The assumptions, goals, content, and consequences of selected domestic policies, concentrating on the period since 1960. Discussion of the nature of collective action, methods of policy analysis and evaluation, and problems of implementation.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeGood readings and good lectures. The class is really more of an interactive seminar. The policy memo project is good training for future jobs in politics and policy.
I don't know why Nall is regarded as a difficult professor on this website, maybe he changed his approach to teaching recently. Yes, there are weekly papers, but they're more time-consuming than challenging (2 1/2 hours a week minimum should be enough). Just remember large concepts and how they relate to readings/case studies and you should be fine
PS170 was interesting but was full of many assignments that made it unmanageable in a quarter system. Two 250-word reading responses a week (not actually responses, had to apply readings in different ways), midterm, final, policy proposal, 8 pg. policy memo, attendance and participation in lecture & section on top of 100-200 pgs of reading a week.
The type of class you can never go to and still get an A in. 10/10.
He assigns more readings than any other professor I've had in poli sci, but the readings were interesting and it was easy to write the required response journal entries. Contrary to other posters, I thought he was engaging and thought-provoking, especially when the class was discussing controversial issues.
The professor did a good job at relating the readings to the lecture and contemporary or past examples. I enjoyed the type of analysis we were encouraged to engage in and I think the weekly journal entries were a good way to measure this along the way, I appreciated the feedback. I learned a lot from this class and the final paper was engaging.