
Rate My Professors (221)

109AB . 19 Years Ago

Dr. Bruice is both stand-offish and unhelpful. She does not seem to care much about her students, other than the ones who she thinks are smart enough to get into medical school. Everyone else she treats like they have only half-brains. She tells some funny stories and class, but she treats her students like dirt.

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ORGANICCHEM . 19 Years Ago

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

Dr. Bruice is not a very good teacher. She basically just wants you to memorize everything from the book and not apply the concepts that you should be learning. If you are looking for a class that test you memorization skills then take this one.

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CHEM109AB . 19 Years Ago

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OSHITCHEM . 19 Years Ago

One of the toughest classes ever. Learned alot. Can tackle anything after passing this class.

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CHEM109ABC . 19 Years Ago

Her classes are hard only because she goes through the material like a lightning bolt, and does not dwell on anything longer than 5 minutes..then she moves on. Once you figure her style out, you'll have an easier time taking notes, doing hw, and taking her tests which are very predictable. CLAS is reccomended--it keeps you on track and practicing.

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MCDB109AB . 19 Years Ago

Prof Bruise is probably the hardest teacher on campus, she expects you to study ochem all day and night. At the same time she is the best. Go to class, read the sections and do the homework~an hour a day~ this will guarantee an A on any test. DO NOT FALL BEHIND as this will lead to your demise. At the end of the quarter w/ her your brain will swell

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109AB . 19 Years Ago

The class requires quite a bit of studying but no, it's not the hardest class at UCSB. It's probably the hardest that a Bio major ever takes so bear in mind they'll all be focused on that class. She's pretty good. Don't piss her off.

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CHEM109AB . 19 Years Ago

Bruice is a good teacher, but extremely hard. Be ready to work ALOT. 109B is probably the hardest class at UCSB. You can get in A in her classes, but you basically have to know her entire O-Chem book, front to back, and who just does that? Just be ready to love, learn, live and die for your o-chem book.

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CHEM109AB . 19 Years Ago

Tips.... study the book and the problems she assigns. Also come to class b/c you will know what to focus on. If you take her prepare yourself to take long tests. Passing the final with an A or B+ means passing the class even if you did horribly on her midterms.

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CHEM109B . 19 Years Ago

Good, no-nonsense professor from which you will learn a LOT! Tests are very fair- in fact, some questions come directly from the practice tests at the end of each chapter in the solutions manual. Holds long office hours and seems genuinely interested in her students. Highly recommended!

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109AB . 19 Years Ago

She was really hard but it was the only class where I felt like I really learned the material!!

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

Boring lectures and seems like she would rather not be teaching the class.

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OCHEM109 . 19 Years Ago

If you work hard you will do well. If you dickaround, you will fail. Its all up to you and really has little to do with bruice.

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CHEM109AANDB . 19 Years Ago

very difficult class, bruice gives you all the imformation, the problem is learning it all. long tests with practically everything from her crappy book on them. take bruice if you want a challenge or dont have a choice.

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

made material clear

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

she is such a mean **** who is not nice at all, she is mean.

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CHEM109B . 19 Years Ago


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CHEM109B . 19 Years Ago

Tests are okay...they are long but no tricky questions. don't really like her...she thinks o-chem is so easy that she expects everyone is able to answer her questions in class. but the fact is that she's been teaching o-chem for decades and it's the first time we learn it

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CHEM109 . 19 Years Ago

She's horrible. If you can take O-chem from someone else, you should do it!

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

Her book is good, her teaching style is alright, her tests are too long. Went to her office hours once and some premed kooks were kissing her azz the whole time.

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

Sounds to me like the people who rate her poorly do so because they sucked a** in the class. Her teaching style is the best I've seen. She instills the importance of learning the underlying logic of the material so you don't have to memorize a billion things. Highly, highly recommended.

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CHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

This is a hard subject and I don't think you can blame Bruice for the class being hard. It's supposed to be hard. With that said, her midterms are too lengthy, she's a boring lecturer, and she seems to be a bit of an egomaniac.

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CHEM109 . 19 Years Ago

Be prepared to bend over for her midterms if you have't done all the homework. P.S. lubricant would ease the pain.....a little.

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