
Rate My Professors (203)

PSYCH7 . 14 Years Ago

This teacher is very active in class and interesting. The midterm was completely bad. They took 12 of the 50 questions after the midterm was taken and dumped them. The final was bad too. Do not recommend this teacher because others in class had him for other subjects and the same problems and disorganization. It's like he's pissed at students

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PSY108 . 14 Years Ago

Professor Revlin is a great teacher. He is interested and passionate about the subject and offers a great deal of insight into the subject. The course is not easy, but it shouldn't be anyway. Do not take unless you are a psychology major or actually care about the subject. Great class, great teacher.

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PSYCH108 . 15 Years Ago

Great teacher!! Very interesting class. I don't know what people are saying about him not being clear. He is very clear, and makes jokes to help you remember things. Tests are fair. Pretty standard for Psych. at UCSB. Pay attention in class and do the reading and you'll get a good grade.

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PSY108 . 15 Years Ago

Not sure what everyone is whining about. Funny guy, interesting lectures. It's no cakewalk (hard tests, etc.) but this is UCSB not SBCC.

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PSY108 . 15 Years Ago

He's a really nice old guy but a horrible lecturer! Don't even copy his slides, just write down what he says. Even then it's not clear. Get the info from the book. His tests are tricky and difficult. He only tests on a random fraction of the material. Seriously, just read the book and try to see what he emphasizes on in lecture. Stupid Irma...

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PSYCH185 . 15 Years Ago

if you have any interest in pursuing Psychology beyond a BA, please don't attend UCSB. The entire Psych dept is inept. If you understand Psychology at any intellectual and intuitive level, you would agree that this professor is nothing but 10 weeks of an expensive joke. at 4gs per quarter and endless hours of studying, Psych classes are pointless.

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PSY7 . 15 Years Ago

This class was BAD, and it didn't have to be. The tests were tricky on purpose, and sometimes the answer key was wrong. If someone pointed out a discrepancy between what he said and what book said, he said "Just go with what I say" even if that was incorrect. That really hurts your grade. He was unprepared, slides were choppy, book was repetitive.

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PSY7 . 15 Years Ago

My advice, don't take notes on his slides, but on what he is saying, ESPECIALLY the examples he uses because those are almost always on the test. He goes through the slides too fast to copy anyway. For the content on the slides, buy A.S. Notes instead.YOU MUST READ THE BOOK. I figured out these tips the hard way. Will take this professor again!

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PSY7 . 15 Years Ago

psy 7 is just a horrible class but revlin is pretty funny. his tests are very tricky. need to go to lecture and must read the book.

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PSY108 . 16 Years Ago

I loved this guy! He's really clear with his explanations, especially given the confusing subject matter. Classes were not boring! He made cognitive psychology interesting, and the textbook is pretty good as well. He also offered extra credit.

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PSYCH108 . 16 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Revlin's class. He's a funny guy! Just attend lecture cause it's important for the tests. Class is fairly easy tho, one midterm and one final.

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PSYCH108 . 16 Years Ago

Professor Revlin is a really funny guys but the overall concept of the class is hard to latch on. Make sure you go to his lectures. Study Study Study because trust me his tests are hard.

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PSYCH108 . 16 Years Ago

Professor Revlin is a really funny guys but the overall concept of the class is hard to latch on. Make sure you go to his lectures. Study Study Study because trust me his tests are hard.

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PSY108 . 16 Years Ago

Revlin was pretty fun. Material was dry and reading the book was murder, but the professor made the lecturers entertaining. Really funny guy, one of the best teachers I have had. Tests are hard and are mostly from the lecture so take good notes and study those hard.

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PSY108 . 16 Years Ago

Oh he's just the cutest thing.

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PSYCH1 . 16 Years Ago

great professor. very funny. lots of great examples. sometimes he gets a little lost in his examples, but he really knows his stuff. highly recommended.

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PSYCH1 . 16 Years Ago

Good, entertaining lecturer! Midterm and final very fair. I found it necessary to read (or at least skim) the textbook to do well.

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PSY1 . 16 Years Ago

Best professor in the world. Hes hilarious, cute, fun, interesting, and nice. Very understanding. Great class. I wish it never ended! Textbook is helpful & efficient, as well as funny & interesting. (I'm keeping it) Has a great companion website w/ crosswords and quizzes to help study. Extremely useful. Lectures have interesting pics & vids. A+++++

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PSYCHAC . 16 Years Ago

Revlin clearly cares about what he teaches but sometimes I felt like going to his lectures were pointless, because he would fiddle around so much with his ppt presentations that by the time he actually got a thing to work the lecture would be over. Make sure to read the textbook and pay attention to examples that he gives. Midterms are semi-hard

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PSYCH1 . 16 Years Ago

He's realy funny and makes the class interesting. Although sometimes, it seems like class is a waste becasue we watch videos alot. I suggest you read the book, go to discussions, and focus on examples!!! theyre so important! going to class is good too but it doesnt make a HUGE difference.

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PSYCH1 . 16 Years Ago

lectures are very interesting. he's easy to listen to and understand. dont worry about being late to class though, because he spends the first 10 minutes figuring out his computer.

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PSYCH1 . 17 Years Ago

Very entertaining class. Uses a lot of visual pieces to help get his point across. Midterm and final are very fair. Read the book and pay attention to the main points in lecture and you will do fine.

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PSY1 . 17 Years Ago

I LOVE HIM! He is so cute, funny, witty, and quirky! Great lecturer- definately makes it interesting and does not put you to sleep. Don't worry if you are a couple minutes to lecture because he usually is too since he HAS to have his coffee. I will definitely take another Psych class with him in the future. The tests were pretty hard though :(

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INT94 . 17 Years Ago

he's great! yeah, he's not very organized but SO fun to listen to. he really knows the subject and is very pleasant to talk to if you have any questions.

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