
Rate My Professors (197)

PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

I was afraid to take him because of all the comments but I was surprised that he was actually not that bad at all! He hasn't yelled at the class or been a jerk. Book is good, just master the challenge problems and you'll be fine. To me at least, it's apparent that he enjoys teaching. use for homework.

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PHYS1A . 14 Years Ago

Very good professor. Only disliked by irresponsible students who party all the time and flunk his tests. Explains everything very clearly. All his exam questions are in the book and are all easily done

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CCS1TO6 . 14 Years Ago

I took CCS physics and I also now teach at the college level. Additionally I have had the distinct pleasure of co-teaching a course with Freedman. He is a physics teacher for physicists. His textbook is excellent and his command of the material is unsurpassed.

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PHYSCCS . 14 Years Ago

Roger Freedman is a pleasant and interesting person, but he is ruthless and useless as a teacher. He tries to motivate students by yelling at and insulting them, rather than encouraging and actually TEACHING them. I have moved on from UCSB and now teach at the college level. My students and I have a mutual respect that promotes learning, not anger.

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PHYS1 . 14 Years Ago

This man knows what he's talking about and in the beginning he seemed really nice and like he wanted you to learn but by the end he was a jerk. His test were really hard. I barely passed the class with a C. Read the book, do the hmwk and study study study

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

Freedman is a strange one. In lecture, it seems like he wants you to learn, but at the same time gives you an uphill battle of unreasonable tests that tend to show nothing. Out of everything covered, each test will only test you on a couple specific things, and it will test you hard. If you mess up on one problem, your grade is screwed.

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

seems very full of himself at first (well, he kinda is), but the guy knows physics inside and out. he actually does care. go to his review sessions they help a lot. I got by with a B without a ton of effort. after 3 weeks of physics 2, i can safely say Freedman actually knows how to teach well, though sometimes he can get boringly specific.

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

Aced all the homework and got the most I could get out of the free points. All tests aren't even worth the time. He's only here to fail you out. Grading is unfair, he doesn't curve and he especially won't round your grade even if it's within .5%. I would pay special attention to other reviews like this one. First and last class I'll write about.

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PHYS2 . 15 Years Ago

Seems full of himself at first. He is very helpful most of the time. Tests are hard, and you must study and do all of the hw to pass.

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

I went to office hours and he told me to come another time. His philosophy about teaching is that students do not understand physics and its his way or the high way. He does not like answering questions and at one point told kid he asked a bad question and then didn't answer it.

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

Tests were mostly free response. and very hard as well including the final which caused me to fail the class.uses variables instead of numbers. expects you to know stuff before class..which is stupid. and explains it poorly..AVOID THIS PROFESSOR AT ALL COSTS!!!

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

i loved this professor. He was always very prepared, and always tried to make the lecture interesting with jokes and interesting facts. Some people thought he was mean, but i completely disagree, just dont be stupid in class (play video games in the front row etc). Great (but hard) class, great teacher

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PHYS1 . 15 Years Ago

Aced the first midterm, failed the second one, aced the final and got an A solid in the class. I would recommend doing all of the homework, going to all of the lectures and doing some of the hard practice problems at the end of the chapters before the tests. Don't worry about failing the second test...everyone who is normal does.

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PHYS1 . 16 Years Ago

Two midterms, one final, and 25% free points. Go to section, it's useless but you get credit, actually DO the homework, and remember your damn iclicker. The average on the second midterm was on the 40s. Don't expect to ace things. I am still completely intimidated by physics.

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PHYS1 . 16 Years Ago

People seemed not to like him here so I thought he would be mean but then I went to office hours and he's really nice and helpful. It is hard though, so I'd suggest studying. I didn't think he was pompous though.

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PHYS2 . 16 Years Ago

DIFFICULT! very good lectures but extremely hard tests and final. inapproachable and arrogant and well frankly i can't STAND him! final grade very unexpected and disappointing

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PHYS1 . 16 Years Ago

I do not like this teacher. He almost refuses to answer questions via email, and he is very arrogant.

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PHYS23 . 16 Years Ago

Freedman has great lectures (he does relevant experiments in every lecture), however his class is very difficult and he is arrogant/unapproachable. Masteringphysics due 3x a week; class is curved 5%. Exams are HARD!!! (problem solving in terms of variables). Makes attendance at both discussion AND lecture mandatory. Decent teacher; hard class.

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PHYS3 . 16 Years Ago

i really enjoyed physics, until i took his classes. hes rude arrogant, and he takes credit for writing the book. HE DID NOT write our physics book, he simply edited it a bit. his tests are 70% of your grade if not more, and they have very little to do with the homework(hw is numeric, test are variable based). avoid this professor at all costs.

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PHYS2 . 16 Years Ago

When I started taking his class, I thought he wasn't that bad, but the truth bore down on me as the quarter drew on. Ridiculously hard assignments (for a BASIC physics course). He's really full of himself and his tests are murder. During the final, I was actually saying to myself 'I have no idea what to do here.' Take these classes w/ someone else.

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PHYS3 . 16 Years Ago

I've had him for two quarters in a row and his lectures are clear and mostly interesting. He has fun experiments during class but his tests are lethal and he is very arrogant. Tests are virtually never representative of the homework and would not recommend taking his class if it can be avoided.

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PHYS2 . 17 Years Ago

by far the hardest tests i've taken in my life. Good lecturer and he definitely knows physics (he wrote the book). Homeworks are tough and will definitely save your grade, but there's really no way you can prepare for his tests

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ASTRO1 . 18 Years Ago

Extremely difficult, self-absorbed, and doesn't realize he's teaching a basic course which most people are just taking for a GE. He tries hard - about the only good thing about him.

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PHYS1 . 18 Years Ago

This guy is a bag of ****. Don't take the class. Don't. It's really hard and is the bane of my existance.

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