
Rate My Professors (134)

TMP111 . 6 Years Ago

John did a great job at getting us exposure to entrepreneurs that he's connected with through the years. Him and they serve as great role models for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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TMP120 . 6 Years Ago

You must take him! Impact will be with you for years to come! No matter what profession this professor will help you get there.

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ENG120 . 7 Years Ago

Phenomenal mindset. Professor John Greathouse teaches or has taught one of the most valuable classes at UCSB - Entrepreneurship. Through Prof Greathouse I have learned so many valuable skills, the mindset and attitude to win in life. Prof Greathouse has definitely set me up for all of the successes that I have had and will have.

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TMP21 . 7 Years Ago

John really opened my eyes to the start-up world and gave me the skills/confidence to secure my own internship at a top start-up in SF. If you truly listen to what he says and incorporate that in your own life, theres no doubt you will find success. Although an intro class, lessons taught transcend through all levels of business. Must Take!

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185B . 7 Years Ago

I highly recommend John's classes. He is a great teacher and has amazing real-world experience. I appreciated the practicality of his classes compared to the purely theoretical information that I learned in my Econ courses. I have since founded the startup CareerUp and I can say from presonal experience that what I learned has been very valuable.

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TMP21 . 7 Years Ago

graded by quizzes on random days each week either tuesday or thursday (40%), two easy worksheet assignments (10% each), group project (20%), final essay (20%). extra credit available for final essay and quizzes. i didnt personal enjoy the subject but its an easy A still bc of the e.c. the quizzes were tricky off readings.

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ENT101 . 7 Years Ago

Go to all of Johns classes and office hours, even if you're not enrolled. He's always happy to give advice for anything startup related. Show him your projects, pitch decks, or just ideas, as he cares immensely for people with passion and initiative. He can be a great asset and will help wherever he can with obtaining in internships. He's a legend.

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TMP21 . 7 Years Ago

Amazing professor

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TMP134TMP111 . 7 Years Ago

Definitely, would love to take again. This has been my favorite TMP class for sure and debatably one of my favorite at UCSB. This professor is so inspirational, successful, and really cares about each of his students. Go into office hours for some extra wisdom!

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TMP134 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Greathouse is simply Great. The knowledge that you get from this class is extremely practical. I actually decided to give it a shot and try to apply key concepts from his class to my work, and the results were unheard of considering how simple these concepts are. The things that you learn can also be applied to your personal life. Take it

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TMP134 . 7 Years Ago

Mr. Greathouse is a great professor, and a great person to learn from overall. Highly recommend.

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TMP134TMP111 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Greathouse is one of the best professors around. His lectures are very beneficial giving insight to students through his success and failure as an entrepreneur and C- level executive. He is caring and is very approachable both inside and outside the classroom. He is there to help and if you are lucky enough to take his class. Do it!!!!

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185B . 7 Years Ago

This class and his other classes are the best classes you can take at UCSB. Hands down. Absolutely challenging but in a completely different way than other classes.

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TMP134 . 7 Years Ago

Very credible venture capitalist who genuinely cares about his students. Every class he mentions his office hours and job/internship opportunities. A stand up guy who brings in former students to speak. These former students come back because they feel like that owe it to John Greathouse. I plan on doing the same.

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TMP111 . 8 Years Ago

I took TMP 111 with professor Greathouse and it made me interested in the TMP program. After a couple quarters taking TMP classes professor Greathouse helped me to get an internship in a company, while other professors didn't wanted to help me. Detail: TMP 111 is the only class that I took with him (there were around 110 students in that class).

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TMP21 . 8 Years Ago

Easily the best professor and class I've taken at UCSB. Truly inspirational and very personable. I highly recommend taking any class he teaches, as he will leave you with not only a ton of real, relevant learnings but also may inspire you to do something you've never thought of doing before. 11/10.

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TMP111 . 8 Years Ago

Each lecture features a guest speaker, and Greathouse does an amazing job of asking the right questions so that you as an audience member get the most of what they've learned in their careers and what advice they can give you. This class impacts you far beyond the grade you receive (straightforward final paper), so try to connect with the speakers!

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TMP134 . 8 Years Ago

This is a fun class. Do the weekly assignments; they push you out of your comfort zone for sure, but when you get into the habit of practicing the persuasion techniques, you'll be able to see what makes them so effective. Quizzes are straightforward and not meant to trick you (just like he says), so make sure you do the readings.

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TMP122 . 8 Years Ago

The best professor I have had at UCSB. Everything in the class is purposeful- you get something out of each class you attend, and assignments are meant to teach you valuable skills. There's no "busy work." Take notes, take advantage of all of the tips and tricks because they DO work and he does want you to succeed beyond the classroom.

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TMP122 . 8 Years Ago

Register for any one John's classes and don't look back - it will be the best decision of your academic career.

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TMP111 . 8 Years Ago

What other professor do you know that posts jobs before every class? This is John's labor of love, he is a wildly successful entrepreneur. Listen. Learn. Remove your ego. Some speakers will inspire you for years to come. Ask formulated questions, make connections. John provides priceless value. His classes can inspire you to achieve greatness.

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TMP134 . 8 Years Ago

One of the few professors that will prepare you to your future career. If you are planning to do the TMP certificate, do not think twice. He is also ready to share his personal experience and cares about his students even after the end of the quarter. Expect some reading and quizzes though.

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ENGR134 . 8 Years Ago

One of the few professors who prepares you for life after college. Starts almost every lecture with slides featuring internship opportunities or job opportunities for students, and prepares you for the workforce. I would recommend professor Greathouse and the TMP program to any UCSB student.

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TMP21 . 8 Years Ago

This isn't your run of the mill class, Greathouse will teach you things you rarely get to learn in college, and more importantly they are things that will be extremely relevant to you when you enter the workforce. If you enjoy thinking outside of the box, collaborative effort, and learning how to advance your career, take his classes.

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