Discounting of certain future cash flows. Principles of evaluation of investment projects. Demand and supply of investment funds. Risk and the valuation of asset prices. Analysis of a firm's debt and dividend policies;the effect of taxes and inflation on these policies.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI've had him a couple times but this is finally the last time. Class grades are mostly test based and you would think that 50-60% test averages would be a sign for him to fix something. Honestly better off not going to lecture since he just reads off the slides anyways. Expected to know way more then whats covered in lecture so keep that in mind.
DON'T TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! No seriously, you rather skip a quarter and take it with someone else. Lectures are so useless. Gives an example but doesn't fully go over them. He will say "this is up for the students to calculate and figure out" then honestly what is the point of him? Exams were not similar to past exam so studying those didn't help.
Professor Hartman is not helpful at all. I took Econ 10A with him and I am taking Econ 134A. You need to do all of his previous tests to pass these classes. Don't rely on his lectures because they are useless. You basically need to teach yourself.
He teaches nothing and expects students to know everything.
I took 134a with a TA, but Hartman writes most of the source material. This class is SO MUCH BETTER THAN 10A!! Solving problems for this class is like a puzzle, and it is honestly really fun (but that might be because I am an accounting major). Do all of the practice exams and you will be good to go!
Terrible. Not much more needs to be said. If you have to take him, good luck.