
Rate My Professors (168)

ECON1 . 15 Years Ago

awful teacher. very rude and not helpful whatsoever. you can tell he isn't very smart himself, and gets total satisfaction from students getting c's. u have to be willing to put in the time yourself to learn these concepts because 1. his slides suck for helping u with the tests and 2. the book does not go in debt enough to do well on his tests.

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ECON1 . 15 Years Ago

This class was TERRIBLE. If you want to just get by with a C, then go ahead and take it with him, because 40-50% of the class gets a C. And he is happy with that :/. You cannot learn anything by going to the classes and the sections, all the learning that takes place is done by home...reading. And even then the text is somewhat vague.

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ECON1 . 16 Years Ago

Worst professor ever! I got a C- and i went to every single lecture and section. The TA's are not helpful at all and the people grading the HW and very unfair. HW help Lab is not helpful either because they give you an answer and it i wrong. Take it with another professor!!!!

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ECON1 . 16 Years Ago

This professor is great. He breaks up great so you wont have to worry about messing up in 1 test. He drops your lowest scores. He is very clear and teaches the subject well. Overall great class.

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ECON120 . 17 Years Ago

This is the best Econ class I've taken, by far. He is such a kind and interesting professor, and seems really understanding. The reading isn't bad, and there's not much of it, and no awful econ text, only a reader. It's not too hard to do well if you study and go to class :)

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ECON120 . 17 Years Ago

He publishes all the possible test questions before the test but they are quite challenging questions. He had a reader for the course that had a variety of interesting and relevant topics. Some of the material is very complicating and a little dull but some of the material is really interesting. Just depends on the topic.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

I would not take this class unless you need to for your major. 40% of grading comes through the sections but as you double check your homework and go to every lecture this class is not so bad.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

Did not clarify material in lectures and TAs were no help at all

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

Section was the most dumb and pointless thing I've ever been to, but you have to go to all of them for the grade. In no way did it help explain what he was talking about in class. The tests were so unfair that I wanted to scream while taking them. He comes off as a sweet old man so you can't entirely hate him, but you'll come close after the tests.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

Worst class I've ever taken. Unless you're born knowing this stuff, there is no way you're gonna pull a decent grade with this guy. He's a really nice guy in general, but unfortunately that doesn't help when you're looking down at a test with problems that you've never seen in lecture or section. It almost seems like he wants everyone to fail.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

This class sucks....Don't bother going to lecture--all the notes are online...section is the lamest thing in the do experiments and don't learn anything...homework is not fun and the TA's don't really help with it...class averages for quizes is like 52%...the only time you see actual problems are on the three quizes and the final

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

wow, one would think that a teacher would have discussions correllate to material, but in this class it doesn't. and also, the tests really DO NOT reflect the material we went over...really do NOT recommend this class.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

Easy enough class. Don't bother going to lecture, just look over slides over and over again. Tests are ridiculous-there's no partial credit where there should be. Do well in sections, or else it will be impossible to get a good grade. Course grading scale makes class fair.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

As far as I am concerned, this is the worst professor/teacher I have had in any area of education. There is no correlation between lecture, discussion, and quizzes. His simplifications of theories (if he even bothers to explain them) are bone headed, and tend to complicate things. I would have been better off hitting my head on a block of wood.

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ECON1 . 18 Years Ago

This class is terrible. He makes the quiz so hard.....the homework help session is useless.....the TA can't explain the your question very well......

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Lab experiment scenario is not as helpful as a discussion section to talk about class topics. This hindered my progress in the class significantly.

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ECON109 . 19 Years Ago

Such an easy class and such a nice professor. He goes very slowly to ensure that you understand the material. All poli sci majors should take econ 109 in leu of 1 & 2!!!

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

it was quict interesting. its nice how all his lectures are online, and he got all these practice quizes before his actual quizes, and for the most part, i enjoyed the class. but...lecture kinda gets boring at times...

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

Very nice Professor who tried to help the best he could. Lectures were nice and short and the grading was very fair. He did tend to make problems and explanations more difficult then thay had to be. His quiz prep sessions are EXTREMELY helpful so always go to them. My favorite econ professor so far.

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ECON2 . 19 Years Ago

he is very nice...sometimes he takes the long way with problems

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

The class was easy but he made it too complicated sometimes.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

He was a very fair grader. You got out of the class what you put in

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

sooo many people did pass/no pass for this class because it was experimental. a lot of people ended up with C's. the lectures are not mandatory b/c notes are online, and sometimes it's a waste of time to go. other than that, if you keep up with homework, participation, ect, you'll be ok.

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ECON1 . 19 Years Ago

The course is well-run technologically. The exams are not hard because they just relate to a few theories, but they are also hard because in order to get good grades, u have to make sure that ur mind is perfectly clear and sharp during the tests. A bit hard to get an A, partly depends on your IQ.

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