
Rate My Professors (221)

CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

This class was very, very hard. I spent more time on this class then my other 3 combined. However, she is very clear on what you need to know (everything), and if you do all the problems its not too hard to get an A. Just be prepared to put in more time to this class then you ever have before

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CHEM109 . 14 Years Ago

Bruice is one of my favorite teachers. her class definitely requires you to ACTUALLY read and ACTUALLY do the homework. if you do that AND attend class you'll find this class very simple. ALso, she wrote the book so all the practice tests and questions are similar to the actual tests so you know what to expect. LOVE BRUICE!!

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CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

Only reason its hard is because there is so much info to know. Stay on top of the reading and problems, go to CLAS, and you should be fine. She basically just reads from the book in class, so the only reason to go is because she sometimes says to skip some parts of the book. Procrastination will obliterate you in this class!

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CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

Hardest class Ive taken. She is simply beyond thorough and there is so little time. The book is well written, USE IT. I would even say it should be your primary way of learning (plus CLAS). This course requires hours daily. But in the end, if youve learned it, you feel really proud... But you might be pale from not having left the house in 2 months

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CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

her book is extremely well written so use it. bringing it to class helps

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CHEM109C . 15 Years Ago

Learn the entire textbook.

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CHEM109B . 15 Years Ago

Not a great lecturer, but wrote the BEST textbook I have ever used. The class is not that hard if you READ the material and do ALL the in chapter problems. It's a lot of work, but if you do it you will never see anything on the test that you haven't seen before. Tests are extremely fair - your grade completely reflects your effort put in studying.

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

I took her class in 1982 after withdrawing two previous times from different profs (different school). She made the material not only understandable, but enjoyable. My first quarter GPA at UCSB was 1.60. After Paula's class I became motivated, raised my GPA, worked hard and earned my medical degree. I am now medical director of a clinic in LA

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CHEM109B . 15 Years Ago

She's a straight forward teacher. She goes fast but expects you know what she lectured on which is literally right out of the book, cause she wrote the book. The class is tough but with the effort comes the grade. I suggest signing up for CLAS most definitely. Go to lecture and keep up with the reading. The homework is great practice for her tests

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

One of the best professors I have had at UCSB. She is very helpful and straightforward. Going to class isn't necessary, but she has a great sense of humor, so it is usually pretty entertaining. Make sure to do all of the reading and practice problems and you'll be golden. She's the best.

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CHEM109B . 15 Years Ago

Her high ratings correspond more to her textbook than her actual teaching. I dont think there is a single science textbook out there that is as straightforward as hers. As Long as you keep up with the reading and do practice problems you should do fine. Her tests are very predictable. Only point of going to Class is to find out what not to read

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CHEM109 . 15 Years Ago

She is the book and you will be just fine! She literally lectures right out of the book. Word for word. Its kinda funny. Anyway, do the in chapter problems. Memorize, memorize and practice!!

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

This class has a lot of material, but it's all fairly easy. If you just do the work, you'll be fine. Go to CLAS study sessions. I went to three before every test, and did very well in this class.

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

By far my hardest class during my sophomore year. Don't fall behind your reading or practice problems, always keep up with the book and do the problems from the book since they are VERY similar to that of her tests. It's not required to go to class since she does half a chapter per lecture, but it's good to just see where she stops.

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

She is a speed teacher. She doesn't slow down either. Fall behind on you homework and you can kiss a good grade good bye.

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CHEM109 . 15 Years Ago

This class requires a LOT of memorizing... pretty much everything in the book will be on the test (and it's a pretty big book... written by Bruice herself). That said, her tests are very straight forward. No surprises. Her class is very fair.

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

class based completely on test scores, no curve. tests are not complicated but cover a lot of material. you MUST come to class prepared otherwise you will be lost. bruice moves very fast and you cannot expect to do well from your notes alone. DO NOT allow yourself to fall behind with the reading. know all the assigned problems inside and out!

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

OMG! Keep away!! Keep away!!! The book has no structure - and nether does her lecture. Never checks homework and goes through every topic in less than 3 minutes. Is also super mean, and the tests are very predictable - they have EVERYTHING on them.

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CHEM109A . 15 Years Ago

she requires you to understand the materials and not just memorizing. you have to understand it conceptially. it's a great class and you'll learn to love it. most people hate her because she's hard but if you know your stuff nothing on her test is hard. do probelms in the book.. read the book it's like your ochem bible =]

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OCHEM108 . 15 Years Ago

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CHEM109 . 16 Years Ago

Useless to go to class. Everything she said is on the book. Never took notes or anyting either. Best way study is to do all the practice problem and her old tests and you will be fine

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CHEM109 . 16 Years Ago

Don't need to go to class to get an A. Read the book cuz thats exactly what she goes over in class, since she wrote it. Do as many practice problems as you can. Try to get past years tests. Material isn't that hard, just takes a little bit of effort.

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CHEM109C . 16 Years Ago

Once again, I am totally dumbfounded by my final grade. I studied for about 13 solid hours and felt that I had at least a C+ on the final, but I still ended up with a C-. Guess that I just didn't make the cut. Oh well...there goes grad school at any good UC. Guess I can go to a CSU somewhere...

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CHEM109 . 16 Years Ago

Organic chemistry is meant to weed people out of majors/medschool/pharmschool/grad school. Thats being said, while 109ABC is study intensive, the material isn't that hard. PYB is a amazing professor and forces understanding over memorization. Since she wrote the book, if you can do/*understand* the problems in the book, you can get a A+'s as I did.

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