Rate My Professors (364)

CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price gives clear lectures with practice problems to reinforce the material. He truly cares about his students by holding numerous office hours and sending out emails before each class telling students how to prepare for lecture. Some questions on the exams can be quite tricky but there are many practice tests to help you prepare for the real deal. Awesome teacher!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is hella chill. Teaches clearly and if you study his old midterms and understand concepts you will do well. Cares for students, sends out long emails after each class with suggested problems. Personally I only did his old quizzes and midterms to study but he gives a lot of options. If I had to take more Chem I would have gotten price again.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price gives very clear lectures and knows what he is doing. He funny, young, and pretty hot. Probably the easiest of all the gen chem professors. Although his lectures are very systematic, tests really require a true understanding on the material due to their wording. He curves, but only moderately. Take CLAS and you'll be fine.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

He's hot which makes attending class easy. Class overall was difficult. Definitely need to spend everyday doing practice problems. When it comes to tests prepare to study a lot and still get a low grade unless you're super smart, of course.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is attractive, smart, and funny. Perfect way to learn chemistry!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

His lectures are clear, concise and entertaining. He is very fair with grades and genuinely wants all of his students to succeed.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

i love him.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Price is a man who is genuinely interested in helping out his students. Do ALL the recommended book problems because he loves putting math problems on the exams. Do all his old practice exams and you'll be fine. He's the absolute best professor I've ever had and I would take his class again in a heartbeat.

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CHEM1A1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Despite the mostly positive reviews, realize that this is a challenging professor. I didn't really apply myself and received a C in 1A, and F in 1B C+ after retaking. Tends to emphasize the most difficult aspects about chemistry on exams. Plan on doing most books problems, past exams posted on gauchospace and taking CLAS to get a B+ and above.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

One of the best professors i've ever had, hands down. Demonstrations in class were always interesting and fun. On top of all that, Price knows how to teach to this generation better than anyone else. 11/10 would recommend

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CHEM1A . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Professor Price was definitely one of my favorite professors at UCSB. You can tell he really loved Chemistry through his lectures, and although his course was challenging for me, he definitely made coming to class worth it. He really wanted his students to succeed. Take advantage of office hours; he's really helpful. Great professor!

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Dr. Price was a fantastic professor. If you follow his study plan you should get an A in CHEM 1B. He moves through lecture at a good pace and explains problems and concepts clearly. I got the sense that he really wanted his students to do well in the class. My only complaint is that on the day we had quizzes, he taught new material beforehand.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Very good professor! Extremely helpful and truly cares about all of his students. Very slow in teaching concepts, which is nice. Posts lectures online. Sends out emails before each class telling us what to expect in lecture, practice questions, etc. Do book problems and go to CLAS if you want to do well. It is definitely not an easy class!

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CHEM1AB . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Professor Price is one of the best professors I've had. He sends emails letting the students know which book problems to do and what to read. He is approachable in office hours, and really cares! He also is a fantastic teacher. He really made me love chemistry. Wish he was teaching CHEM 1C. Study hard, do book problems and you'll do well.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Great professor! Awesome demonstrations, explains equations thoroughly, has a sense of humor, but difficult exams. DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Price is a wonderful professor, keeps class interesting and brings in entertaining experiments. Book problems are a MUST to do well on the exams and CLAS complements the class very well. Very approachable professor in office hours and truly cares about his students and their doing well in the class!

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CHEM1C . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Price is a good professor, he is organized nice..etc. BUT I feel like he goes over the easy concepts in class and the test are super challenging. I tried my hardest and still didn't do so great in the class. I say avoid him. Nice looking face and everything but don't take him...

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Really awesome professor, probably the most organized and clear professor I've ever had. His lectures are very helpful but not mandatory since he uploads all his PPT slides to gauchospace. Take Price if you can!

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

He is a good lecturer, but he puts up powerpoints online to make it easy to miss class. Tests are comprehensible and are fairly easy if you put time into the class. Very helpful with curving as well.

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CHEM1C . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Had Scott for Chem 1A/B. I came in knowing a little bit of chem (not AP), and got A+'s in both chem 1A and 1B. He really goes out of his way to make the concepts easy to understand, and before each midterm/final, hosts a review session just to make sure you do well. Do all the book problems, you'll definitely get at least an A- if you do.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

At first, I was intimidated by Price. After going to his office hours, I realized that he's really nice and helpful. However, you really have to work hard in order to succeed in this class. Do book problems consistently and get help early. Go to CLAS and choose Sarah! She helped me get through Chem 1A and Chem 1B. Attend every lecture (iClicker)

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Price is a great professor! The class is difficult for the exams are challenging. However, attending his office hours and doing book problems will help significantly on the exams and especially the final! Definitely take Scott! #priceisright

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

Take him! Dr. Price sends out emails and keeps the class updated. I was surprised at how organized he was, and it helped me stay on track. He is very helpful, and sincerely wants his students to achieve. Chem 1B was a hard class, but I really enjoyed learning from him. Awesome Professor!

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CHEM1B . Price S P 10 Years Ago

If you have the opportunity to have Scott as your professor, do it. If I ever have a professor who is half as helpful, kind, and caring as him, I would be so grateful. He tries to help everyone and even takes time out of his day to do so. During dead week, he will extend his office hours. He holds review sessions before every exam. Do bookproblems.

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