more questions to tests if class isn't quiet. Makes you waste money on his reusable online lectures so he doesn't have to teach in class. Rude professor. Take this professor as a last resort. Tests are ridiculously hard, and class is NOT curved.

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PHYS6A . 13 Years Ago

Lectures online actually de-motivated me. Had the hardest time in this class. Much rather prefer a traditional teacher, who lectured in class, instead of wasting a lot of time answering students' questions.

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PHYS6A . 13 Years Ago

avoid this class! lectures are online, but you still have to attend lecture and nothing makes any sense. he makes everything way too complicated, and the tests impossible!

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PHYS6A . 13 Years Ago

Toughest class you will ever take. Good lecturer, but doesn't help with homework. HW is ridiculous tough, and tests are ungodly. Google might be your only help in this class. Please take someone else.

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PHYS6A . 13 Years Ago

I felt like I had to teach myself physics in this class. Panopoto lectures very broad while the material is very difficult and since its online you can't ask for more details. Ridiculous tests too, not at all the level of the homework. Take someone else!

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PHYS1 . 13 Years Ago

Why wouldn't you want to take a class taught by the person who helped write a book used by people all over the world?! He is not the nicest person in the world but he is a very VERY good lecturer. He is always well prepared and can answer almost any question you throw at him. He is strict but fair.

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

his exams are pretty ridiculous. the huge predetermined curve kind of compensates..

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

Is an engaging lecturer, encourages class participation. Is extremely friendly and helpful in office hours. Very organized and makes course resources readily available. Doesn't hand out easy A's, but if you put in the effort you can easily get a good grade.

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

Soooooooooooo hard. Take someone else if possible. Class is too hard in general

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

HORRIBLE PROFESSOR. Avoid at all costs. Thinks he's god. Looks down upon you for asking a question he thinks is stupid. Doesn't curve at all. Tests are much harder then the hw.

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

Freedman is a punk. Thinks that he is gods gift to physics and astronomy. Seems nice at first but by the end of the quarter is mean. Don't know why he is even teacher if he doesn't enjoy it. Discussions are the most pointless thing i've ever done in my life. Gives out free points for homework, iclicker and discussion. HIS BOOK IS HORRIBLE!!

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

I never had physics before which made this class very difficult. He makes the false assumption that most people have had it, and theres tons that havent. Typically belittles students and makes them feel inferior for asking questions, even in office hours. CLAS recommended. class uses iclicker so you need to go :/

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

Overall a decent teacher. He has good slides in lecture, but the homework is very challenging. 2 hour sections are a waste of time. TAKE CLAS!!!! CLAS helped me very much it is basically like another section to go to except you have a great TA

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

This guy is a TERRIBLE person in general. His teachings are decent and i have learned quite a bit but it doesnt matter when you get screwed for every little thing on the test and it doesnt refelect what you have learned. This guy is the biggest JERK for a teacher ever. I went to his office hours and he was a complete ****. did not want to help.

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

Good Lecturer.HARD test. Book must be read, and do not ask question unless you read the book and you are prepared. can be nice and can be mean. Follow the instruction because if you don't, he'll tear you apart. STUDY STUDY, test are MIXING QUESTION of concepts which are HARD. (ONLY VARIABLES.. WATCH OUT)

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

The worst teacher I've ever had. His book shows how to use a stupid "ISEE" solving method but doesn't show you how to do the actual problems. Class attendance is only for the participation points, there is no need to hear to what he says. Concepts relevant to the homework are not explained in the book, class, or sect and tests are unreasonably hard

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