Rate My Professors (80)

EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Made a lot of mistakes on homework, tests and slides. Tests relied on textbooks that she didnt cover at all. If you unfortunately take her, it will be a good time to practice self-learning:)

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

She is a nice person but a bad lecturer. She was just throwing random information during lectures, and the content did not correspond to the chapters we read for homework. Reading the book is much more helpful than going to her lectures unless you enjoy waking up early and feeling yourself slowly dying at 8 am.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

She is a nice person. Yet, her teaching style was not for me. Her lectures are all over the place which makes difficult content more difficult to understand. Also, there is WAY too much content to learn any of it in depth. She also gives incredibly hard tests and showed her students no sympathy on the non-optional final during the COVID-19 crisis.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

I don't think I've ever had a professor with such a disorganized mess of lecture slides. No one in the class could tell you with a 100% certainty what we did and did not have to know for an exam. She also gave an absurdly hard online final (thanks COVID) that contained question styles she promised would not be on the exam. avoid at all costs

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

She gives a lot of information in lecture that is rather useless and has no overlap with the textbook. Exams are a hopeless mess of questions, usually poorly written and she LOVES "select all that apply" questions for some reason. She also tries to act like the "cool" teacher but is actually quite rude and miserable to be around.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Its obvious that Prof Thomasson is new to UCSB. She gives an unreasonable amount of reading that doesnt overlap with lecture topics so the majority of the course is you teaching yourself. She also tries to make it seem like she cares about her students and is really cool when in actuality she shows a lot less empathy compared to other professors.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

HW assignments were tough, so be sure to work with others! Super sweet woman, but busy office hours. Her lecture slides are a bit disorganized so sometimes it is hard to follow and her readings can get a bit heavy, especially when it doesn't seem to correlate to class sometimes. She's nice and entertaining, but overall, her class was tough.

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EEMB157A . Thomasson K M 6 Years Ago

By far my favorite professor ever! The material of this class is TUFF! But she makes the material understandable and wants her students to succeed. Be ready to work hard but your hard work will pay off! I left the final feeling like I understood complex topics. No memorization :)

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