Introduction to a variety of statistics and applied probability applications. Active participation and a 15- minute group presentation or a short (2-3 pages) analytical essay will be required.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThe lectures were lackluster and behind schedule, making the course feel a lot harder than it really was. Coburn grades generously, but I feel that I've learned very little in her class.
Frequently made mistakes on example problems and often did not give clear answers to student questions. Resulting slow pace led to us missing 2 full weeks of content. Didn't really promote understanding of material, just how to plug in formulas. Honestly not even worth the easy A for PSTAT majors. Take someone else if possible
A great lecturer and very passionate about the subject, go to lecture!! She focuses only on the most important things in lecture and almost everything emphasized in lecture is tested on. Very fair tests just like the practice tests, lots of time for homework and quizzes, very accessible in OH.
Dr. Coburn is a really sweet lady and posts all her lecture videos online for 120C. The exams are tough and you won't find the answers in hw or anything, but doable if you watch all the lecture videos in entirety. Pay close attention to hw because it is graded with scrutiny. She is super caring and helpful in office hours so definitely go.
confusing lectures, doesnt teach and doesnt respond to emails. the midterm was hard (way too hard for undergrad class) and you dont really learn anything so if youre a stats major pls dont take her
Her lectures were pretty incomprehensible and hard to follow. She will literally never respond to emails and TAs can't get a hold of her. Homework and quizzes were graded on completion which helped your grade but did not help you learn. The midterm was extremely difficult that she had to make the final exactly like the review and midterm.