Rate My Professors (128)

122GI . Robinson W I 2 Months Ago

Professor Robinson is intense but cares deeply about the material. While the reading load is heavy, the content is engaging. Utilize unstuck ai and focus on the lectures to succeed.

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SOC130SG . Robinson W I 2 Months Ago

Great professor. He knows the material and is very well versed on the topics. I will say, learn how to write an essay before you begin reflections. He isn't as clear on his expectations however be as academic as you possibly can be. Treat it as a real analysis paper than an “reflection.”

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130SG . Robinson W I 3 Months Ago

His minimum reading is at least 100 pages per week and expects us to write a 1000 word essay weekly, which he sets the deadline to be at 10 pm. I get so stressed out every Tuesday. On one of the weeks, he even made us read an entire book of more than 200 pages on top a list of documentaries. Take his class if you are a strong reader.

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130SG . Robinson W I 4 Months Ago

Robinson…the prof that makes people want to drop out & handles his courses like a dictator. Him & his gang of male TAs are rude, arrogant, & grade harshly with unclear parameters. I've taken 2 of his classes now. He sloppily throws together a 3hr lecture, makes you buy the overly wordy materials he writes for profit, & man-splains til you're blue.

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SOC130SG . Robinson W I 4 Months Ago

AWFUL PPT maker. BRIGHT green background and BRIGHT yellow fonts. It's very unprofessional, lazy and difficult to look at for a long time. Extremely inconsistent fonts and text sizes (random capitalizations). PPT strains my eyes due to the intense coloring. 5 different fonts in 2 pages, ridiculous, and AI generated images.

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130SG . Robinson W I 1 Year, 21 Days Ago

HORRIBLE professor. He has very interesting material but teaches in block three hour classes with monotonous lectures over powerpoints. Very arbitrary criteria for the reflections that are then graded by TA's somehow even more arbitrarily. To sum it up, great material and just horrible horrible class structuring and teaching delivery.

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122GI . Robinson W I 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Excellent proffesor, one of the few at Santa Barbara that actively challenges your critical thinking. His intensity can be mistakened as rudeness, as Robinson really makes it clear that he cares a lot about the content that he is teaching, and as a result, wants to make that everyone is paying attention.

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130LA . Robinson W I 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

One of my favorite professors I've had at UCSB. I left class shocked every night by all the crazy new things I had learned about history, the government, etc. The 3 hour classes flew by. There's weekly 1000 word reading responses, but they are pretty easy once you get used to them. Everyone should take Robinson if they get the chance!

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SOC122GI . Robinson W I 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I gave the professor 2 stars because he does not reply to emails at all. TAs great. Be prepared to write a weekly 1000-word essay, there's several guidelines on how to do them and what to avoid. - how many pages you will read "134 pages!" If you don't like reading hundreds of pages and writing a 1000-word essay a week this course is not for you.

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130GR . Robinson W I 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Though the subject matter and readings were interesting, I found Professor Robinson to be quite rude. There were a lot of assignments and they could not be even one minute late. He has a strict no technology policy, and makes no exceptions for students who have children at home.

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130LA . Robinson W I 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

I love Professor Robinson! He is such an amazing lecturer. The best class I have ever taken at UCSB and he is such a respected professor. Definitely recommend his class and his passion for knowledge about sociology in Latin America. The readings were a lot but doable. Reflections were easy. I don't understand why people rating him so badly. Love it

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130LA . Robinson W I 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I've taken his classes 3 times and I've gotten an A in all of them but man was it difficult to keep up with an 100+ pages of reading a week and emotionally draining content. The weekly reflection is relatively easy to get an A on, but you need to do the majority of the readings. He will make you watch documentaries that are truly horrific.

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130LA . Robinson W I 2 Years Ago

I've taken 3 of his classes, all very interesting, a good lecturer and I learned a lot. However, I can only give him 4 stars because he has a zero-tolerance policy on electronics, is a stickler for attendance, and assigns a very heavy amount of reading. If you do all the work you'll get an A.

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130GR . Robinson W I 2 Years Ago

I would 100% recommend taking any class with Professor Robinson he does not filter himself, unlike many professors at this neo-liberal college do. He encourages everyone to question everything even what he is saying. very knowledgeable and provide a very different prospective that everyone should hear. lots of reading but manageable and interesting

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130GR . Robinson W I 2 Years Ago

This class literally raised my anxiety, but Prof Robinson is extremely knowledgeable and shares a refreshing perspective and opened my eyes to a lot going on in the world. There was a LOT of reading, but the weekly paper was pretty easy to do well on if you understand the material. I'm glad I took the class.

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130LA . Robinson W I 2 Years Ago

Robinson is a great lecturer but a strict instructor with little accommodations. Heavy readings but easy responses, mind-blowing content but very strict deadlines. If you have enough time in your schedule to dedicate to this class (and don't need a laptop to take notes) take it. If not, it'll be pretty hard.

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SOC130LA . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Professor Robinson is knowledgable on the topic. This class was half online and half in person due to the pandemic. Took 3-4 iclicker attendances throughout the class even when if over the allotted time for lecture. Readings are dated & his powerpoints are recycled. Also wrote a paper on movies we had to pay for and extensions are NEVER permitted.

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122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Dr. Robinson was a fantastic professor; I understand people may have different emotions towards him, but this is my opinion. I am also taking him for SOC 130GR this quarter, and his layout is very similar, easy to follow. You have one reflection due once a week, 2-3 papers (including final paper). Never any quizzes or exams!

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122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

The amount of reading is overwhelming but boy, the content in this course is jarring!!! However, I wish he was a better lecturer. All he does is copy & paste book-reading onto his slides & reads them out loud. You'll learn more from the assigned documentaries & readings. If you are not a VERY STRONG writer, you will NOT do well in this class!

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SOC185RT . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Incredibly dense & thought-provoking. Robinson's 3 hour lectures either fly by or drag on, but he talks fast and they're better when people ask questions. There is a lot of reading but the weekly writing (1000 words) is a self-reflection & very informal. write a bit about each reading, & you're fine. One formal essay at the end. show up to class!

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SOC122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Robinson is notorious. 3 hour long lectures, EXTREMELY dense with information. Between 30-150 pages of reading a week, with a weekly 1000 word reflection (fairly informal). The class is a lot, but he will absolutely blow your mind. He will radicalize you in new dimensions and make you think critically about the world. Incredibly unique.

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SOC122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Honestly if you love to read 500 pages of multiple books take this class. The lecture is 3 hours and was very monotone , I wish the class was held better. All he does talk and very unorganized. I appreciated he posted the PowerPoints online. But theres reflections every week about 2 pages and last two reflections 1,000 words & 3 essays 8 pages

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122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

3 hours once a week was literal he*l but other than that, the content and information was engaging and the course load was not that bad.

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122GI . Robinson W I 3 Years Ago

Professor Robinson is a really passionate and knowledgable guy, which can come across as a bit intimidating. He posts his lecture slides so just make sure to focus on what he is saying in class. The TAs were really awesome and understanding. As long as you digest the reading material and show that you're trying you will be fine.

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