Problems of politics and administration in urban and metropolitan areas.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeNall is a tough professor but he is ultimately fair. The class projects are a great introduction to doing original original research.
Participation for section is required, not for lecture. No laptops allowed in lecture in 2024. Nall is very sensitive, I would not recommend him to anyone, especially taking a lower div polisci pre-req. The coursework itself is not bad, but he is just difficult to work with. Mandatory textbook is $80. Don't take unless you have to.
Prof Nall is upfront about how difficult this class can be, but he is very nice. Do the readings for quizzes, go to office hours. We had a good TA. Engage in class discussions. I feel like he was lenient because our class was engaged and participatory. The policy memos are a useful writing skill for pols majors, do your best on these and quizzes.
Not sure what the other people were complaining about. Dude is a decent lecturer with interesting and thought-provoking material. We always had lively discussions. There are 2 projects and a reading response, yeah, but you're given more than enough time to complete them. Grading was fair.
Nall is a good lecturer, but he assigns way too many readings/assignments. I understand he wanted to pack a lot into the course, but it is very difficult juggling this class within a full schedule. Assignments included: section (some assignments), 2 response papers, 2 field papers, 4-5 quizzes, and a final exam. Readings 150-200 pages per week.
Prof Nall says that he teaches this class like a graduate level course, and he isn't kidding. Every week there is at least 200-300 pages of reading, you have to write two (2 page) reading responses, 2 (10-12 page) field research projects, 4 pop quizzes, and a final. On top of all this he is incredibly condescending and is an awful lecturer.