Rate My Professors (364)

CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Best Chem 1B professor by far. His lectures are engaging, online homework (ALEKS) isn't terrible and is less than the other Chem 1B professors, and he's definitely willing to help you if you need it, he even stays extra for office hours and has lots of last minute office hours during finals to help out students. Definitely take Price!

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1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Incredible teacher! GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Bumped my grade because he knew how hard i worked in his class. Great guy.

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06205 . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is an amazing chem professor. He's hilarious, knows his stuff, and makes going to lecture fun.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is the best professor I've had at UCSB so far. This guy knows how to teach college students and WANTS you to learn and do well in his class. His tests are completely fair and your success in his class is purely based on the effort you put into it. I would sign up for Price even if it had to be an 8am, and that's saying something.

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CHEM1A1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price was my FAVORITE professor! He made Chemistry easy to understand and super fun! He does a lot of awesome demos and he even dressed up during Halloween. I would highly recommend him for general chemistry and I would advise to go to as many of his office hours as possible. That's the only thing I regret. His lectures are really helpful too!

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CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Best professor I have had a UCSB. He is extremely helpful if you go to office hours and show an effort in the class. As long as you put in the work and follow his suggestions on how to study for the class, you are set. His tests are tricky, however if you go to lecture and do the book problems and truly understand the material you will be fine.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

I had Price for Chem 1A and Chem 1B. He is an amazing, wonderful professor. Although the concepts for Chem 1B can be harder with thermochemistry, as long as you do textbook problems for additional practice, you should be fine. His exams and quizzes are fairly similar to his released examsquizzes. His office hours are helpful.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Super clear and organized, even though the material itself was really tough. The tests are really hard because they're tricky, with the answer choices being answers that you could potentially get it you forget 1 step (and these are multi-step problems!). He's a nice guy, though, and dropped the final assessment on aleks! And he's SUPER HOT.

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CHEM1A1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Dr Price is amazing. He is very helpful. It is so much fun to go to his office hour.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is an extremely helpful teacher. Had him for both Chem 1A and 1B. It is possible to do well in his class if you follow his study recommendations. Can't say enough good things about him! Learning chemistry is hard, but he made it manageable. Very fair grading.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Gives you a chance for redemption with dropping ur lowest Aleks, replacing lowest quiz with iclicker, and replacing lowest midterm with the final. Chemistry requires certain minds to understand it and it just did not process for me. Barely passed with a C.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Chemistry was super hard for me. He spent most of class lecturing concepts that I could have easily read out of the textbook. With a subject like chemistry I think it is important to work through multiple practice problems, he would do one per lecture. I failed this class in the Fall and retook it in the Spring with another professor and passed.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

I love him! Your final replaces your lowest midterm and your kicker replaces your lowest quiz. He walks you through the material throughly and you have Aleks homework! Had him for Chem 1a received a b, and took him again for chem 1b. Favorite professor!

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CHEM1AB . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Best Chem professor.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price did a great job of reviewing the easy half of AP Chemistry during Chem 1A. I found that I did not have to rely on anything more than his lectures to do well. He outlines the problems very explicitly and it is easy to follow along. His mathematical approach to understanding concepts can kind of take some of the fun out of chemistry.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

I love Price! His teaching style works so well for me and he's always willing to take questions. He's really funny and engaging so you don't mind paying attention in class. His tests are totally fair and he posts his old quizzes and exams online so you can use them as reference for studying! Absolutely great professor.

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CHEM1A1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

HOTTEST PROFESSOR EVER. The material is not hard, once you get it you get an A.

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CHEM1ACHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

great professor. tough courses but definately not his fault. a lot of the work has to come from the student which is usual. he does his very best and is soooo clear during lecture and makes sure to answer questions clearly before changing a topic. this man knows what he's doing

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06171 . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Price is crystal clear and extremely helpful, so even though attendance is optional, ATTEND CLASS OR YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON. I attended most of the lectures and paid attention at maybe half of the ones I did attend, and managed to scrape a B. As long as you attend lecture and stay focused the whole time, the class should be an easy A!

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1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

By far one of my favorite Chemistry professors! His office hours were always fun to go to. Tests are pretty easy as long as you do all the practice exams and quizzes. If you ever get stuck on one of the practice quizzes or exams, go to office hours! I never read the book, just took notes on lectures and Aleks and i passed with an A.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

I love this professor! He makes things clear and chemistry not as boring as it could be! Tests are somewhat hard but if you study you should be fine. The curves were pretty big. I'm taking price again for chem 1b because he's great!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Dr. Price's lecture is very organized. He sent out emails about what you should prepare for class before every lecture and posted notes on gauchospace. An easy A, if you do your homework.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 9 Years Ago

Great professor. Explains material coherently and walks you through example problems on the chalk board. He sends out emails a day before his lectures that have assigned readings and questions that help you prepare for his lectures. Do all the book problems and past quizzesexams. They wil help you prepare for his quizzesexams.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 9 Years Ago

I took this class as a second year student and I can say that Price is arguably the best professor I've had at UCSB. The way he explains topics is clear, concise, and logical. His demonstrations are fun and he was always enthusiastic about teaching. However, his exams were quite difficult (though they were curved) and ALEKS was a bit much at times.

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