
Rate My Professors (197)

PHY2 . 6 Years Ago


35 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYS2 . 6 Years Ago

I really like this man! Some students don't like him because his exams are hard and he has a lot homework, but his passion to physics are really respectable. Also, he prepared sufficient for every lecture and is kind to every student.

4 helpful 47 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

I LOVE this mans passion for physics and learning! Its definitely contagious. Although, it seems his goal to make his class the most important thing in your life for 9 weeks. Ridiculous amount of HW. Tests/finals aren't that bad if you understand the material AND basic algebra. I actually loved how unique his tests were. Great lecturer as well.

1 helpful 49 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

Freedman has the class structured so that you'll completely master physics in every aspect, but that means tons of homework and very challenging tests. He knows the material well and can teach it, but has no understanding or regard at all for how the students feel, expecting the students to spend all their time on his class.

39 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

I have a heavy math background and still found this class extremely difficult. Seriously, if you are a freshman do NOT TAKE HIM. He treats students like children, assigns homework like you have no other classes, and his tests are ridiculous. He just wants to trick you and see you fail. He does not care about his students or their success.

43 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

Freedman is so close to being an amazing professor, but falls short in the worst ways. All lectures of new material are mind-numbing online videos. It's a "flipped classroom" style course, but for physics, it just doesn't work. iClickers are used during the in-person "lectures" so attendance is pretty much mandatory. Exams aren't horrible.

36 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS2 . 6 Years Ago

Freedman gets a bad rap because his class is HARD. He forces you to put in a ton of work to properly understand the content and though that makes it difficult to get a good grade in the class, it forces you to really learn the material. He knows what he's doing, you just have to be prepared to dedicate a lot of time to his methods. They work though

3 helpful 38 unhelpful
PHYS3 . 7 Years Ago

Incredibly hard final, but I learned so much in the course. He was the first physics professor who really forces you to understand the concepts. Lectures aren't that helpful, but the book and homework definitely were. Homework load wasn't fun but I know it helped me in the long run.

1 helpful 4 unhelpful
PHYS6A . 7 Years Ago

I really disliked him as a person, but he was an organized professor with set schedules for homework and online lectures. He also treated all of us like children with simple rituals like "raise your iclickers" and the "physics mailman". He wasn't helpful outside of class. I personally ended up going to CLAS and reading the textbook a lot for help.

30 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS2 . 7 Years Ago

Long hours of homework each week where he expects you to pre-read, do the homework, and come to class actually understanding material when he doesn't even teach. Spends half the lectures discussing iclickers rather than focusing on real content. Tests are extremely hard but doable. Expect to do the full reading and hours of prep that he demands

33 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS2 . 7 Years Ago

Taking his class you need to spend 4 hours on the stupid mastering physics questions each week. Many questions are easy to misunderstand since there will be no picuture. If you had taken AP physics and want to learn deeper instead of wasting your time on basic but massive hw choose physics 2x series in which you can learn more and possibly less hw

29 helpful 3 unhelpful
PHYS6A . 7 Years Ago

Freedman was one of the worst professors I've had. I don't understand why he is a teacher when he clearly doesn't want to teach. You're required to watch an automated lecture online before every class and then you go to class and he explains one iClicker question for the entire 50 minutes. If you want to do well take physics with anyone else.

38 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

This is the most difficult course I have ever taken at UCSB. Freedman is a brutal teacher and a assshole when it comes to passing this class. Take it with another teacher. Trust me.

29 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS6C . 8 Years Ago

Friedman is awful he assigns out of class work as if you are not taking a single other class. There is homework like 4 times a week both in online assignments and video lecture. the class takes way to much time out of class.

24 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

Honestly can say that Freedman is the worst professor I've had at UCSB. Insane amount of work + nearly impossible tests. Biggest problem with him is his complete lack of respect for students. He makes you feel stupid for asking Q's and is extremely demeaning. He thinks he's all that because he wrote the textbook.. he's not. AVOID HIM IF YOU CAN!!!

32 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

WORST professor. I already disliked physics and now it disgusts me. He makes you watch a 50 minute lecture before every lecture and attending lecture is pointless, but you have clicker. Sapling hw. Midterm and final are insanely hard. Says only round 7% but actually rounds 15%. Very demeaning. Got 50% on midterm and 40% on final and still passed.

12 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

Freedman is so insanely organized with homework, slides, and video lectures. I went in to office hours once and he was very helpful, but I've seen him during class try answering questions and he tends to be unclear then. Yes, this class reminds me of high school but the homework and outside video lectures really helped with my success.

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

Class did NOT mesh with me! HW/iClicker worth 20% and theres a LOT of it! Reminiscent of high school, with a LOT of cheap tricks to make sure you come to class & stay on top of the material. Lectures are pointless except to get iClicker points. Geller is WAY better and actually teaches you! Freedman assumes you have no life besides intro physics!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

He'll have you watch video lectures and do a ton of homework, then uses the actual class lecture for iclicker questions and physics demonstrations. Even though he allows open book/notes, his midterm and final are incredibly difficult as problems combine multiple concepts for you to get the answer.

3 helpful 4 unhelpful
PHYSICS6B . 8 Years Ago

His tests are indeed very difficult, but to be fair, I learned a lot in this class. Lot of homework (which is easy) and the reverse class thingy where you watch videos online can be overwhelming He does explain physics very clearly (in my opinion) and physics is definitely a subject difficult to understand. He helps students to do well in this clas

1 helpful 3 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

I did all of the book problems and sapling and clas work and took extensive notes, yet somehow the tests were still extremely hard. If he's going to make tests this hard, there should be curves to the tests as well as the pre-set curve.

7 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 8 Years Ago

Final was stupidly difficult and lectures were pointless. All he did was experiments and talk about inconsequential things. Every test is open book and open note so he puts insane questions on there. Going to office hours is just getting talked down to.

9 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHYSICS6B . 8 Years Ago

Final was very hard, and the homework and going to class did not help with the tests. I put in a lot of work, and the tests were still guessing games.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PHY1 . 8 Years Ago

Class is very hard, the lectures don't really add anything yet he expects you to watch videos as if you aren't devoting enough time already. The homework is very long and not very helpful, if you get less than 95% correct you have to do an extra long assignment which makes you worry more about getting the right answer than actually learning.

8 helpful 0 unhelpful