
Rate My Professors (168)

ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

I personally enjoyed his lectures, he's one of those profs who try to make things interesting by attempting jokes and not succeeding (but it's still funny b/c he tries), he's very clear, and very organized, very helpful, kind of sounds like an older version of Ross from "Friends" :)

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ECON109 . 19 Years Ago

Very nice guy, likes to talk to students outside of class. Also relates Economics to government policy, which I found interesting.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

he made everything very clealy, and he's really nice. the class is fairly easy. His curves r awesome!! u dont really need go to lectures, cuz everything is on his website.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class. Professor was really clear and straightforward. The experiments were really fun and homework labs were very useful. The quizzes and final were kind of hard but nothing unexpected. Good class for those who want to take econ 1.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

Interesting Class, it's a different approach with the experiments. The quizzes can be fairly difficult, but as long as you do your homework you should do alright.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

He is pretty cool. He wants you to understand the material and tries to simplify things down for you to undeerstand. The class is different because of the experiments that you participate in. His website is always updated and lecture notes are always online.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

The worst professor I've ever had. His lecture will bored you to death. The class itself is fairly easy though, but I think I gained nothing from it.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

The best prof I had so far. I'm only a freshman but his lectures are VERY clear. I totally appreciate the way he explains everything slowly. I would totally recommend taking this course I liked it and it was very interesting!! I also like the book and the experiments!

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

great professor, easy to aproach and ask questions. I don't know why these people are saying the class is difficult. My easiest class by far. No studying required

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

His class is taught in a juvenile way...with stupid games and stuff. But if you're not that interested in Econ, it makes it more entertaining at least. IT IS HARD though, you have to work to get an A, like nobody does anyways.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

His lectures were very clear, but found quizes and tests a little difficult. I HATE econ but somehow really enjoyed him. Nice man, very approachable. word on the street is that he's the best prof for econ 1.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

this class is actually fun in a way...professor is awesome...probably one of the coolest professor i've had... lectures are short and helpful...if your going to take econ 1...take Sonstellie....u'll like it

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

I loved the section experiments...but the quizes were surprisingly difficult.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

The curve in this class is so AWESOME!! Sonstelie is a good professor too, although you have to study the book a lot cuz the lectures really don't correspond with the quizzes (the quizzes r hard too). This econ course is MUCH easier than crouch's though.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

I'm not an Econ major and my grade shows it. Such a mistake taking this class. Sooo boring, but surprisingly makes the material clear. I'd still pass it up if I were you.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

took his class way back. homework assignments are easy, quizzes are manageable, but results from experimental projects in section shouldn't count so much towards final grade (all based on luck)

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Terrible professor. Taught like a course for high school freshmen. The book is terrible, the "experiments" are bollocks, lectures aren't worth going to (luckily everything is in his powerpoint/online), his website makes me want to kill myself. B

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

I really like his experimental approach to Econ. He seems to care if we understand the material and although he does just read off the slides found on the class web page, he tests students in class and does examples so we test our understanding.

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ECON109 . 20 Years Ago

Really wants students to do well. TAKE 109 NOT 1 and 2 if you are a Pol Sci Major!

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Uses a lot of powerpoint. The lectures were pointless -- he just reads off his slides, word for word. Quizzes, tests, and homework were pretty easy and graded fairly.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

knows his stuff, makes it clear, teaches it well. quizzes are fair, finals is fair. very uncontroversial. i think that everyone would agree that he is a good professor.

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ECON1 . 22 Years Ago

he was a solid professor

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ECON1 . 22 Years Ago

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