Examines challenges to democratic process and public spheres associated with digital media, including: harms to privacy, misinformation, propaganda, anti-social behavior, political extremism and violence, and corporate power, with an emphasis on the US.

Prerequisites: POLS 12





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Bruce Bimber
74 reviews
HSSB 1231
14:00 PM - 14:50 PM
20 / 20 Full

HSSB 2201
15:00 PM - 15:50 PM
20 / 20 Full

HSSB 1214
17:00 PM - 17:50 PM
20 / 20 Full

POL S 178 Bimber B Fall 2022 Total: 63
See All
POLS12 . Bimber B 8 Months Ago

Bimber was an enjoyable lecturer and professor overall. However, he said certain material would be on the exams and then used completely different material and blindsided everyone. Had 1 midterm and 1 final that were weighted pretty heavily and included MCQs along with SAQs. Felt like they were looking for pretty specific things on the SAQ portion.

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POLS12 . Bimber B A Year Ago

I wanted to like this class, but I was told verbatim by a TA "we were only allowed to give out a limited number 10/10s" by the professor on tests, despite the accuracy of student responses. This was extremely frustrating and I would not take this class again due to his grading policies.

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POLS12 . Bimber B 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

Workload is very easy and he is a great teacher. Grade is mainly based on mid term and final as well as a paper. The tests are moderately difficult but if you go to lecture and prepare they're not bad.

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12 . Bimber B 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Supre knowledgeable professor, and clearly passionate about Poli-sci. Not an easy class though. Tough midterm and final, but the final project was easy. Make sure to go over ALL quiz questions (that's a LOT), as they will appear on your exams. The short response was easy as long as you go to lectures. Overall, learned a lot, love his style.

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POLISCI12 . Bimber B 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

SO hard. Not even a poli sci major and took because 2 GE's. Technically got C+ but since not my major I just took a pass lol. So hard for no reason and very reading heavy. lectures are boring and tests don't exactly match up. averages always a C on midterm and final and no curve so everyone got a C or just took a pass. skip this class if possible

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POLS12 . Bimber B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I really liked his lectures and the content he goes over and the way he presents it. He goes over the foundations of government while also tying in real world events and examples, such as the Donald Trump court cases. I didn't like the online textbook part because you HAD to buy it for assignment purposes. It cost $50 and expired in 9 months.

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See all 74 reviews
POL S 166
49 / 80 Enrolled
US Immigration Politics and Policy
Pei-Te Lien 2.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
25.4% A
POL S 170
60 / 60 Full
Public Policy Analysis
Clayton Nall 3.1
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
31.7% A
POL S 173
60 / 60 Full
Media and Politics in Comparative and Historical Perspective
Laurie Freeman 2.3
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
44.9% A
POL S 176
60 / 60 Full
Energy Politics and Policy
Leah Stokes 4.5
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
44.6% A
POL S 187
60 / 60 Full
Classical Political Theory
Tae-Yeoun Keum 4.3
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
23.7% A
POL S 188
45 / 58 Enrolled
Modern Political Theory
Andrew Norris 3.2
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
17.2% A