Jon Sonstelie

168 reviews
Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Participation matters Tests are tough Amazing lectures Respected Tests? Not many Inspirational Caring
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ECON10A . 7 Years Ago

I thought he was pretty good, I've had worse!

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ECON10A . 8 Years Ago

He made sure to go through every single pp and answered all of our questions. When I went to his office hours he explained what I had to study to improve. Seriously, do the practice exams! Also, make sure to go over the pp slides because sometimes the exam questions are very similar. Definitely a hard class! But doable.

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ECON10A . 8 Years Ago

He is an engaging professor in class. I Went to his office hours a lot last quarter because he was so helpful, and personable. The class is tough... BLAH BLAH BLAH, if you're going to take 10A then you already know what you're in for. I recommend not just staying on top of the material, but studying ahead.

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ECON10A . 8 Years Ago

he talks slower than the other 10A professor which I thought was helpful to me because I have more time to figure out what he was saying. 10A is all about the ppt he posted online, you have to know and understand the concept of the ppt. The practice exams are helpful, but make sure you UNDERSTAND the ppt!

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ECON10A . 8 Years Ago

Quite hard class considering tests are the grade and need to self study a lot to pass. 3 Midterms and 1 Final is 100% of your grade, and getting couple wrong will hurt each test since they are short. A somewhat generous curve, however, will help you.

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ECON101 . 8 Years Ago

In order to get a good grade, obviously the curve has to be in your favor, but you can make it in your favor if you read the book and do the questions at the back of each chapter. Tests are not math heavy and fairly straightforward. Grade based off one midterm and final. Prof. Sonstelie explains what he wants you to take away from each lecture.

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ECON10A . 9 Years Ago

This was literally the worst professor I have ever had. He is extremely confusing. He lectures on information that is not relative to the exam. It is basically impossible to understand what he trying to teach. He makes the concepts of the course way more confusing than they should be. If you take this class you will fail.

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ECONOMICS1 . 9 Years Ago

The economics department grading system sucks, was off from an A- by 0.1%. But, it doesn't change the fact he's a good teacher. Took AP Economics in high school, didn't really undestand what was going on or why the curves went this way or that way but he solidfied it. Just pay attention in lecture.

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ECON1 . 9 Years Ago

The only class in my college career that I actually managed to fall asleep in, and I NEVER fall asleep in class. Would avoid this class unless you need it, and if so then I'm sorry.

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ECON10A . 9 Years Ago

This class was so hard and tests are extremely tricky. 90% of the class ended up dropping it when it came time to take the final. Professor is not very clear. If you absolutely have to take this class, take CLAS and get a tutor. I really recommend Lindsay Appell for both a CLAS instructor and a tutor. Wouldn't have been able to pass without her.

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ECON1 . 9 Years Ago

I LOVE PROF. SONSTELIE. He sometimes gets his numbers mixed up while he's lecturing probably because he's old, but it doesn't take away from teaching the concept. His quizzes and finals are fair. Just study all the practice exams, and go to CLAS and drop in! The material itself isn't hard, but the curve gets some people. He's like a grandpa!

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ECON1 . 9 Years Ago

If you go to his every lecture and do all the past exams, this class shouldn't be very hard for you. I put in a lot of efforts and get an A

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