
Rate My Professors (221)

CHEM109A . 6 Years Ago

No need to go to lecture, just live and breathe by the textbook. Do ALL the recommended book problems (they're on the test) and the practice exams in the solutions manual. Dedicate yourself to learning the material you'll, at the very least, get a B in this class! And honestly, her tests are very straightforward and don't throw any curveballs.

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109A . 6 Years Ago

Bruice. What a lady! DO NOT BELIEVE everything people have posted about her. Yes, she's not the greatest lecturer ever, but this is COLLEGE. You should be able to pre-read and set aside time outside of class to study OCHEM. What she does in class reinforces the material. She's super fair, and has made my OCHEM experience enjoyable.

7 helpful 21 unhelpful
109A . 6 Years Ago

Just read the book. Her exam questions are from the book and her lectures are all reiterating from the book. You'll do find if you read and practice.

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109A . 6 Years Ago

My best advice to you would be don't go to lecture and join CLAS. All she does is read slides of her book and doesn't explain anything, my grade actually went up when I stoped going to lectures. She is also condescending and unhelpful during office hours. Join class and treat the textbook as the bible and you will do decently.

7 helpful 4 unhelpful
CHEM107 . 6 Years Ago

I took o-chem from this teacher in 1983. At that time, getting a good grade required rote memorization and then regurgitating information onto the midterms and the final exam. I don't recall there being much useful learning. Despite getting a B or B- or whatever, I went on to grad school and did pretty well. Was not a high point of my college life!

3 helpful 11 unhelpful
109SERIES . 7 Years Ago

The worst professor I have had at UCSB. Best decision I made was switching from her class to Honors Ochem. She DOESN'T teach. Save time, don't go to class. She just clicks through slides of her book she makes you buy for $300+ which is useless without its $150 answer key. She's condescending in OHs. FIND old tests, she reuses ?'s. Switch to Honors!

8 helpful 4 unhelpful
109AB . 7 Years Ago

Here's the basic lay down. Lecture/Learning: Bruice- majority people skip bc she gives difficult to understand explanations; mostly goes (quickly) through picture slides of her book. Note: MUST read the book to learn. Testing: Very easy tests IF you read and know material; questions literally pulled from book and masteringchemistry

4 helpful 3 unhelpful
CHEM109A . 7 Years Ago

Bruice is a terrible professor that shouldn't be teaching at UCSB. Almost gave up on chemistry because of her. Her lectures consist of her reading passages from her textbook. There are almost never examples and she never uses the blackboard. Aue and Gainor reignited my love of chemistry. They are both a bit harder but the class is way better. BAD

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109B . 7 Years Ago

What can I say about this class. lectures are pointless as Bruice just reads the textbook quotes and rushes through the material. There is 3 midterms and the final as the only grade sources with no curve. However the worst midterm is dropped, but there are still people that get the average and fail. I would never advise taking 109A or B with Bruice

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109A109B . 7 Years Ago

Lecture is useless. Study the textbook. Professor Bruice is not very willing to help students either. The only good thing about the class is that the tests are pretty straightforward.

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CHEM109A . 7 Years Ago

Bruice is probably one of the worst professors at UCSB. Her lectures consist of her reading off of ppt slides that are screenshots of pages from the textbook that she wrote--lecture is completely useless to go to. Unless you're good/disciplined enough at teaching yourself everything out of a textbook and acing tests without a curve, avoid Bruice

7 helpful 2 unhelpful
109C . 7 Years Ago

Yes, Bruice gives easy fair tests. Yes, Her book is detailed. But this is not RateMyTestgiver, this is RateMyProfessor. Bruice is a terrible professor and does not teach at any meaningful capacity. My class of 200 has maybe 20ish show up every day. I wish UCSB would let people research without making them lecture.

8 helpful 1 unhelpful
CHEM109 . 7 Years Ago

Lectures are completely useless. The textbook is absolutely everything. She is a horrible person irl. Avoid taking a class with her at all costs.

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109A109B . 7 Years Ago

Bruice is an interesting professor. If you dont like going to class and can learn on your own, shes awesome. However, if you need someone to explain things in lecture. DO NOT TAKE HER. She doesnt use the board, she doesnt do examples. If you cant learn on your own you will fail.

5 helpful 3 unhelpful
CHEM109B . 7 Years Ago

One of the worst professors I have ever had the displeasure of having. Her lectures are nearly useless. Her book is full of errors. She's a great researcher, but she's a terrible ugrad professor. If you learn from examples and in class lectures, stay far away. If you learn from the book on your own, then she might be the right fit for you.

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CHEM109 . 7 Years Ago

Not the best lecturer but I don't think she's trying to be one either. Her textbook is great, you can teach yourself ochem with just her textbook and sometimes khanacademy so that's saying something. Her tests are straight forward for the most part, she won't split hair with you on the tests. TAs will deduct points for missing small details thought

8 helpful 9 unhelpful
109A . 7 Years Ago

PYB is the best option at UCSB for organic chemistry. I mean, she literally wrote the book. Figure her system out and you're good to go. Read the book thoroughly , take your own notes. She takes ALL of her questions from book problems. She goes pretty fast in lecture. I go to lecture every day but 80% of kids don't, not necessary.

4 helpful 12 unhelpful
109A . 7 Years Ago

Going to her lectures is a waste of time unless you've already read the sections she will be covering thoroughly, something many people taking this class often aren't able to do. Do every problem in the textbook and expect everything to be on the exams. Not necessarily difficult, but can be very time consuming. CLAS is hit and miss.

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109A . 7 Years Ago

Bruice is quite the character, her confident condescending nature is admirable. A tenured professor with a devilishly proud gait; she strolls into class in her all white outfits like some sort of prodigal ochem deity. Don't go to lecture, do the end of book problems thoroughly/multiple times, and do practice tests. Do this 2-3 hours a day for an A.

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109A . 7 Years Ago

I have mixed feelings with Bruice. She is very difficult to talk to and can be condescending. On the other hand she knows her stuff. Make sure you do all the book problems as she picks some of them out to put on exams. Definitely take CLAS. Its a time consuming class.

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CHEM109A . 7 Years Ago

Honestly, she knows her stuff. Make a good professor however, that does not. She is rude, condensending and hard to talk too. Her homework and textbook awnser key is riddled with errors and when you point them out she will mention common sense or just be rude about it. Her lectures are basically her putting up images of the book and reading. Bad

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CHEM109A . 7 Years Ago

This professor is the hardest I have ever taken in my life. There is no partial credit on tests for the most part. Be prepared to loose all your points for writing somthing like hexene as hxeene. Spelling and transcriptions errors get 0's. Scratch somthing out? Thats a 0. Forget one of the products? Nevermind the half you got right. 0. Worst prof.

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CHEM109ABC . 8 Years Ago

So heres the thing about Ochem with Bruice her tests are extremely fair, some of the questions are hw/book problems. Her lectures are borderline useless. Her book needs to become your life, and CLAS your best friend. This time is time consuming, not difficult.

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CHEM109ABC . 8 Years Ago

I love Bruice. Im so glad I took her for ochem. I wouldve been doomed if I took ochem with gainer. Ochem was a hell of a ride but id say I'm proud of all the studying I did.

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