An overview of the interdisciplinary field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, including historical and cross-cultural perspectives on same-sex sexuality, queer theory, intersectionality, gender and sexual identities, communities, culture, contemporary social policy, and LGBTQ movements.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf. DasGupta is wonderful. She has a lot of experience with hands-on activism. All assignments were writing projects and he is very accessible outside of class. You can email her drafts and she will give you feedback. Most lectures are based on his experiences and class discussion. Lectures get more fun as more people engage in discussion.
Good professor who really makes you think. The course is very reading heavy but you can get by from just skimming (I don't recommend it but I did it so lol)
Easiest class I have ever taken and will ever take. Every assignment was some kind of writing, 4 1-page reflections, 1 2-page book review, and a 4-page final. I am a horrible writer but got a 100% on everything and in the class. Section is "mandatory" for a grade but it really just depends on your TA for grading.
Professor DasGupta is super nice however at times the class became a little unorganized which can be stressful. Overall he made good points in lecture but not a great job of clearly connecting back to the readings so a lot of the denser readings were a little confusing. Still an easy class as long as you meet with your TA to go over the assignments
The professor's cool. Lectures don't pertain to the coursework but they still are very interesting. Enjoyable readings and coursework.
I wouldn't take a class again under this professor again because she was very disorganized, particularly towards the second half of the quarter where she'd show up late more often and didn't even let us know when he decided not to show up to lecture one day. Overall, her disorganization really affected the quality of this class.