
Rate My Professors (128)

CHEM109B . 4 Years Ago

amazing!!! I definitely was not expecting this after having Lewis for 109a (another really good professor). Just make sure you take thorough notes in lecture and CLAS and everything will be okay :') Made 109b tolerable and related it to real life applications so it didn't seem like pointless information

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109B . 4 Years Ago

i literally could not take away anything from his lectures, his handwriting was messy like a 5 year old and i basically self taught the class. His quizzes was on material that we didn't go over in lecture. His class emails were like essays you had to read and seemed petty.

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109B . 4 Years Ago

Aue is a great teacher! Sometimes he will talk about chemistry far beyond the scope of this material, but he makes it clear that we do not need to know that. Will usually only test on what he lectures on and will be clear about what is on the exams. You might find his lectures to be confusing, but just a matter of getting use to. FAIR TESTER!

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CHEM109A . 4 Years Ago

He's such a nice man and he genuinely wants his students to succeed but his lectures are sooooo confusing. He only writes on the board (no slides whatsoever and no iClicker) and he can be so confusing. If I hadn't had my nose in the textbook the whole quarter and gone to CLAS religiously I absolutely would have failed. But he's just so damn nice!

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CHEM109A . 5 Years Ago

Aue is an iconic king. His class is challenging and can be confusing, but what do you expect out of an organic chemistry class? Hes a bit disorganized, however his practice tests are extremely similar to his midterms/final and very fair. If you go to his office hours or stay after review sessions he genuinely will help you for as long as needed.

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CHEM109A . 5 Years Ago

Aue is an iconic king. His lack of structure makes his lectures confusing at times, but if you see him during office hours or after review sessions he is super helpful and genuinely cares about your success. Practice tests were very similar to the real ones and his curve is massive (around 10%).

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CHEM109A . 5 Years Ago

Aue is a great researcher and teacher for honors or 109C but for 109A, he is quite possibly the WORST professor you could ever take. If you don't go into his class with a very advanced chemistry background (that you probably don't have if you're taking 109A), good luck. This class is not fair and studying/knowing the material doesn't mean success.

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109A . 5 Years Ago

He gives practice exams that are almost identical to the real ones and only tests on what he goes over in class. Lectures are pretty disorganized and hard to follow though. Overall hes iconic king.

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109A . 5 Years Ago

Aue is a great and fair professor. Exams have few curveballs and everything that he goes over in class is super important and always tested. He is a little disorganized but not too bad. He goes against the book at times so going to lecture is important. He responds super fast over email and just overall wants you to understand WHY not just memoriz

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109A . 5 Years Ago

Aue is terrible at explaining what he does in class and dismissed questions. He assumes you have already learned everything from the textbook and only goes over vague examples. All practice questions/exams given are from 2006-2014. No homework or way to practice. Basically a waste of your time...

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109C . 5 Years Ago

Goes pretty slow. No book use needed at all. He tests based on what he lectures. Make sure to use his old exams he posts as they are very similar to his current ones

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CHEM109C . 5 Years Ago

Goes super slow, but a guy that genuinely wants you to understand. He tries to help you understand rather than memorize. He repeats things over and over to stress what's important. He gives practice tests that are almost identical to his real exams.

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CHEM109CH . 5 Years Ago

Dr. Aue is really nice and caring, and wants all his students to succeed. Had him for all 3 quarters of honors ochem. Tests are mechanism and theory heavy, also has predict the products. Writing down everything he puts on the board, organizing it, and making flash cards will help your grade. Tells funny stories.

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109AH . 5 Years Ago

Took Aue for 109ABCH and he's the sweetest man!! Even though I felt like I wasn't understanding anything from the lectures, going home and reading the book to supplement them really helped! Know everything that he writes down on the board and pay attention. Wants all his students to succeed and even bought us lunch after our final once.

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109ABCH . 5 Years Ago

I had Aue the whole honors series. While I don't think any OChem class is easy, Aue really makes the effort of explaining why reactions occur and applications. I used the textbook to supplement lectures but not critical. Know every mech he puts on the board, even obscure ones, and put the focus on understanding rather than memorizing.

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CHEM109BH . 5 Years Ago

Again Dr. Aue is an iconic king who is one of the best professors I have ever had. His exams are very reasonable, but you must be pretty knowledgeable of the mechanisms, the theory behind why they happen, and predicting the products. He also has questions about synthesis. He really wants everyone to do well, is very caring and nice.

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109C . 5 Years Ago

His class was fun and tests weren't hard as long as you know the mechanisms (really know them well) No homework but better do the problems he listed on his syllabus. He gave out practice tests that were very similar to the actual midterm and final (he reused some questions)

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109C . 5 Years Ago

Aue is a king. had him for 109b and 109c. both were hard just because of the difficult material, but not because of Aue. you literally will not pass without attending every lecture and paying attention. know every mech he does in class and proof your lecture notes with the book

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109BC . 6 Years Ago

Amazing professor! Highly recommend taking ochem one quarter off just to get Aue. His test questions come directly from lectures, so I think it is easier than other ochem classes. He really cares and wants you to understand why things happen, which is the best way to learn ochem!

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CHEM109AH . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Aue is an ICONIC KING and the best professor I have ever had at UCSB. I am SO glad I got into the honors ochem section, bc he is the best prof. His tests are very predictable, and he teaches so you UNDERSTAND rather than memorize. He teaches the concepts so well. Just an amazing, inspirational man.

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109BC . 6 Years Ago

Best ochem prof. Really knows what hes talking about and makes his lectures interesting and relevant. His tests are exactly like his practice tests and this class is easy to do well in if you stay on top of the reading and do all the recommended practice problems and practice tests.

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OCHEM109C . 6 Years Ago

I want Aue to be my Grandpa. His stories are always worth the listen and his dry humor is the best. He is pretty cool because you don't "need" to use the book because he takes his test question directly from his lectures. He can be disorganized at times but check with friends to make sure your notes are correct. Also is very practical. no tricks.

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109C . 6 Years Ago

Aue is the best ochem professor Ive had! (Ive had bruice and gainer) His exams are very fair and he mostly only expects you to know what he goes over in lecture SO GO TO CLASS. He may seem a little unorganized and all over the place but as long as you keep up, you will be fine!!

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109B109C . 6 Years Ago

Once you figure out his teaching style you will pass the class. Copy everything he writes on the board and go home and learn it. Make flashcards of predict the products and study his practice exams he posts. Tests are half multiple choice half written.

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