
Rate My Professors (168)

ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

Easy class to pass if you are not an Econ major. If you are trying to be an Econ major, stay focused in this class and always practice the problems, he teaches u some but u need to know how to teach urself as well...

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

He's okay... The class itself is really difficult and he tries to make it as simple as possible. The class has a huge curve at the end in which you need a 55% to pass with a C. So it's all doable.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

The course was interesting, but very challenging. Sonstelie gives you the tools succeed, you just have to untilize them. Take CLAS, do the practice tests online, and go to lecture. There are iClicker questions every class, and the quizzes are very, very hard.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

Sonstelie is a very personable guy and is a character. You can tell he really enjoys his job and cares about his students learning. I will say however, do not take this class if you are not an econ major. It is not an easy GE. If you are in the major though, don't worry. Just utilize ALL the materials and CLAS and an A-/A is definitely possible.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

He gives you everything you need to be successful in the class (practice tests, online worksheets, a cheap and concise reader), but you REALLY have to study all of these things to get a good grade! Just showing up is not enough. The curve is harsh (only top 6% get A's) but if you work hard and study you should be able to pull out a decent grade.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

This professor is legendary within the Economics department at UCSB, and seriously knows his stuff. He cares about how his students do in the future, and put in the curve to lower grade inflation (a major issue at colleges across the country). If you pay attention and do the homework you will do well!

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

The concepts of microeconomics are not difficult but only 6% get As. Very competitive. He posts notes online which is very helpful. The quizzes (should be called midterms) are only out of 10 questions and are 30% of your grade. I got an A-, .03% short of an A (the curve is strict) and worked my ass off for it. iclicker pts in lecture count.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

Sonstelie is a pretty good teacher, just the subject is going to be difficult no matter what. The Economics curve kills!! He's been doing this for a while so he knows what he's doing but it's either you get it or you don't.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

He makes his lectures small and compact and explains everything pretty well. His tests are tricky and it’s more about knowing the small tricks he might ask you then knowing the material. He’s not a bad teacher. It’s the curve that is difficult. Don’t take this class unless you’re an economics major.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

i put all my effort into the course at the beginning. Since he makes sure the average on all quizzes is a 6 (out of 10), they are very hard and only a small percentage get A's on them, and in the class. I also grew uninterested in the subject by the 2nd quiz. Avoid if possible, and good luck if you're in the major.

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ECON1 . 10 Years Ago

I don't wanna be cruel but reading text books will be more helpful than his lectures.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Honestly,he is a good teacher. He gives u practice tests, preps for the tests, and posts up lectures..those are plenty of resources. do all practice tests and u should be prepared for tests. however, it is A LOT of work and time. if you need the grade to get into econ major, i suggest taking 12 not take it if u think it is an easy g.e

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Prof. Sonstelie has this class down after years of teaching it. The lectures are all digestible amounts of information. The resources to succeed are plentiful. Obviously the curve makes it very difficult to get an A, but getting a B- or higher isn't overly difficult. The true/false questions were very tricky but overall the tests weren't bad.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

I studied my ass off and only got a B+ but its not his fault the econ dept forces the curve on him! Take him if you want a teacher thats on top of their stuff. Tests are graded same day, grades in immediately and he personally creates awesome study resources. Best prof I had so far.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Sonstelie is tricky but offers everything you need to succeed. The Econ program at UCSB is so good that there's a DEPARTMENT-WIDE curve on ALL Pre-Econ Major courses made ESPECIALLY to weed out students. Not his fault it's hard to get an A! That being said, there are many resources to do well in Econ1 to get a good average going into future courses

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Sonstelie is an infamous professor at UCSB. He knows his stuff but will try to trick you throughout the course. Iclicker questions aren't too hard but do count for a percentage of your grade. Do well on the homeworks and "quizzes" (aka mini midterms) and get outside help. I'm an A/A- student and I received a B- in the class.

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ECON116 . 11 Years Ago

He was a nice guy, but he definitely makes his tests to weed out struggling students. I changed from being an economics major after taking his class.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

I honestly hated this class. Probably because I have no interest in Economics. Its a prereq for my major but I made the mistake of taking it in the fall. Its SUPER competitive and economic majors are the ones who actually need to pass. Clicker questions make coming to class mandatory. Regardless of all this, I passed with a C.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Professor teaches well and knows his Economics. However, course is way too competitive due to the curve. Did above average on all quizzes + final, 100% on clickers and participation, A on homework and received a B- in course. if you are pre-major for Econ/accounting/math, a 2.85 is needed for acceptance into major. Good Luck...

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

I love this professor a lot! I know a lot of students don't like him because this course is hard to get a good grade. However, if you study hard and listen every lecture, you will get a good grade! He is really a great professor! He is strict, but he is the one who wants his students understand economics and learn knowledge! And he is a nice prof!

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

I missed 1 single homework assignment and my graded dropped from a solid B to a C. Avoid if possible.

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

Really meh professor. Not bad but not entirely engaging either.

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ECONECON . 11 Years Ago

jon is a great econ teacher. if you pay attention to what he says and read the book, you will learn so much. however, he does have a tendency to explain things a bit curtly- i think because he expects too much out of his students

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ECON1 . 11 Years Ago

the curve makes the class hard but if you put in the effort you should get a decent grade

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