Clayton Nall

27 reviews
Get ready to read So many papers Lots of homework Tough grader Participation matters Group projects Amazing lectures Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Graded by few things Accessible outside class Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Respected Test heavy
Past quarters


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POL S 170 Nall C M Summer 2023 Total: 22
INT 84BW Nall C M Spring 2023 Total: 15
POL S 170 Nall C M Spring 2023 Total: 58
POL S 162 Nall C M Spring 2023 Total: 60
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POLS106AD . Nall C M 3 Months Ago

Nall is difficult. Its nice seeing someone so knowledgeable, but wow this class is impossibly difficult. Expect to read a ton of complex readings. On top of that, you MUST participate in the class. It's a huge part of the grade and there IS cold calling. Also, expect difficult grading on the difficult quizzes on the difficult readings.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 9 Days Ago

His tests are needlessly difficult, but even with a C average on the tests, I still managed to get an A- because of writing assignments and participation. He's got a bit of an ego and will ridicule students for expressing different opinions from his, but if you have a well formed factual argument, he will show more respect. Cares about his students

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POLS170 . Nall C M 1 Year, 15 Days Ago

I don't know why Nall is regarded as a difficult professor on this website, maybe he changed his approach to teaching recently. Yes, there are weekly papers, but they're more time-consuming than challenging (2 1/2 hours a week minimum should be enough). Just remember large concepts and how they relate to readings/case studies and you should be fine

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PS162 . Nall C M 1 Year, 16 Days Ago

Prof Nall is upfront about how difficult this class can be, but he is very nice. Do the readings for quizzes, go to office hours. We had a good TA. Engage in class discussions. I feel like he was lenient because our class was engaged and participatory. The policy memos are a useful writing skill for pols majors, do your best on these and quizzes.

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POLS170 . Nall C M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

PS170 was interesting but was full of many assignments that made it unmanageable in a quarter system. Two 250-word reading responses a week (not actually responses, had to apply readings in different ways), midterm, final, policy proposal, 8 pg. policy memo, attendance and participation in lecture & section on top of 100-200 pgs of reading a week.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

avoid if you are not a polisi major!!! I took this class 3 quarters ago and still get upset thinking about how difficult it was. His directions are unclear. His lectures do not make sense and I got little to no feedback when I would ask. When I did get feedback it was 1-2 WORDS per essay. I had no idea what I was even learning.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

he was a very great lecturer and passionate about polysci. however, there were 700 word papers due every week and they were graded pretty harshly. there was also a ton of reading every week.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Professor Nall is very passionate about the subject but he is a tough grader and his lectures are as well. He goes fast and does not give breaks between the midterm week and the weakly assignments. Be ready to read a lot and write a lot.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Nall is a great expert in American politics, and you can expect to learn a lot. 3-5 hours of extra-lecture work per week should be enough. I don't think he did a good job supporting the TAs during the strike, and that's why my rating is a 4 instead of a 5.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Doesn't answer emails. I emailed him asking for zoom office hours when I had COVID, he responded literally 2 weeks later. His response papers are so confusing and we don't even go over them. He like also cries. Once for democracy, he is passionate at least.

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Nall is very knowledgeable about American politics and has a lot of experience working on real policy stuff. He really wants his students to learn, and expect them to devout a lot of time to his course. Still, you don't need to spend more than a couple hours outside of lecture in it per week if you follow politics

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POLS12 . Nall C M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Literally the worst political science professor I have ever had. It feels like he wants you to fail because the tests are so insanely unreasonable when this is supposedly equivalent to AP Gov. I have spent over 60 hours studying for the final and I am still unprepared. Midterm average was a 68% and there is way way way too much reading always.

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