Survey of monetary theory, the banking system and the supply of money, monetary policy, and current issues.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeA lot of reading but generally fair tests. lectures are interesting, final grade on a curve
Garratt is a great professor. His lectures are very clear and straightforward, so as his tests, which are probably 80% identical to the past tests he posted. Make sure you read the textbook to understand the lecture because the slides could be a little vague. Other than than, easy A if you put in some effort.
Great lectures, but his tests are INSANE. First quiz was easy but I had to make a 16(!) page reviewer for the second quiz, and there are 3 quizzes and a Final. Too much material is covered and he puts questions about minute details from the book that don't add any value to the main concept, just for random trick questions. DON'T TAKE 135 W/ HIM!
Pretty easy class you just have to do the reading, and theres a decent amount. Material itself is easy. Three midterms and a final which are all multiple choice. My big complaint is that Professor Garratt is so rude and unapproachable. I felt scared whenever I talked to him, which has really never happened to me before with a professor in college.
Rod is very experienced and lively and brings these qualities to lecture to make it interesting. He engages students and provides real life examples and supplements to help with learning. Tests are very straightforward if you go to lecture or do the reading. Not the usual abuse of trick questions and difficulty; he focuses on concepts
Interesting guy in class, but he seems very impatient when you talk to him outside. Has a very matter of fact attitude about tests and grades, so ask your questions before the test, not after, as he is unlikely to be sympathetic.