
Rate My Professors (203)

PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Even though I went to most lectures I feel like I learned a lot more from the book than lecture. He's clearly a smart guy but lectures just weren't super engaging or organized (I had it at 8 a.m. which didn't help). Start reading early so you're not left reading an entire textbook the night before the test. Grade based only on midterm and final

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Loved this class. Of course, Im an adult who attended and studied. You wont be able to skate by.

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Revlin is a nice guy. He is smart and knowledgable in psych. He helps you in office hours if you go. However, his tests are ridiculous. He takes concepts from outside of the classroom and expects students to study things that are not taught in class. If you can stay away, I would.

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Very challenging class... only two grades are the midterm and final and they were extremely hard. The entire class is based off of the book that he wrote. Revlin is a very smart and respectable guy but it was just really hard to keep up with all the reading and I felt the tests were veeeery hard! Start reading early and go to office hours!!!

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Revlin is a nice guy and honestly an entertaining lecturer. HOWEVER, this class is 100% focused on the textbook content and he expects you to read from cover to cover (even if he doesn't lecture on the chapter). Spend 98% of your time on the readings. There is a curve and he gives up to a 75% a B- grade. Avoid if possible.

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

This class was very challenging. Be prepared for in depth reading, as Prof. Revlin wrote the book and expects you to know an extensive amount of the content. You likely would be able to pass without attending lecture, but I wouldnt advise it.

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PSY108 . 6 Years Ago

Revlin is light and funny - gives great lectures - you will really enjoy them. By far the most interesting and engaging psy lecture class I have taken.

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PSY117 . 6 Years Ago

One of the top minds in the field. Class was a bit tough, BUT YOU ARE IN COLLEGE. It's not high school. Stop acting like babies. Do the reading, go to class, and you'll do fine.

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PSY108 . 9 Years Ago

did not like this man at all. when asked where certain topics were in HIS OWN BOOK THAT HE WROTE HIMSELF he simply said i don't know somewhere near the end probably. his slides are only helpful if you copy down everything on them and everything he says or take pictures of them and find the terms on them in the book. Tests are hard, class is boring.

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PSY117 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Revlin is a good person, he's kind of nerdy and really knows his stuff. His tests are somewhat tough. I did not read for the class and just read the summaries for the book; get the AS notes because he doesn't post his online.

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PSY117 . 9 Years Ago

Revlins fine and all, but the tests were a lil' tricky. Hard to know what to expect on the tests. Exam questions are either very straightforward or really vague and interpretational (which answer BEST describes... type of questions). I HIGHLY reccomend getting AS notes, because Revlin doesn't believe in putting ppts online. Memorize the book.

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PSY117 . 9 Years Ago

Long -talker using power point. Most of them repeat what he summarizes in the first 10 minutes of class. Pretty funny old guy who will sometimes dismiss class early for social events. Treat your textbook like a dictionary-because it is! Tests are straight forward. If you've taken Psy 108, 70% of this class is review.

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PSYCH108 . 9 Years Ago

This class was definitely difficult but enjoyable. Class grade based on midtermfinal. Reading is a must as some of the test q's are based on reading. Take really good notes - he does not post up slides & study hard! I've taken upper divs & can honestly say this class has been 1 of the hardest I have taken at UCSB but I learned a lot from Revlin.

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PSY108 . 10 Years Ago

This class was really hard. Reading is REQUIRED but for me, it was just boring. All of it. He doesn't post lectures online (then again, so many teachers don't) & SKIPS THROUGH most of the slides in class. He wrote the textbook and to me just seems really pompous and unapproachable. I wish I would've dropped it when I had the chance!! DO NOT TAKE!!!

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PSYCH103 . 10 Years Ago

Class is hard but if you read every single page you will definitely pass. Majority of questions are based on book, I didn't go to many lectures but would recommend them to help understand the book.

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PSY108 . 10 Years Ago

He's a sweet guy who has interesting lectures. However, reading and doing the review questions for every chapter in the book is crucial to getting an A in the class. I studied heavily from the book but also attended lectures because they're not painful.

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108 . 10 Years Ago

Lectures are disorganized and don't even come close to covering all the material on the exams. The textbook is great though. You need to read it to even pass, as you will be tested on the entire thing. Revlin seems like a nice guy but blew me off when I tried to meet with him outside of class (to be fair, it was during dead week).

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PSYC108 . 10 Years Ago

Class was super interesting and easy to follow however, tests are super hard. He is a very good teacher and he loves what he does. Book is super important there is a LOT of stuff in the tests that aren't talked about in lecture... Good luck

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PSYCH108 . 10 Years Ago

I always went to class but that's just me. Prof Revlin is a cute old man who loves what he does! I emailed him and he answered my questions and his tests are very fair - read the book because sometimes the slides are vague. Overall he rocks, I wish he was my grandpa

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PSY108 . 11 Years Ago

Great subject, great lecturer, great course. Knows the subject inside and out (was involved in most of the research discussed). Tends to be entertainingly opinionated and (subtly) critical of his peers in the field. Keeping up with the reading is crucial and exams are relatively hard, but learning the material is very rewarding for psych majors.

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PSYCH108 . 11 Years Ago

Material is interesting. Lectures don't help since the material is straight from the book. He's always late for class. Goes fast, skips a lot of slides, & doesn't present all the material that shows up on the test. Exams are hard, but you should be fine if you study the entire book (which he wrote).

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PSY108 . 11 Years Ago

It's not a hard class, but there is a lot of reading. Concepts are easy and understandable. he gives a lot of examples during lecture but you'll still pass the class of you don't attend. He's a pretty funny old guy. The curves helps ALOT. I got a B after the curve versus the original C- I was suppose to get.

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PSYCH108 . 11 Years Ago

I loved Revlin, so many ppl say that they don't like him because his class is hard and they think he's mean. He's honestly one of the nicest and helpful professor's I've met. Yeah his class is hard, but isn't that the should be challenging. Also, to the ppl who think he's mean, you obviously don't get his sense of humor! He's awesome

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PSY108 . 12 Years Ago

He doesn't post his slides yet he zips through slides so you can't write them down. The tests are curved otherwise the grades would be awful. 77% of the class got an A or B most were Bs though.

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