
Rate My Professors (197)

PHYS3 . 19 Years Ago

He is a good LECTURER. Very clear in his explanations and his explanations are thorough enough so that you understand things. I learned about physics. But he is a pompous ass who talks condescendingly to his students, and will tear you a new one if he doesn't like your question. Don't even think about trying to ask him to change your grade!

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PHYS2 . 19 Years Ago

I asked this guy a question once, and I decided to never talk to him again. Avoid him and his class.

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PHYS2 . 19 Years Ago

Good teacher. Skips the useless derivations that so many other phys professors do and concentrates on conveying what the student needs to know to solve problems. Tries to be funny (sometimes too hard). Encourages an active class (IE groupwork) and discussions. I would recoment him as a a phys prof to anyone looking for a good one.

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PHYS6C . 19 Years Ago

He's a pompous ass, but sometimes cracks really funny jokes. He hates being asked questions before class begins (he can be kinda mean). DO ALL THE HOMEWORK - it will save your grade. Excellent grading scale. The homework doesn't help you do well on the midterms (which are hard), but use the midterms to study for the final - and you'll be set.

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ASTRONOMY1 . 19 Years Ago

he's a good professor and his lectures are very clear. but material is fairly hard and challenging. you should NOT take this class if you are not a math person.

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

He loves his teaching. He has cool demos and like to be humerous sometimes. Tests are ok, make sure to read the textbook (he's the author by the way).

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PHYS1 . 20 Years Ago

He yelled at me in front of the whole class for accidentally reading the nexus into his time period. His homework is ridiculously hard and his test dont have numbers its all concepts. He is hard but does have a good grading scale.

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PHYS1 . 20 Years Ago

Better than Fraser in my book. AWESOME grading scale (ie a 50% is a C).

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AST1 . 20 Years Ago

He's a gr8 lecturer, but his work is so boring. U will find urself missing many assignments cause u will eventually get lost. This class sux and so does he!

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

Clear professor, makes it so that you can UNDERSTAND what's being taught in lecture. He wrote the textbook anyway, so he'd better be pretty good at his****.

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PHYS1 . 20 Years Ago

extremely hard class. lectures make sense but the homework is 100 times more difficult. extremely fusterating.

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

An OK teacher, but i think the course is pretty boring. I should have taken Astro 2 instead. Midterms and finals are really easy, and his grading scale is easy too.

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

This guy is mean! If you take him, make sure you dont ask him anything or even go up to talk to him, he'll chew you up. He is just plain rude and inconsiderate when it comes to talking to people.

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PHYS6C . 20 Years Ago

an amazing lecturer. One of the best teachers here. BUT he is an ****. Very arrogant. Dont ever turn anything in for a re-grade he'll tear you up. Dont talk during class, He will yell at you infront of the whole class, and then take off points from you

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

He is a good lecturer and gives interesting info but he assigns way too much work. Its not so hard but it can be annoying when you have papers to write.

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

He's a good lecturer but also one very poor fellow whose self-worth seems to come only from proving his intellectual superiority over you. Just take him as a teaching *machine* and don't expect any decent human interaction out of him.

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ASTRO1 . 20 Years Ago

He thinks he is funny by putting people down. He is an a** and I recommend to take the class from someone else. He is not approachable at all.

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PHYS2 . 20 Years Ago

Easy class, very clear. Here is the basics. He is an awesome teacher but a complete **** at the same time. You will learn the stuff, he is an awesome lecturer. My only tip to students of his is DON'T ASK ANY QUESTIONS! He will ridicule you put you down

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PHYS6C . 20 Years Ago

hard but really interesting

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PHYS2 . 21 Years Ago

even though he seemed bad at first, as time passes, he isnt. his tests are jsut like the problems assigned in class. says he will not curve, but it seems like he did. even though he doesnt tell u the answer when u ask a question, he does help u think

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ASTRO1 . 21 Years Ago

e-z as cake

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PHYS2 . 21 Years Ago

This guy is unbelievably disgruntled when it comes to answering questions. I guess it's because he's not even a professor and he's been here for such a long time, get a hint Freeman your attitude needs some major readjusting. If you like bootcamp take it.

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ASTRO1 . 21 Years Ago

he's great... enthusiastic and clear

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PHY754 . 21 Years Ago

only helpful act is daily email...arrogant

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