Developing an understanding of concepts and practices for audits of financial statements. Studying professional standards, ethics, and legal liability. The audit process is covered in-depth: planning, internal control, audit risk, materiality, evidence, program design, sampling, completing the audit, and reporting.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI ended up really liking Bob. knew nothing about audit going in, but put in a decent/usual amount of work and got an A. He actually made me more interested in audit and I enjoyed his personal stories. The only thing I did poorly on was the simulation assignment, I didn't really feel like there was clear instruction on how to do it. maybe the point
This guy is a decent professor but at the end of the day hes not coming through for the student when you most need him. He lacks integrity and compassion and for those reasons Im out.
Bob is blunt, which some people take as being rude. He is hilarious and asks a lot of rhetorical questions that lead into funny stories about his experience in public accounting and his own business. Do the practice midterms, he reuses questions on his exams. Literally just memorize the slides and this class is a breeze.
Just memorize everything and do the practice exams. The class really isnt that hard. The hmwk and simulation can be found on google. If youre actually invested in the class I think A/A- is very doable. I just think the teacher isnt my cup of tea.
Typical UC bureaucrat who gets a paycheck while not teaching students anything they couldn't learn on their own. Bob creates more work than necessary for the subject matter due to lack of clarity and the amount prep time it takes to study and pass his exams. My suggestion is to avoid him (if possible).
Guest lecturer who refers to himself as a professor. Lots of homework and tests that seem to try and trip people up instead of teach them something. He says he runs training program and thats hard to believe based on his lack of teaching skills.