Introduction to data science. Concepts of statistical thinking. Topics include random variables, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Visualizing, analyzing and interpreting real world data using Python. Computing labs required.
Grading1, 2
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeSwenson is super caring and is very accessible if you have questions. If you can, attend office hours for more personalized teaching. The class gets a bit tricky later on with a lot of methods/formulas to memorize but an A is very achievable with good effort.
Lectures are online, section is learning basic Python and doing worksheets based off the (optional) homework. The material itself was moderate in difficulty. Math required for the class is just simple Algebra and factorials, and a good calculator. Midterms/quizzes were very similar to the homework. If you ACTUALLY do the homework, youll be fine.
Professor seems sweet, but if you don't have a good TA you're screwed. She posts lecture videos then recaps them (at a snails pace) during the weekly lecture, but it feels as though you're expected to teach yourself. Learned practically nothing about Python, the class was math heavy. Can't emphasize enough that your experience depends on your TA.
great lecturer, extremely helpful online videos, quizzes are basically the same as homework so easy points. The two midterms are easy, the final was a bit hard
You can tell the professor cares about her students, but the class is just straight up challenging. There's a lot of material and it moves fast. The midterms and test are hard and you have to rush to get through all of the questions. The final is free response and takes over 2 hours.
She is such a sweet lady! Unfortunately statistics was such an easy subject for me in high school, but the hybrid mode just doesn't work for me (or seemingly lots of people in this class). With C or lower averages on every midterm for the class, it seems like the review she does on Thursdays (in person days) just doesn't get the job done.