Rate My Professors (80)

EEMB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Professor Thomasson was always willing to help and she is kind. The lectures seemed fast paced to me so I just watched the recordings at my own pace. If you take detailed notes on the lecture subject matter, you will have no problem passing. Biome material and section reading was doable. Overall, I did learn a lot.

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EEMB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

This is the second time Ive taken Professor Thomasson, and she has improved so much since I last took her. Her bad reviews seem to really come from when she first started teaching, and its obvious she has learned a lot since then. Her class has become way more organized. She is very kind and accommodating and she truly just wants us to learn!

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MCDB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

you know the professors that feel like are robots just there to play their part, the ones you feel no connection towards and get scared to ask questions because you dont think theyll care or understand or even try to help you? the monotone boring ones? the ones where you have to teach yourself? KELLYS ACTUALLY AN APPROACHABLE HUMAN GUYS! TAKE HER!

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MCDB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

I was takin this class while a war broke out in my country. I was going to protests driving donations sending medical supplies and clothing etc whatever I could to help soldiers and families who lost. It was hard to focus and be there. She was the most understanding/caring professor ever. Definitely didnt add to my stress, but tried to help me. TY

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MCDB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

the bad reviews are wrong. shes great and caring! lectures are recorded, weekly quizes are doable if you watch the lectures. Accessible and sympathetic and understanding. TAs are great (Taom's awesome). Midterms and final are doable, just study youll be fine. doesnt try tricking or surprising you. communicate with her and TAs and they will help you

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EEMB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Kelly was an amazing professor! She keeps her lectures light hearted and humorous. She thoroughly explains the harder content and always asks if her students have any questions. She is very understanding and flexible. There is little to no reading, I just studied her lectures for the tests. She is genuinely one of the best professors I have had.

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EEMB120 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

The most enjoyable class I took during the COVID shutdown. I thought the lectures were interesting and she gave lots of examples. Online tests were relatively easy if you reviewed the material, took notes from recorded lectures, and showed up to discussion sections. Workload was very manageable and the time given for quizzes was very flexible.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

I would not recommend anyone to take a class with her. she never posted any of my grades, and apparently posted grades for other students but not everyone so I had no idea of my grade the entire course while others did. She tests on material that was never covered by her, exams are very hard and confusing, and most of your grade is from the exams.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

This class made me what to die. It's only a 3 credit class and is more work than my 5 credit Psy10A class. The lectures are extremely confusing and disorganized and the material is boring. She talks in a monotone and the homework assignments are time consuming and made to trick you. I don't know if this is because it is online but it sucks!

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EEMB102 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

her lectures aren't too complicated which is why I think she should dedicate some of the more complicated stuff that is discussed in our sections into her lectures instead of leaving that all up to the TA because the discussion section stuff is much more complicated

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Lectures were disorganized, info-heavy, and sorta lackluster as others have mentioned. However, the midterm for her section of the class was really easy and based exactly on what was covered in lecture-make sure to take detailed notes! Given that she has good intentions and is a relatively new professor, I don't think you shouldn't take her.

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ENVS25 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

I'm not sure why the professor has such bad ratings. Kelly seems like a really nice & understanding professor. Lectures & section are posted weekly so really watching them isn't necessary. There are labs due each week, they can get really time consuming. You learn applicable skills and her tests (especially being online) aren't bad at all.

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ENVS25 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Let's just say, I've taken the entire o-chemistry series and this is the most useless, busy work I have ever done for a class. Her lectures are dense, uninformative, and highly disorganized. Her exam questions are as vague as the assignments themselves. I know people take this class instead of 34B, but if I were you, I'd opt for calc.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

I took this class online bc corona, but overall I had a good experience! She is a bit confusing with lectures. I think the reason for my confusion was her organization of the slides is not the best. She had very fair exam questions if you studied her slides! Did not read the book at all.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Don't want to be too harsh since she's new but the lectures are very confusing as others have pointed out. The slides are not organized in an easily understandable fashion, a chunk of them have only pictures. It would be helpful if there was more information on each slide and a summary slide going over important points every few slides

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Honestly, I feel kind of bad for Dr. Thomasson. She's a very kind-hearted person, she's a pretty new professor and definitely hasn't ironed out the kinks yet. Her lectures and office hours just give very surface-level explanations, whereas the tests are super in depth and confusing (read the textbook). she loves "select all that apply" questions

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

This is purely based on lectures as I have not taken the exam. Her lectures are confusing and monotone. She constantly contradicts herself or provides information that is incorrect/unclear. I can't even understand clearly at 1x + replay. Even when she explains concepts I know well from other classes, she explains in a way that is unclear/confusing

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Honestly unsure if it's just because this is an online class, but it is really difficult to understand what she's saying. no enthusiasm at all. Lectures seem very unorganized because she has to correct herself almost every sentence to the point where I truly am confused which part of what she said was right. It's hard to follow even if i replay it.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

first time ive actually disliked a biology prof here at UCSB. Her lectures are all of over the place and are hard to follow along with. They are also dense with material because she tries to fit in way to much information in little time. if you dont need to, dont take her.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

All these reviews seem inaccurate. I took her class and she was one of the most caring professors I've ever had at UCSB. If you are struggling in her class, go to her office hours and get help because she WILL help you. She even sets up individual appointments for students (outside of office hours) after the midterms to get feedback. Amazing prof:)

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 4 Years Ago

Worst professor in the Biology department by far. Expects heavy textbook on top of long article reading because she didn't have time to cover topics in lectures. Basically a self-taught class because her lectures are completely useless and disorganized as well. If you want to pass don't even waste your time with attending lecture.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 5 Years Ago

The worst professor in the EEMB department. She makes us read these huge articles with little or no relevance to the subject matter and tests us on the material. She makes this class a complete waste of time and the worst part is hundreds of people really need this class. If you don't have to take a class with her, then don't take it.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 5 Years Ago

she seems funny, nice, & approachable but her exams are nothing like her lectures n mainly from readings & textbooks. At the beginning of the quarter she said she uses a curving method that gives the majority of people As but my grade seems like the average of all the things I was graded on so either there was no curve or the slightest of curves

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 5 Years Ago

Really tough because you have to learn it by yourself for nearly all the things. She is really disorganized for her lecture, her ppt, and her schedule. She made a lot of mistakes when teaching, and most of them are different from the book (or even contradictory). She refused to make final optional and it was SUPER hard. And, SLIGHT curve. AVOID it

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