
Rate My Professors (134)

TMP122 . 10 Years Ago

John G. is a very inspiring professor. His class can have a big positive impact on your future development, personally such as in a professional context. Your best chance to learn about "entrepreneurship" before going out to the real world! I really recommend taking this class. It is some work but it pays off! Cheapest way to get valuable advice!

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TMP134 . 10 Years Ago

This is by far the most useful course I have taken as an undergraduate student. Greathouse shares his extensive experience and gives great insight into sales techniques. While his TAs are not particularly helpful, Greathouse himself is more than willing to help his students out and even helps his students find work. Cannot recommend him enough.

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TMP134TMP111 . 10 Years Ago

The fact that more UCSB students don't realize that they have the opportunity to take a class from Professor G is mind boggling. He has an amazing business mind and is very helpful to students who take a real interest in the class. His classes are so unique due to his incredible resume and you will learn a lot and be challenged in the best way!

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ENGR134 . 12 Years Ago

Greathouse is the best professor I have had in 3 years. His classes are interesting and APPLICABLE. He doesn't use boring textbooks and the reading is super easy and practical. If you can't get a good grade in any of his classes then you're just lazy. Also he's super connected in SB and will even help you land a job/intern if you go about it right

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ENG285 . 12 Years Ago

A lot of people don't like this class because they think business is intuitive and that everyone is going to give them hand outs through it all. Professor Greathouse does a great job of simulating the real world of business through a classroom, but for those without a sense of humor or taste for business, his classes are not for you.

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ENG185 . 12 Years Ago

Class is hard, yes, but the professor is one who has actually done the stuff he is teaching in the real world, unlike most of my other professors. The speakers are interesting, as are the readings, but you should go into this class knowing that you are going to spend a lot of time on it, but you'll learn so much about being in business. GO 2 OFFICE

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ENGR102 . 12 Years Ago

Bad professor. Very rigid and unwavering even in the face of his mistakes. TAs are just as bad. The lecture series is very intriguing, love the talks by successful entrepreneurs. Should get someone else to look over the course though.

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ENGR102A . 12 Years Ago

Terrible instructor. Doesnt grade the papers himself, has his TA's do it (who go on insane power trips) Lecturers (rich entrepenuers, not greathouse) were somewhat useful, but definitely not worth enrolling into. I recommend not enrolling, but try to catch a lecture every now and then

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ENGR285 . 13 Years Ago

Everyone else who commented here is WRONG!! This is the best professor I have ever taken and made me follow my dreams of starting my own business. The person who left the comment about him having a big ego just doesn't understand his personality I guess because Mr. Greathouse is hilarious and humble. GREAT TEACHER & CLASS!!

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ENGR185 . 13 Years Ago

Alright class with some interesting lectures and good books assigned. Assignments and grading is extremely disorganized, and Greathouse is the most egomaniacal professors I have ever encountered, which is saying something. Thinks he is John Galt and on the first day explained how he is going to sandbag his son with debt to fulfill his fantasy.

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ENGR185A . 13 Years Ago

The lecture is boring sometimes but the books he assigned are great. He's really helpful if you go to his office hours. A lot of homework and be ready to spend 20+ HRS on the class project. I learned a lot about how to start a business. If you want to be an entrepreneur, this is a MUST TAKE class!

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ENGR191I . 14 Years Ago

Has a lot of experience but not too fond of his teaching style. Class isnt hard but his quizzes are too specific for the amount of reading he assigns. WAY too much reading for a 2 unit class. Crams WAY too much info into his lectures so he ends up rushing through most of it. A few of the topics are interesting but class is long and boring

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ENGR285 . 15 Years Ago

best prof ever! learned so much in his class (entrepreneurship)

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ENGR185A . 15 Years Ago

Terrible professor. Very disorganized. Class is very frustrating and pointless. Hard to keep track of the number of assignments. Avoid.

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