Kelly Thomasson

80 reviews
Lecture heavy Test heavy Get ready to read Tough grader EXTRA CREDIT Caring Accessible outside class Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Lots of homework Clear grading criteria Group projects Gives good feedback Hilarious Respected Online Savvy Inspirational Participation matters Would take again So many papers
Past quarters
EEMB W 146
133 / 144 Enrolled
Kelly Thomasson 2.3
13:00 PM - 13:50 PM
68.2% A
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EEMB 3 Thomasson K M Spring 2024 Total: 594
EEMB W 146 Thomasson K M Spring 2024 Total: 135
EEMB 157B Thomasson K M Winter 2024 Total: 73
EEMB 138 Thomasson K M Winter 2023 Total: 95
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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 9 Months Ago

Professor Thomasson seems like a really nice person, but her lectures were SO disorganized. It was really, really difficult to follow. She was not in person and her lectures were all on zoom which made it even more confusing. However, she made her exam very fair and pretty easy which I appreciate.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

Despite all the negative reviews, Dr. Thomasson was a decent professor. Although teaching remote, she was extremely accessible out of class and a very caring lady. Lectures weren't bad, at times she stumbled on her own words, but office hours were AMAZING. No practice exam, but quizzes were easy, and midterm was easy too. UTILIZE HER OH to get an A

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

Why on earth would you expect the students to go in person when you're on zoom??? AND if you don't have enough time to teach all of the material in class, then it shouldn't be on the midterm, not an extra lecture. Continuously misuses vocab terms, making class even more confusing and will circle things rather than actually define them.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

She teaches on zoom at UCSB but lives in Davis? There's literally a college you can teach at there... Awful lecturer, terrible organization, left us with no idea of what to focus on. Clears her throat directly into the mic (gross). Crammed 2.5 lectures into a video 3 days before the test. Told us she "isn't a plant expert" but teaches plants. AVOID

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EEMB157A . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

I truly hope Kelly reads these reviews and understands that she's not meant to be a lecturer. She simply cannot teach. Lectured through zoom and didn't even have her camera on for the midterm review. The intro bio dept. is a joke. I don't understand why we pay so much to attend a zoom class IN PERSON. Avoid!! Take small section EEMB 3 if you can.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

Her lectures are beyond difficult to follow as she starts using terminology without providing any definitions. She puts large diagrams on her slides and will proceed to talk about the diagram for 5 minutes without making annotations on the slide. I have not taken the midterm for her unit yet, but any success on the exam will not be thanks to her.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

By far one of the worst professors I have ever had. Extremely unclear lectures in which she throws out jargon without further explanation. Flip flops often. Not to mention, she was on zoom while the rest of us were in the lecture hall. Awful.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

Ok first of all why does she teach at ucsb when she lives and works in davis?? Zoom lectures livestreamed into the lecture hall was weird but ok? On top of that her lectures were beyond confusing, she would throw a bunch of terms at us and then not explain what any of them meant. Weird and pointless to go to lecture just read the book.

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EEMB3 . Thomasson K M 10 Months Ago

Genuinely terrible experience, she won't even show up to the lecture and does it on zoom (why i put that this is an online course). I have never experienced a more incomprehensible lecture because of how many terms she just pulls out of nowhere and references without even explaining. Im praying for my entire cohort of students

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Pretty good professor, really nice and knowledgeable. Explains concepts well. Exams are pretty difficult but the quizzes are really helpful.

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EEMB138 . Thomasson K M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Way better than MCDB 6, but still be prepared to memorize key terms and important concepts. Watch the videos and then test yourself on the material, go to her office hours to clear up confusing topics. Doable compared to Low.

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EEMB7 . Thomasson K M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Thomasson is just a really disorganized professor. The lecture slides are not very clear and it is really hard to follow what she is saying at times. Thankfully, she knows that we just had come from MCDB6 and made it clear to us that she would make this course way easier, which she did. Tests are super simple and curved heavily.

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